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Forums - Sony Discussion - Several NPG SKUs at launch, only one with 3G

Perfect. Wifi only SKU here I come.

A warrior keeps death on the mind from the moment of their first breath to the moment of their last.

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^What he said.

A warrior keeps death on the mind from the moment of their first breath to the moment of their last.

I thought several SKUs caused consumer confusion.

Is it trying to be a multimedia smartphone or a gaming handheld? Data packages and the like get to be a hassle.

Leatherhat on July 6th, 2012 3pm. Vita sales:"3 mil for COD 2 mil for AC. Maybe more. "  thehusbo on July 6th, 2012 5pm. Vita sales:"5 mil for COD 2.2 mil for AC."

SaviorX said:

I thought several SKUs caused consumer confusion.

Is it trying to be a multimedia smartphone or a gaming handheld? Data packages and the like get to be a hassle.

Gaming handheld with multimedia capabilities is probably the right category. It doesn't have any phone capabilities. For people who want to get it online some more, I'm sure 3G is sweet. If you don't care for it, don't get it. It can't be that hard consumers to figure out if they want 3G or not, and if so what to get.

Multiple SKUs are nothing but a positive for this sort of device. This is the same price structuring used by Apple, which has been highly successful with consumers.

It will most likely mean multiple amounts of onboard NAND memory, and with the SD slot, those who opt for an entry level SKU still have the option of expanding storage space.

With 3G, the devil will be in the details regarding data network access fees along with the service carrier for each region.

Flat fee monthly access like the iPad 3G, or contract based service resulting in subsidized hardware costs? $199 32GB 3G access SKU with 2 year data contract? Possible, but it seems more likely SCE will go with a monthly flat rate payable when the month expires.

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kafar said:
Cunning_Linguist said:

This is why Sony pisses me off sometimes. Why not put 3g in all sku's? Developers won't take advantage of features only available to a portion of the potential userbase.

3G is just a network interface. developers don't care if the gamer has 3G or not. they can just assume every NGP has network connectivity.

But without the 3G the console can't track where you are. The GPS thing Sony announced. It is a selling point, but without 3G thats not possible anymore. Unless you always carry a hot spot around with you lol.

Is it possible to turn OFF the 3G?....

jarrod said:
kafar said:
Cunning_Linguist said:

This is why Sony pisses me off sometimes. Why not put 3g in all sku's? Developers won't take advantage of features only available to a portion of the potential userbase.

3G is just a network interface. developers don't care if the gamer has 3G or not. they can just assume every NGP has network connectivity.

Pretty much.  It's like arguing not all 360 devs will use the HDD due to the Core/Arcade SKUs, or not all PS3 devs will use network support due to the 40GB lacking WiFi.

That said, going off Sony's comments, it does sound like the 3G options will be more limited than the regular online infrastructure (the term "asynchronous multiplayer" has been thrown out).

First I should say the comment I made was tongue in cheek to make sure this thread had the right amount of unsolicited anti-NGP in it.

But there is also a bit of truth to what I said. Sony are billing the "asychronous multiplayer" thing which from what I can tell kind of needs 3G for low bandwith "connect anywhere" gameplay. But if only one SKU has 3G and only, for example, 20% of buyers purchase that sku, then what incentive is there for the developer to even attempt to include that kind of experience? 

Cunning_Linguist said:

This is why Sony pisses me off sometimes. Why not put 3g in all sku's? Developers won't take advantage of features only available to a portion of the potential userbase.

That doesn't make sense. 3G really is just an extension of wifi.

If you have a smartphone you can see this. If you're on the browser at home and continue to be playing around with it while leaving your house, it will eventually leave the wifi and seemlessly switch to 3G.

This is all it is, an open data connection.

So a dev only has to utilize the built in tools that are specified for network connections and the phone handles which one is being used, 3G or wifi. The reason there are different skus as 3G won't be available to everyone. Sony tends to not do much with Verizon and its 3G network is CDMA vs GSM. So there is a big chance that the US versions of the NGP won't work on Verizon's 3G and as such a person buying on who uses Verizon (there are a lot) would be better off saving the $50 to $100 and buying the wifi only model.

Burning Typhoon said:

Is it possible to turn OFF the 3G?....

yes its like the 3d of the 3ds but you can interact with the 3d images.

Being in 3rd place never felt so good