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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Wii's fall from grace

@Mr. Khan i think Pezus just answered your question (Infamous 2 in June) when i said Sony what i really meant was PS3 games PERIOD. 1st and 3rd party. Dont care how one feels about PS3 that lineup cant be denied. Yakuza 4, Ar Telwhatever thats called, Motorstorm, Tomb Raider Collection, Splinter Cell Collection, ICo Collection, Killzone3, Bulletstorm, Crysis 2, Socom 4, Deus Ex, im sure im missing some. Not trying to turn this into a PS3 is better than..., but the line up, its not even fair.

@Iamawesome  1. that could happen    2. that could happen too, but again i said FIRST half of the year, by the time E3 comes around thats half the year right there, so IMHO Wii dont really have nothing for the 1st couple of months for 2011

3. i think it got shelved or it wont come out till xmas, like you say

4. Gears 3 is pretty much done already, the reason for the delay is that MS wanted their biggest hitter of the year for a holiday release. Uncharted 3, Naughty Dog has a great track record, but even if it didnt you still have Mass Effect 3 coming out that month which is multi for PS360/PC. Not to mention COD whatever that even if released on Wii will pale sales wise compared to the HD versions

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Dr.Grass said:

OP:Yes the Wii is absolutely doomed and has FALLEN FROM GRACE.

Sheeeesh man, I bet you've been saying this crap for 5 years. Sorry for being rude, but I've heard all that nonsense before, and the worst is that it comes packaged in a quasi intellectual package.

Helooo new enemies.

The wii will end up selling the most this gen there is no question about that. But what if there were no generation starts and ends. Right now, it is clear that there has been a shift in Nintendo's focus away from the wii.

Right now the 360 and PS3 are selling well, and it is becoming a trend.

Also right now the wii needs something to change for a brighter future. That is what I meant in the term "Fall from Grace"

The Wii is great. I love Nintendo. But they should be considering some new options and fast, or the wii will- from here on out only be referred to as dominant in the past tense, (in terms of weekly/monthly hardware sales)

̶3̶R̶D̶   2ND! Place has never been so sweet.

if i may be so bold i dont think Ninty needs to do anything, they made their bread already, so lets go 3DS and Wii2 or whatever they got coming down the pipe

Even if Nintendo stopped manufacturing the Wii today, it has already been a unprecedented success in terms of both sales and profits.

At this point, it almost doesn't matter if they changed their strategy to focus on 3DS sales and soft development.

Naturally, Nintendo will still have to maintain adequate software support until the next gen successor is announced, even if for nothing other than to keep the Wii brand relevant, but they've already reaped all the benefits from the success of the platform, regardless of sales from this point onward.

And while I still think there are untapped markets at a $149 entry price, price restructuring at this point probably won't set sales on fire again without another broad appeal hit like Wii Fit. But nothing game changing has been announced, the Vitality Sensor is MIA and was never positioned as The Next Big Thing from Nintendo anyway, so sustainment of sales and maintaining brand relevance are more or less where the Wii is at through the remainder of its life cycle.

Even if the Wii closes at 40% marketshare, Nintendo is still the market leader. I have a hard time seeing either the 360 or the PS3 closing at more than 33% by comparison.

The WIi in 2006-2009 was something to fear for the executives of Sony and Microsoft console divisions. In 2011 looking forward to the rest of the year and beyond I simply cannot see that same fear. So if you could say that in 2008 Nintendo didn't even have to think about Microsoft/Sony or Xbox 360/PS3, in 2011 they too can ignore the Wii for all intents. Microsoft and Sony won't be in a hurry to change the status quo in the short term but the real question is what Nintendo will do as they have effectively been handed the ball with the words 'your move' written on it.


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Salnax said:

The Wii's fall from grace is to be expected. It's patter is not too different from the PS2 before it. The real oddity is the HD systems. Their life cycles appear to simply be longer than the Wii's, and in fact, longer than any console I've ever seen. Remember when Sony talked about their 10 year plan? The HD systems are actually like that. The Wii is a traditional 5 or 6 year platform.

It's not so clear.

The PS2 peaked in Europe in year 6 for example. 

So compared to previous generation the Wii peaked abnormaly early. And remember there were hardware shortage the first two years. It's actually conceivable that without those shortages the Wii might even have peaked earlier...

The thing is Nintendo came up with a revolutionary idea ( motion control) , it took up like brushfire, surprised everyone , even Nintendo and since then they have still been living off that same idea which by now is getting old...

That and they went after a new segment of gamer which since then have move on to others gaming practices ( facebook games, phone games...).

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

ultraslick said:
Dr.Grass said:

OP:Yes the Wii is absolutely doomed and has FALLEN FROM GRACE.

Sheeeesh man, I bet you've been saying this crap for 5 years. Sorry for being rude, but I've heard all that nonsense before, and the worst is that it comes packaged in a quasi intellectual package.

Helooo new enemies.

The wii will end up selling the most this gen there is no question about that. But what if there were no generation starts and ends. Right now, it is clear that there has been a shift in Nintendo's focus away from the wii.

Right now the 360 and PS3 are selling well, and it is becoming a trend.

Also right now the wii needs something to change for a brighter future. That is what I meant in the term "Fall from Grace"

The Wii is great. I love Nintendo. But they should be considering some new options and fast, or the wii will- from here on out only be referred to as dominant in the past tense, (in terms of weekly/monthly hardware sales)

Yes, but this isn't the start of the gen. If it was, then Nintendo would be doing more. Andit would be selling more, because no-one would have one!

Saturation is key; I wonder how well the PS360 would sell when/if they reach 85million?

The Wii is already a downright success, why do anything when it's still selling fine? Just so they can be on top ALL THE TIME?

Nintendo don't care about how well the Wii sells now. It's done its part, like the DS. They'll keep advertising, bringing out games, bundles etc. But the focus is now on the 3DS, and likely on the Wii2. The Wii will clear 100mil easily. That's great for the console whose lifetie total for some was only a fifth of that, and was to "force Nintendo out of the console business forever"

Let's also remember one thing...IT HAD ONE, ONE  bad week, and now the Wii's more doomed than the travel network in the UK when it snows...

Let's wait for this weeks sales, heck, let's wait for E3 to judge how well its doing. Let's not say something has "fallen from grace" when it lost its balance on only one occasion...


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

I thought we were all in general agreement that we won't cite "Wii is doomed" until the holiday period where it is dramatically down YoY.

Disconnect and self destruct, one bullet a time.

The Wii was the best selling console of 2010.

At the beginning of 2011 it has some slow month (that means it sales as much as PS3 or xbox360) and that is a fall from grace? The slow 2011 start is mainly because there are no big games release for the Wii in the first few month, because the 3ds gots all the power. :)

But Nintendo has some system sellers in the sleeve (like Zelda, Vitality Sensor etc.) and many games to please the hardcore crowd (Xenoblade, The Last Story, Pikmin 3, new Kirby, new fatal Frame, Pandoras Tower etc.)

The Wii sales will rise again after the 3DS launch.

you are dreaming!.. no way in hell the HD twins is gonna catch up!..

how much is the HD twins selling more than the wii each month?.. not by much!

how much total does the wii have over the ps3 and 360?.. a whole lot!..

Im not even gonna post numbers.. so you can do it yourself and educate yourself.