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Forums - General Discussion - Should People Take Justice Into Their Own Hands (partocular case)


Should People Take Justice Into Their Own Hands (partocular case)

Yes 48 57.83%
No 32 38.55%
sapphi_snake said:
pizzahut451 said:
axt113 said:
Disrarge said:

I beleive it's not our place to seek revenge... Just Gods...

How do you know we are not gods?  Perhaps the gods are within us all, in which case we are allowed to seek revenge by your logic

There are no Gods, only God

And even that's not true.

It is....most pagan religions are dead, outdated and wrong. Pagans should abbandon their false and made up Gods and accept the abrahamic God as a true God and savior of mankind, the true creator of universe and the highest power in the exisatnce

Around the Network
pizzahut451 said:
axt113 said:
Disrarge said:

I beleive it's not our place to seek revenge... Just Gods...

How do you know we are not gods?  Perhaps the gods are within us all, in which case we are allowed to seek revenge by your logic

There are no Gods, only God

Nope, if there is one, then there is more than one


More likely there is none

pizzahut451 said:
sapphi_snake said:
pizzahut451 said:
axt113 said:
Disrarge said:

I beleive it's not our place to seek revenge... Just Gods...

How do you know we are not gods?  Perhaps the gods are within us all, in which case we are allowed to seek revenge by your logic

There are no Gods, only God

And even that's not true.

It is....most pagan religions are dead, outdated and wrong. Pagans should abbandon their false and made up Gods and accept the abrahamic God as a true God and savior of mankind, the true creator of universe and the highest power in the exisatnce

The abrahamic god is a myth

More than likely there are no gods, and if there is one, then there is more than one

sapphi_snake said:
Killiana1a said:


As much as I want to vote "no" with my trust in the judicial system of the United States, I just cannot escape the reality of all the emotions, hopes and dreams I will have for my unborn children. Likewise, working in Mental Health I know from my own 2 eyes that true rehabilitation where a person comes in afflicted with a malady of mental health issues rarely comes out of the process with the capability of being a productive, independent member of society.

There is a saying among old timers in the mental health system, "This is a job you try to work yourself out of, but you never will."

Meaning, we will see peaks and valleys with who we work with, yet they (the client) has a very low chance of becoming fully independent with no chance of receding back into the mental health system.

If a 10 year old or even 8 year old (I cut it off at age 6 because they are too damn young to understand the consequences of their actions) is adult enough to commit a serious crime, then they should be treated as an adult.

Rehabilitation is a failed theory buttressed by a bunch of idealistic, new age Baby Boomers running Criminology Departments in academia. I work in what they lecture about and may have interned in 20 to 40 years ago. I can count on one hand those who have been fully rehabilitated back into society. They are wrong and I am right.

Was your whole post meant to be sarcastic?

No, serious. I have these discussions with people too often. I am sick and tired of college kids reciting something that some lifelong denizen of an ivory tower wrote. Having a text book for a course does not make one an expert.

If you want to get at the truth of what are the successful rates of rehabilitation then the best people to talk to are prison guards, mental health professionals, and those working in mental health like me. We are the practicioners putting your professor's hair of the whim theories to work to see if they work. Most of the time they don't.

Our job is rehabilitation and frankly, we don't see enough it to justify some professor's pet theory based on their delusional belief that criminals are victims of their past.

Life is about choices, rich or poor, if you make bad choices then society will push back and you will pay the price. You have no one to blame but yourself. Sure Johnny Jones living up the street with the more expensive toys may have been dealt a better hand at life, but you like Johnny Jones received an equivalent public schooling education and had the same opportunity to pursue higher educational opportunities to better yourself. 

The only thing a criminal is a victim of is their bad choices.

pizzahut451 said:
sapphi_snake said:
pizzahut451 said:
axt113 said:
Disrarge said:

I beleive it's not our place to seek revenge... Just Gods...

How do you know we are not gods?  Perhaps the gods are within us all, in which case we are allowed to seek revenge by your logic

There are no Gods, only God

And even that's not true.

It is....most pagan religions are dead, outdated and wrong. Pagans should abbandon their false and made up Gods and accept the abrahamic God as a true God and savior of mankind, the true creator of universe and the highest power in the exisatnce

All religions are  lies. Your religion is also very outdated and jsut as wrong (and in many cases more wrong) as "pagan" religions. So watch your words Bible thumper!

"I don't understand how someone could like Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky, but not like Twilight!!!"

"Last book I read was Brokeback Mountain, I just don't have the patience for them unless it's softcore porn."

                                                                               (The Voice of a Generation and Seece)

"If you cant stand the sound of your own voice than dont become a singer !!!!!"


Around the Network
sapphi_snake said:
pizzahut451 said:
sapphi_snake said:
pizzahut451 said:
axt113 said:
Disrarge said:

I beleive it's not our place to seek revenge... Just Gods...

How do you know we are not gods?  Perhaps the gods are within us all, in which case we are allowed to seek revenge by your logic

There are no Gods, only God

And even that's not true.

It is....most pagan religions are dead, outdated and wrong. Pagans should abbandon their false and made up Gods and accept the abrahamic God as a true God and savior of mankind, the true creator of universe and the highest power in the exisatnce

All religions are  lies. Your religion is also very outdated and jsut as wrong (and in many cases more wrong) as "pagan" religions. So watch your words Bible thumper!

See... now he's just baited you into a comment that could theoretically get you banned... and a very illogical comment at that.

Kasz216 said:
sapphi_snake said:
pizzahut451 said:
sapphi_snake said:
pizzahut451 said:
axt113 said:
Disrarge said:

I beleive it's not our place to seek revenge... Just Gods...

How do you know we are not gods?  Perhaps the gods are within us all, in which case we are allowed to seek revenge by your logic

There are no Gods, only God

And even that's not true.

It is....most pagan religions are dead, outdated and wrong. Pagans should abbandon their false and made up Gods and accept the abrahamic God as a true God and savior of mankind, the true creator of universe and the highest power in the exisatnce

All religions are  lies. Your religion is also very outdated and jsut as wrong (and in many cases more wrong) as "pagan" religions. So watch your words Bible thumper!

See... now he's just baited you into a comment that could theoretically get you banned... and a very illogical comment at that.

I have no problem with being banned if he's banned also. He did insult the "pagans" on this site after all. And what's illogical about my comment?

"I don't understand how someone could like Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky, but not like Twilight!!!"

"Last book I read was Brokeback Mountain, I just don't have the patience for them unless it's softcore porn."

                                                                               (The Voice of a Generation and Seece)

"If you cant stand the sound of your own voice than dont become a singer !!!!!"


sapphi_snake said:
Kasz216 said:
sapphi_snake said:
pizzahut451 said:
sapphi_snake said:
pizzahut451 said:
axt113 said:
Disrarge said:

I beleive it's not our place to seek revenge... Just Gods...

How do you know we are not gods?  Perhaps the gods are within us all, in which case we are allowed to seek revenge by your logic

There are no Gods, only God

And even that's not true.

It is....most pagan religions are dead, outdated and wrong. Pagans should abbandon their false and made up Gods and accept the abrahamic God as a true God and savior of mankind, the true creator of universe and the highest power in the exisatnce

All religions are  lies. Your religion is also very outdated and jsut as wrong (and in many cases more wrong) as "pagan" religions. So watch your words Bible thumper!

See... now he's just baited you into a comment that could theoretically get you banned... and a very illogical comment at that.

I have no problem with being banned if he's banned also. He did insult the "pagans" on this site after all. And what's illogical about my comment?

You states "All religions are lies".   This is Illogical because

A) I doubt you could even name all religions let alone know enough about all of them.

B) Even if you did know all religions, it's basically impossible to disprove most religions.


By stating "All religions are lies" you assumed the philosphic burden of proof to in fact prove that "all religions are lies."  Which is a much higher burden of proof then he set for himself.  It's such a comically large burden of proof it collapses your entire arguement around yourself.

Oustide that he largely based his premise on Pagan religions being outdated which is proveable based on religious belief surveys... and didn't do it in as flaming a way as you did.

It's the difference  between saying "I think you are misinformed on this issue" "And you are fucking stupid."


Now a correct counter would be say... Hinduism.

Kasz216 said:

You states "All religions are lies".   This is Illogical because

A) I doubt you could even name all religions let alone know enough about all of them.

B) Even if you did know all religions, it's basically impossible to disprove most religions.


By stating "All religions are lies" you assumed the philosphic burden of proof to in fact prove that "all religions are lies."  Which is a much higher burden of proof then he set for himself.  It's such a comically large burden of proof it collapses your entire arguement around yourself.

Oustide that he largely based his premise on Pagan religions being outdated which is proveable based on religious belief surveys... and didn't do it in as flaming a way as you did.

It's the difference  between saying "I think you are misinformed on this issue" "And you are fucking stupid."


Now a correct counter would be say... Hinduism.

I have no interest in disproving obvious lies. I could spend my whole life trying to do that and it would be in vain.

And it's wuite ridiculous to say that a religion is "outdated" based on it's popularity. Just because Christians persecuted pagans and forced them to convert hardly says anything about the validity of either Christianity, or pagan religions.

"I don't understand how someone could like Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky, but not like Twilight!!!"

"Last book I read was Brokeback Mountain, I just don't have the patience for them unless it's softcore porn."

                                                                               (The Voice of a Generation and Seece)

"If you cant stand the sound of your own voice than dont become a singer !!!!!"


sapphi_snake said:
Kasz216 said:

You states "All religions are lies".   This is Illogical because

A) I doubt you could even name all religions let alone know enough about all of them.

B) Even if you did know all religions, it's basically impossible to disprove most religions.


By stating "All religions are lies" you assumed the philosphic burden of proof to in fact prove that "all religions are lies."  Which is a much higher burden of proof then he set for himself.  It's such a comically large burden of proof it collapses your entire arguement around yourself.

Oustide that he largely based his premise on Pagan religions being outdated which is proveable based on religious belief surveys... and didn't do it in as flaming a way as you did.

It's the difference  between saying "I think you are misinformed on this issue" "And you are fucking stupid."


Now a correct counter would be say... Hinduism.

I have no interest in disproving obvious lies. I could spend my whole life trying to do that and it would be in vain.

And it's wuite ridiculous to say that a religion is "outdated" based on it's popularity. Just because Christians persecuted pagans and forced them to convert hardly says anything about the validity of either Christianity, or pagan religions.

Not being popular is one of the exact definitions of unpopular.

Also, in general... that's EXACTLY how religious belief spread and died out... before Judaism.actually.