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Cunning_Linguist said:

This is why Sony pisses me off sometimes. Why not put 3g in all sku's? Developers won't take advantage of features only available to a portion of the potential userbase.

That doesn't make sense. 3G really is just an extension of wifi.

If you have a smartphone you can see this. If you're on the browser at home and continue to be playing around with it while leaving your house, it will eventually leave the wifi and seemlessly switch to 3G.

This is all it is, an open data connection.

So a dev only has to utilize the built in tools that are specified for network connections and the phone handles which one is being used, 3G or wifi. The reason there are different skus as 3G won't be available to everyone. Sony tends to not do much with Verizon and its 3G network is CDMA vs GSM. So there is a big chance that the US versions of the NGP won't work on Verizon's 3G and as such a person buying on who uses Verizon (there are a lot) would be better off saving the $50 to $100 and buying the wifi only model.