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I know Xbox live is better than PSN because it has cross game chat, a party system, 30 second voice messages and Exclusive map packs for COD games but honestly mate I much prefer PSN because it is free and developers update games more on PSN because Sony doesn't charge developers after 1 free update. Look at what Valve had to say about that. They had to charge people for L4D 2 content that was free on the PC because of the policies Xbox live has.

Also I know people like to act like they get slow downloads on the PS3 and disconnects from games and COD games lag more on PSN but thats just there Bias talking. My brother plays COD all the time on Xbox live and hes always talking about how bad the game lags and disconnects.

How can one system possibley lag more than the other system. Lag is lag period. If your game lags then how does my game lag more. Also when my brothers internet was down for a few weeks he brought his Xbox over to my house to answer messages and download some demos. Demos take just as long to download on Xbox 360 as they do on PSN so people can stop using that urban legend.

I prefer PSN because cross game chat isn't something I would use. It would be nice to have that option there on PSN but I know if it was there I'd use it once or twice. If I'm playing a single player game I'm playing it for the story, I don't want to talk to someone and miss some dialogue in the game and when I'm playing online I want to communicate with people playing on the same team as me.

A Party system would be good too but most games that have online have a party system built into there games now so its practically useless other than its easier to access. I've also heard loads of my brothers 30 second voice messages and there either from people giving him abuse or from people asking him to cheat in COD online.

Yeah Xbox live is better but for something thats 8 years in the making and charges a monthly fee it should be way better than it currently is.