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Forums - General Discussion - So, I'm 21 and never had a girlfriend or kissed or held hands with a girl

disolitude said:
Chrizum said:

You need sex. So make sure you have sex.

As for relationships: stay away from them. They are useless. You're not missing out on anything.

haha, well played.

OT - I was not really in to those things myself till I was 18, which was late compared to all my friends. From 19-25, you really can't have a certain, stable relationship as you are stil developing as a person and so is the girl you are dating most likely.  I've seen couples date from high school to end of college only to realize that they have absolutely nothing in common. While you may be missing out on a feeling and emotions by not being in a also are missing out on a feeling an emotions when getting stabbed in the stomac with a its not necessarily a good thing lol.

Advice - get your shit in order first. Get an education, job, career...then you can focus on a relationship properly. But if some hottie wants to take you home for a night, don't be shy...

Do date, but don't look for a soulmate or something silly like that...

I don't know.. I feel like that something is missing in my life... but whenever I look at people who've come from bad break-ups it really makes me question getting into any...

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Bullshit, hell yeah you're missing out - on emotions, on love, on sex, everything. There is no good without the bad, and you you should experience both instead of staying some "clean slate". It's not like you're alone, my friend is 20 and is the same as you. Don't rush it, but you're absolutely missing out. I've never heard of this stupid "clean slate" attitude until now, though.

Heh, i'm exactly the same (21 and have gotten absolutely nowhere in that field). Granted, i've only asked a girl out twice and struck out pretty severely both times (escapades some of you might remember for the second one given that attention-whoring thread of mine)

Occasionally i have my regrets, but i barely have the time of day to do what i'm doing already, without someone else for whom i'd have to fill the time with their needs (even being completely unemployed, you'd be surprised how few hours there are in the day, and it only gets worse when i'm actually doing something)

Point is, if you think it would be worth the hassle, go for it, if not, whatever. It's all about hedging utility versus cost

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

PhoenixKing said:
disolitude said:
Chrizum said:

You need sex. So make sure you have sex.

As for relationships: stay away from them. They are useless. You're not missing out on anything.

haha, well played.

OT - I was not really in to those things myself till I was 18, which was late compared to all my friends. From 19-25, you really can't have a certain, stable relationship as you are stil developing as a person and so is the girl you are dating most likely.  I've seen couples date from high school to end of college only to realize that they have absolutely nothing in common. While you may be missing out on a feeling and emotions by not being in a also are missing out on a feeling an emotions when getting stabbed in the stomac with a its not necessarily a good thing lol.

Advice - get your shit in order first. Get an education, job, career...then you can focus on a relationship properly. But if some hottie wants to take you home for a night, don't be shy...

Do date, but don't look for a soulmate or something silly like that...

I don't know.. I feel like that something is missing in my life... but whenever I look at people who've come from bad break-ups it really makes me question getting into any...

Do date but do it casually till you're a bit older...That way you don't let is get to a bad breakup. Any girl you date right now is not likely to be "the one" so just do it for fun.

Trust me, unless you can land a diamond in the rough, girls from the age of 18-25 are all bat-shit crazy and shouldn't be taken seriously when it comes to relationships. Once they are like 27 and out of college for a few years,  working in a bank mortgage office stamping checks all day long, and their biological clock is ticking...then they are ready to be in serious relationships.

I wouldn't worry about it too much. A lot of my friends at both Uni and school were like that and didn't really have a proper relationship or any dating experience. They've since gone on to have both short and long-term relationships they've enjoyed so I guess patience is key.You are missing out but the point is 21 is still fairly young and it's definately worth it (both physically and emtionally).

Eventually you'll find a girl that you like and likes you back and you'll see what all the fuss is about. The positives completely outweigh the negatives.

And I've been with the same girl since I was 16 (25 now), although I think I'm probably the exception rather than the rule for most people and relationships in their teens.

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You may say you aren't missing much... but I bet when you go to bed at night listening to "forever young" you'll cry your eyes out.

I'm actually hoping this one girl and me will work out. First date today :) Would I be missing out if I never gave us a chance.. well hell yes I would be! she's awesome! I'm in my last semester of HS.... So there's always hope!

And that's the only thing I need is *this*. I don't need this or this. Just this PS4... And this gaming PC. - The PS4 and the Gaming PC and that's all I need... And this Xbox 360. - The PS4, the Gaming PC, and the Xbox 360, and that's all I need... And these PS3's. - The PS4, and these PS3's, and the Gaming PC, and the Xbox 360... And this Nintendo DS. - The PS4, this Xbox 360, and the Gaming PC, and the PS3's, and that's all *I* need. And that's *all* I need too. I don't need one other thing, not one... I need this. - The Gaming PC and PS4, and Xbox 360, and thePS3's . Well what are you looking at? What do you think I'm some kind of a jerk or something! - And this. That's all I need.

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You're not missing anything in the least. Society just expects you, especially as a male, to sow your wild oats by this time. You shouldn't feel you're lacking in any way because you haven't dated, kissed, or put your penis inside another human being. The only way you'd be missing anything is if you and some girl really liked/loved each other and you just let it fade away. Dating just to date or say you've dated or "prove" that you're a man is for a while, but meaningless if your heart is not in it.

And no, your body does not "need" sex like someone said. Your body needs food, water, oxygen, sleep, etc. Your body and mind crave sex, which is totally different.

Disolitude has it right. Get your life in order(education, job) first, and if someone special comes along during that time, great. If not, start looking for a girl when you've got your life established and gotten the basics taken care of. Too bad I didn't listen more to advice like this when I was your age haha.

"I feel like I could take on the whole Empire myself."

Slimebeast said:

It depends on how much you are craving for kisses, love and the female body.

If you aren't too "horny" and frustrated then you are in a good position at the moment.

Personally I've stopped relationships all together because it's too much hassle and frustration. *fixed*

what this guy said, especially the last part

Eh. Personally I think you're missing out. Girls are great.


Also your friends sound really depressing. Relationships usually do go down in flames eventually, you just need to forget about it and move on.

quigontcb said:

You're not missing anything in the least. Society just expects you, especially as a male, to sow your wild oats by this time. You shouldn't feel you're lacking in any way because you haven't dated, kissed, or put your penis inside another human being. The only way you'd be missing anything is if you and some girl really liked/loved each other and you just let it fade away. Dating just to date or say you've dated or "prove" that you're a man is for a while, but meaningless if your heart is not in it.

And no, your body does not "need" sex like someone said. Your body needs food, water, oxygen, sleep, etc. Your body and mind crave sex, which is totally different.

Disolitude has it right. Get your life in order(education, job) first, and if someone special comes along during that time, great. If not, start looking for a girl when you've got your life established and gotten the basics taken care of. Too bad I didn't listen more to advice like this when I was your age haha.

"I don't understand how someone could like Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky, but not like Twilight!!!"

"Last book I read was Brokeback Mountain, I just don't have the patience for them unless it's softcore porn."

                                                                               (The Voice of a Generation and Seece)

"If you cant stand the sound of your own voice than dont become a singer !!!!!"
