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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Why I like Live better than PSN

mantlepiecek said:

Steam says hi. Wii says hi. PSP says hi. DS says hi.

PS2 says hi.

All of these, say Hi.

The only system to charge for online is xbox 360, and it will be the only system to charge for it as well. Until the nextbox releases.

Btw Games for windows live was going to cost $50 as well, but you know, PC gamers have a backbone and hence M$ couldn't go forward with the plan. 

360s online is better than all those combined not including steam imo, so thus we still have the reason...


Bet with Conegamer and Doobie_wop

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AussieGecko said:
mantlepiecek said:

Steam says hi. Wii says hi. PSP says hi. DS says hi.

PS2 says hi.

All of these, say Hi.

The only system to charge for online is xbox 360, and it will be the only system to charge for it as well. Until the nextbox releases.

Btw Games for windows live was going to cost $50 as well, but you know, PC gamers have a backbone and hence M$ couldn't go forward with the plan. 

360s online is better than all those combined not including steam imo, so thus we still have the reason...

It's not 60 USD a year better unfortunately, people just feel that they must use it and justify it since they are paying for it, it's a simple human psych.

There pretty much the same,but with slight cosmetic differences. The only huge differnce is cross game chat and the party features on live,but I really don't care about all of that,so to me it's all the same. I don't mind paying for live and will do so,when I get back to playing halo reach,(playing to many other games right now)but in the grand scheme of things they pretty much serve the same purpose.

AussieGecko said:
Scoobes said:
AussieGecko said:

The gaming we aren't going to agree on, but enough people (in my opinion) have noticed what I have, maybe it is Playstation is better supported away from Australia, but ask people from Australia, Europe etc and they will most likely have the same issues as I have talked to plenty of people on the ps3 about it.

Portal 2 will be most likely more supported with the 360 or evenly done across the board. As portal: still alive, is that even on the PS3 yet?

I'm in the UK and I don't have any problems with PSN. Not sure on mainland Europe and I'm on a cable broadband connection as opposed to the normal phone line broadband so my speed is more consistent as the distance from the exchange means squat. Either way, in the UK I don't know anyone that's had major problems with PSN. Sucks for you Aussies... as does not having the Ashes ;)

I believe Valve are implementing Steamworks on Portal 2 for PS3 but not on 360 due to Live restrictions. This means more frequent and free updates on PSN and Steam unless Microsoft allow Steamworks implementation or come to some other agreement with Valve.

Low blow on the ashes -.- Aus Cricket team is a freaking shambles atm.

Yeah I heard PS3 is getting steam or something though I dont understand the advantage, could that be part of psn plus or what?

English cricket was a shambles barely 10-15 years ago, so now we're winning stuff it needs to be rubbed in (especially as it probably won't last that long)!

With Steam I think it's to do with updates and some of the other Steamworks features. For instance, when a game is updated on Steam it should also be updated automatically on PS3. Might also be that saved games are backed up. I doubt Sony would allow the full single purchase, cross-platform play thing with PC/Mac, but they may let you use a saved game on PS3 on the PC/Mac version. It's all conjecture at this point but I think the first two points are quite likely.

AussieGecko said:
mantlepiecek said:

Steam says hi. Wii says hi. PSP says hi. DS says hi.

PS2 says hi.

All of these, say Hi.

The only system to charge for online is xbox 360, and it will be the only system to charge for it as well. Until the nextbox releases.

Btw Games for windows live was going to cost $50 as well, but you know, PC gamers have a backbone and hence M$ couldn't go forward with the plan. 

360s online is better than all those combined not including steam imo, so thus we still have the reason...

Yea yea, personal opinion, don't force it to other. :)

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I hate the Live for one simple reason : there is no Indie channel in my country.


Such a shame

I know Xbox live is better than PSN because it has cross game chat, a party system, 30 second voice messages and Exclusive map packs for COD games but honestly mate I much prefer PSN because it is free and developers update games more on PSN because Sony doesn't charge developers after 1 free update. Look at what Valve had to say about that. They had to charge people for L4D 2 content that was free on the PC because of the policies Xbox live has.

Also I know people like to act like they get slow downloads on the PS3 and disconnects from games and COD games lag more on PSN but thats just there Bias talking. My brother plays COD all the time on Xbox live and hes always talking about how bad the game lags and disconnects.

How can one system possibley lag more than the other system. Lag is lag period. If your game lags then how does my game lag more. Also when my brothers internet was down for a few weeks he brought his Xbox over to my house to answer messages and download some demos. Demos take just as long to download on Xbox 360 as they do on PSN so people can stop using that urban legend.

I prefer PSN because cross game chat isn't something I would use. It would be nice to have that option there on PSN but I know if it was there I'd use it once or twice. If I'm playing a single player game I'm playing it for the story, I don't want to talk to someone and miss some dialogue in the game and when I'm playing online I want to communicate with people playing on the same team as me.

A Party system would be good too but most games that have online have a party system built into there games now so its practically useless other than its easier to access. I've also heard loads of my brothers 30 second voice messages and there either from people giving him abuse or from people asking him to cheat in COD online.

Yeah Xbox live is better but for something thats 8 years in the making and charges a monthly fee it should be way better than it currently is.

fastyxx said:
mantlepiecek said:Steam says hi. Wii says hi. PSP says hi. DS says hi.

PS2 says hi.

All of these, say Hi.

The only system to charge for online is xbox 360, and it will be the only system to charge for it as well. Until the nextbox releases.

Btw Games for windows live was going to cost $50 as well, but you know, PC gamers have a backbone and hence M$ couldn't go forward with the plan. 



You're comparing PS2/PSP/DS and Wii features as an online service to Live?  

For serious?  


Then what should I compare live too?

I can only compare it to other devices that give online gaming, and as far as I know I know all of them give it for free. Live is the only one that charges for online gaming. Even steam, with its cloud-based storage and automatic updates and cross-compatibility between Mac and windows is free.

As I said, games for windows live, which is an exact clone of xbox live, is for free on the PC. There's no reason for MS to charge for it.

Even onlive has free online gaming.

As far as superiority between Xbox live and PSN  goes, that's actually debatable. You guys should compare PS plus and XBL gold. And then you would realise which is superior. 

Ans PS plus has just started. After the completion of one year they will improve even more as they have shown this christmas.


I have the xbox 360 on a wired connection and my ps3 on a wireless connection. Both pretty much download demos at the same time. The only reason it takes longer to play on PS3 is because I have to install after downloading.  People who say PSN drops just try it on a wired connection and see what happens.

People use "game lags on PSN" as an excuse to justify their purchase of xbox live. In reality however, both give the same performance. Sometimes PSN gives a better performance because many 1st party studios use dedicated servers. I have been buying xbox live memberships since 2006 and my membership will run out in a month. I dont think I will buy another membership until gears 3 comes out because I really only pay for live to play halo and cod online.

I also just recently started playing games on the PC and I am amazed how awesome the STEAM service is and its free! And I dont have to pay $50 for cross game chat because I can just use skype which is alo free and has better audio!

Demo download at the same speed on both. Updates are longer on PS3 but its not related to PSN. Demo installation is also not related to PSN. As a whole, not too much difference between both. They both do something better then the other in some area.