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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Will Sony eat crow again?

SpartenOmega117 said:
irstupid said:
Torillian said:
irstupid said:

not saying it won't.  was jocking. 

But as you pointed out, you get sick doign stuff in vehicles, and you get sick watching 3D.

So regardless if you have the 3D turned on or off for the 3DS, you woudl get sick.  So whats your point then?  That people who get motionsickness can't play their 3DS in teh car?  Well no shit, they can't play a gameboy, a ds, or a psp either.  Or taht peopel who get sick watching 3D can't play the 3DS.  Well again no shit, this is all common sense.  Its like saying a blind person won't care about different color sku's. 

The 3DS can turn off 3D for those taht get sick, and for those that get sick playing in car.  Well duh, don't play in car.  Its not the 3DS' fault. 

This is really taking some effort, it's not about the idea that someone getting motionsickness wouldn't want to play the 3DS in a car, it's that if you do two strenuous activities at the same time someone who wasn't sick doing either individual activity could percievably get sick trying to do both at the same time.  And thus it isn't the same as sitting down because you have added another mitigating factor. 

My point is simply going against the idea that sitting at home watching 3D is the exact same experience as doing so on the go, which is what you pointed out as ridiculous when Sony said it.  I don't honestly give a shit about what is or is not the 3DS's fault, and this will not at all factor in the sales or reviews of the 3DS, but what you said about the two activities being so obviously the same thing is just wrong.

yea i get what your saying.  someone may be able to watch 3D and not get sick, and someone may be able to play a game in the car and not get sick.  but doing both could make him sick.  but that is just speculation.

besides, you can turn OFF the 3D can you not?  besides playing on the go is not 100% in a vehicle either.

but isnt the 3d what makes the 3ds stand out? besides the 3d what else is a really good reason for buying a 3ds besides playing "nintendo" games

3D is the gimmick that will get word to spread like the wiimote did for teh Wii.

But it won't be 3D that will make this a success or not.  It will be games.  I am getting it for games i want.  and games that i can play and are great portable games, not just console games on a handheld. 

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All this bullshit, butthurt and trash talk comes down to this:

1-  Nintendo is getting their parallax barrier screens from Sharp.

2 - Sony wasn't expecting Nintendo to jump ship on this tech.

3 - Sony won't use a costly 3rd party hardware from Sharp on their machine. Profits are already small, if any at start with NGP.

4 - Nintendo is heavily successfull with its new gimmick; Sony trash talks them while developing a proprietary 3D screen for a later NGP.

5 - Sony fanboys rejoice. 3D glassesless is now the best thing ever.

6 - Nintendo fanboys serve crow.

7 -  Overall sales patern remain pretty much the same.

Mr.Metralha said:

All this bullshit, butthurt and trash talk comes down to this:

1-  Nintendo is getting their parallax barrier screens from Sharp.

2 - Sony wasn't expecting Nintendo to jump ship on this tech.

3 - Sony won't use a costly 3rd party hardware from Sharp on their machine. Profits are already small, if any at start with NGP.

4 - Nintendo is heavily successfull with its new gimmick; Sony trash talks them while developing a proprietary 3D screen for a later NGP.

5 - Sony fanboys rejoice. 3D glassesless is now the best thing ever.

6 - Nintendo fanboys serve crow.

7 -  Overall sales patern remain pretty much the same.

That is to be expected...


i don't know why evrything should be the same.

who would enjow with 3d buy a 3ds if someone would best graphic buy a NPG

if evrything was 3d the consumers will not know what they will choose

PS4 - over 100 millions let's say 120m
Xbox One - 70m
Wii U - 25m

Vita - 15m if it will not get Final Fantasy Kingdoms Heart and Monster Hunter 20m otherwise
3DS - 80m

Probably yes - - - - It's no big deal though, they should've gotten used to the taste by now

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Companies saying that they are better than their competitor.


Unheard of...



I make my choices based on what companies are providing to me as a gamer, not on what they say.  I guess that makes me unusual around these parts.  Nintendo and Sony have always done that for me.  I guess it's also unusual to like both companies as well.

"Naturally the common people don't want war: Neither in Russia, nor in England, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, IT IS THE LEADERS of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is TELL THEM THEY ARE BEING ATTACKED, and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. IT WORKS THE SAME IN ANY COUNTRY."  --Hermann Goering, leading Nazi party member, at the Nuremberg War Crime Trials 


Conservatives:  Pushing for a small enough government to be a guest in your living room, or even better - your uterus.


SpartenOmega117 said:
irstupid said:

yea i get what your saying.  someone may be able to watch 3D and not get sick, and someone may be able to play a game in the car and not get sick.  but doing both could make him sick.  but that is just speculation.

besides, you can turn OFF the 3D can you not?  besides playing on the go is not 100% in a vehicle either.

but isnt the 3d what makes the 3ds stand out? besides the 3d what else is a really good reason for buying a 3ds besides playing "nintendo" games

That's what I don't get at all, either.  It seems to be the answer for anything negative about the 3DS.  The battery life too short, turn off the 3D.  The effect makes you sick, turn off the 3D.  What's the point in owning a 3DS, then?  Of course, for supporters of Nintendo the answer will be the games, but not all people bought the DS just for games made by Nintendo.  There are 3 reasons I bet a lot of casuals and previous non-gamers bought it.  One, it was on the market before the PSP in all regions, almost a year ahead in a few regions.  Two, It cost a whole $100 less than the PSP at launch.  Three, many liked the touchscreen feature. 

And let's be honest, what's going to be the reason the mainstream are going to purchase this over the NGP, or update from a DS/PSP?  The 3D, of course.  I mean it's only part of its name and the main point put into its marketing.  If the answer for any problem they may have with it just turn the 3D off, I doubt many mainstreamers are going to see a need for it.

Mr.Metralha said:

All this bullshit, butthurt and trash talk comes down to this:

1-  Nintendo is getting their parallax barrier screens from Sharp.

2 - Sony wasn't expecting Nintendo to jump ship on this tech.

3 - Sony won't use a costly 3rd party hardware from Sharp on their machine. Profits are already small, if any at start with NGP.

4 - Nintendo is heavily successfull with its new gimmick; Sony trash talks them while developing a proprietary 3D screen for a later NGP.

5 - Sony fanboys rejoice. 3D glassesless is now the best thing ever.

6 - Nintendo fanboys serve crow.

7 -  Overall sales patern remain pretty much the same.

Almost perfect. I would just add:

6.5 - Sony fanboys deny it ever happened.

rubido said:
Mr.Metralha said:

All this bullshit, butthurt and trash talk comes down to this:

1-  Nintendo is getting their parallax barrier screens from Sharp.

2 - Sony wasn't expecting Nintendo to jump ship on this tech.

3 - Sony won't use a costly 3rd party hardware from Sharp on their machine. Profits are already small, if any at start with NGP.

4 - Nintendo is heavily successfull with its new gimmick; Sony trash talks them while developing a proprietary 3D screen for a later NGP.

5 - Sony fanboys rejoice. 3D glassesless is now the best thing ever.

6 - Nintendo fanboys serve crow.

7 -  Overall sales patern remain pretty much the same.

Almost perfect. I would just add:

6.5 - Sony fanboys deny it ever happened.

6.5 - Sony fans deny that Nintendo played any part, and that this was a decision made purely on the fact they had the technology years ago, but didn't feel like using it until now. 


Mr.Metralha said:

All this bullshit, butthurt and trash talk comes down to this:

1-  Nintendo is getting their parallax barrier screens from Sharp.

2 - Sony wasn't expecting Nintendo to jump ship on this tech.

3 - Sony won't use a costly 3rd party hardware from Sharp on their machine. Profits are already small, if any at start with NGP.

4 - Nintendo is heavily successfull with its new gimmick; Sony trash talks them while developing a proprietary 3D screen for a later NGP.

5 - Sony fanboys rejoice. 3D glassesless is now the best thing ever.

6 - Nintendo fanboys serve crow.

7 -  Overall sales patern remain pretty much the same.

your forgetting the statement saying that Sony was planning on using this tech 10 years ago and nintendo didn't do it first