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Wow, just look at this mess. Here I was thinking the other thread was bad in Sony forum but now we have on here as well. To be honest it's funny.

... now I'll contribute.

First, Geohot does not deserve your money. Oxfam does. Geohot bought this on himself and is not a charity. People who gave their money to this guy should really think about giving some money to charity as well to make up for their throwing money in a toilet and flushing.

I own a PS3, essentially I bought some hardware with a copy of the firmware on it. The definition of firmware is perminant software programmed into the ROM. All Software has licencing, this is evident from freeware to shareware, some you buy a copy to use or pay a yearly fee. Freeware has a free licence. I am not legally allowed to make a copy of that software, change and distribute as my own work, free or otherwise. This is a copywrite infringement.

The PS3 once has OtherOS as an option, people abused this and it was taken away. Sony gave it to us for free with the purchase of a PS3 in the naive thought we'd use it for legitimate reasons. Someone didn't so Sony took it away. This is in Sony's rights as they owned the firmware the OtherOS was contained within. Example, if I gave a kid playing on a public field (PS3) a ball (OtherOS) I owned to play with and then he started kicking the ball at the local players' hut (PS3 security) and breaking it, I'd take away that ball. If he continued to play nice with the ball in the public field, maybe with his friends then he'd still have the ball.

Hmm, pie.