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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Why I like Live better than PSN

i prefer live since i have a 360 for alot longer than a ps3, psn has some cool features that i like alot. like putting my dvd-rips onto my ps3 hdd, the browser is ok but it allowed me to have a cool ever changing avatar theme ( which is a big plus in my book ). i like the avatar feature in live and the huge selection of games,all xbox's have a mic with the system is a feature that i think sony needs to fix with every ps3. paying for live isnt a issue for me and never will be.

if anyone wants too add me on psn or live , pls go ahead.  take care





Around the Network
ImJustBayuum said:
Skeeuk said:

live is a better service due to communication features but no way is it worth paying for.

psn is perfectly fine you can play all your games online without charge

extras on psn:


  • vidzone tv
  • bbc iplayer
  • itv player
  • 4od player
  • muvi
  • lovefilm
  • hulu
  • home network
  • video editer/upload
  • play memories 3d picture viewer
  • playstation lifestyle app
  • upload pictures to facebook/picassa
  • browser

extras on live:


  • cross game chat
  • record voice messeges
  • party system
  • facebook/twitter
  • zune video
apart from having better comms features which is the most important feature, theres nothing else thats worth any charge.

Lots of friends on LIVE = willingness to pay

If Sony was able to turn back time, Im pretty sure they will charge for PSN without questions.

Steam says hi. Wii says hi. PSP says hi. DS says hi.

PS2 says hi.

All of these, say Hi.

The only system to charge for online is xbox 360, and it will be the only system to charge for it as well. Until the nextbox releases.

Btw Games for windows live was going to cost $50 as well, but you know, PC gamers have a backbone and hence M$ couldn't go forward with the plan. 

mantlepiecek said:
ImJustBayuum said:
Skeeuk said:

live is a better service due to communication features but no way is it worth paying for.

psn is perfectly fine you can play all your games online without charge

extras on psn:


  • vidzone tv
  • bbc iplayer
  • itv player
  • 4od player
  • muvi
  • lovefilm
  • hulu
  • home network
  • video editer/upload
  • play memories 3d picture viewer
  • playstation lifestyle app
  • upload pictures to facebook/picassa
  • browser

extras on live:


  • cross game chat
  • record voice messeges
  • party system
  • facebook/twitter
  • zune video
apart from having better comms features which is the most important feature, theres nothing else thats worth any charge.

Lots of friends on LIVE = willingness to pay

If Sony was able to turn back time, Im pretty sure they will charge for PSN without questions.

Steam says hi. Wii says hi. PSP says hi. DS says hi.

PS2 says hi.

All of these, say Hi.

The only system to charge for online is xbox 360, and it will be the only system to charge for it as well. Until the nextbox releases.

Btw Games for windows live was going to cost $50 as well, but you know, PC gamers have a backbone and hence M$ couldn't go forward with the plan. 

I thought this discussiion was only comparing the current living room entertainment boxes (consoles).

There is a willingness to pay from consumers hence the amount of money generated by LIVE and having lots of friends contributes to this willingness to pay; this is especially true in America. The extra features also plays a major role.

AussieGecko said:

The gaming we aren't going to agree on, but enough people (in my opinion) have noticed what I have, maybe it is Playstation is better supported away from Australia, but ask people from Australia, Europe etc and they will most likely have the same issues as I have talked to plenty of people on the ps3 about it.

Portal 2 will be most likely more supported with the 360 or evenly done across the board. As portal: still alive, is that even on the PS3 yet?

I'm in the UK and I don't have any problems with PSN. Not sure on mainland Europe and I'm on a cable broadband connection as opposed to the normal phone line broadband so my speed is more consistent as the distance from the exchange means squat. Either way, in the UK I don't know anyone that's had major problems with PSN. Sucks for you Aussies... as does not having the Ashes ;)

I believe Valve are implementing Steamworks on Portal 2 for PS3 but not on 360 due to Live restrictions. This means more frequent and free updates on PSN and Steam unless Microsoft allow Steamworks implementation or come to some other agreement with Valve.

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Around the Network
Skeeuk said:

live is a better service due to communication features but no way is it worth paying for.

psn is perfectly fine you can play all your games online without charge

extras on psn:


  • vidzone tv
  • bbc iplayer
  • itv player
  • 4od player
  • muvi
  • lovefilm
  • hulu
  • home network
  • video editer/upload
  • play memories 3d picture viewer
  • playstation lifestyle app
  • upload pictures to facebook/picassa
  • browser


extras on live:


  • cross game chat
  • record voice messeges
  • party system
  • facebook/twitter
  • zune video
apart from having better comms features which is the most important feature, theres nothing else thats worth any charge.


European PSN must kick ass!  About 90% of the things on your list aren't available here in the USA.  I also like how you put facebook and Twitter on the same bulletpoint and left Gameroom, Hulu Plus, ESPN, Last FM, Indie Games, Xbox originals, music videos, or any other minor things I could add to the 360's list.  I could do a direct comparison of both (in fact, I'm sure I have in the past) but I'd just end up leaving features off for both consoles.  All I can say with absolute certainty is that, feature for feature, the PS3 WILL come up short.

I own/love both and I'm really enjoying the thread but I just couldn't help but reply to this post.  I'llstay out of this one this time, though.

AussieGecko said:
Doobie_wop said:

I prefer PSN

- I have a larger variety of sleep modes to choose from. This helps when I'm downloading stuff.

- I actually prefer the exclusive games online ( I was really big on Resistance 2, Killzone 2 and Warhawk a while back).

- I prefer the PS3 D-Pad when navigating the store. The Xbox D-Pad is just horrible, sometimes I'd be trying to go up on the demo section and then it was change the menu by going left, which restarts my search progression and it pisses me off.

-  I like that PSN has fewer developer restrictions.

-  I like that I can use any Bluetooth headset for PSN, while I'm limited to Microsoft supported headsets for the 360.

- I do not know what everyone's talking about with PSNs download speed compared to Microsoft's. The download speed is exactly the same on my connection. Even the Live updates ( I updated for the first time in a while just the other night) took the same amount of time.

- I do use the browser from time to time. The browser isn't as bad as people make it out to be, but it's nothing compared to a full PC, it's still useful though for those random Youtube videos you want to show to the whole family.

- I actually like Home. I rarely use it, but when I do, I'm impressed and I spend a decent amount of time just walking around and starting chats. It's an interesting thing and it's free, I like that I have a free option just sitting on my XMB.

- All my friends have PS3's. They frequently play COD online and so I'm rarely alone when I play. I've learnt to make friends on PSN depending on the specific game, every game I've played, I played with different people (Little Big Planet audience is going to be different to the Killzone 2 audience). 

- I hate playing online with idiots and I've found that PSN has a lot less idiots than Live. My friend and I played Halo 3 and COD4 online for a while after they launched ( on his 360) and Jesus fucking Christ are people annoying. I was surprised to see him pick fights with everyone that spoke and how everyone enjoyed yelling at everyone else and it was just messy and rude. My friend (who can be a dick) was talking to this 12 year old kid on Halo and he was just wasting him with insults. I wasn't impressed.

- I like PSN for it's PS1 games and it's weird Japanese games.

- I also find that prices vary far more on PSN, while most of the titles I want on Live are pretty much dead set on a specific price.

- A few extra reasons why I choose PSN over Live includes some hardware specific reasons which either enhance or take away from the experience online. My 360 sounds like a jet engine, if I spend the 20 minutes it needs to install a game to the hard drive. then it sounds like a lawnmower, I do not like the sound my 360 makes when I play games on it. It's fine for exclusives, but when I have another option to choose from, then I'm going to choose the other option.

I only have a 20 gb hard drive, which means I only have about 13 gb for some reason (which is disgusting). I don't want to spend $100 on a new hard drive, so I prefer to download all my games and demo's from PSN. I also don't have to go through the habit of deleting stuff, so I can install the next game I want play on the 360.

- I like the PSN store better. People keep saying how the Live store is way better and easier to navigate, but I don't think that's to be true at all. The PSN store is easy to navigate through, the search feature is useful, I know were everything is and all laid in a classy looking menu. the Live menu looks messy in comparison and it's colour scheme just doesn't fall in my favour. 

- When I use to play my PSP, the interactivity with my PS3 and PSN was extremely useful.

- The final reason why I like PSN better than Live is that I can do all these other things that I prefer for free, while I'd have to pay $80 to do thing's I don't prefer to do on Live. Take into account that I had Live for free for a whole month and outside of a broken Gears of War 2 match and just a few random drop ins with some of my other online games, I never went back to it after the first week, mainly because it didn't impress me.

A lot of those problems are ps3 vs 360. Rather then psn vs xbl, but I like you have stated your reasons :)

The bolded are what I see to be console reasons but each to their own :)

Bring up the d-pad is absolute nonsense though. What did he do, enable some exotic settings on his 360 that forbid him from using the thumbstick to navigate menus?

The entire post has some good points, with some PS3 favoritism for points like that one that don't make any sense at all. Like the all to common "there's more idiots on Live." Yeah, it's for the plain and simple reason that everybody with a 360 has a headset, so go figure there's more people talking on Live.

themanwithnoname's law: As an America's sales or NPD thread grows longer, the probabilty of the comment "America = World" [sarcasticly] being made approaches 1.

XBL and PSN are both garbage tbh, only you are paying 60 bucks per year or you can't play online with one of them. Pick your poison, I pick the PoS that costs me nothing over the PoS that rips me off personally since I'm not a fucking masochist.

mantlepiecek said:Steam says hi. Wii says hi. PSP says hi. DS says hi.

PS2 says hi.

All of these, say Hi.

The only system to charge for online is xbox 360, and it will be the only system to charge for it as well. Until the nextbox releases.

Btw Games for windows live was going to cost $50 as well, but you know, PC gamers have a backbone and hence M$ couldn't go forward with the plan. 



You're comparing PS2/PSP/DS and Wii features as an online service to Live?  

For serious?  


Can't we all just get along and play our games in peace?

Scoobes said:
AussieGecko said:

The gaming we aren't going to agree on, but enough people (in my opinion) have noticed what I have, maybe it is Playstation is better supported away from Australia, but ask people from Australia, Europe etc and they will most likely have the same issues as I have talked to plenty of people on the ps3 about it.

Portal 2 will be most likely more supported with the 360 or evenly done across the board. As portal: still alive, is that even on the PS3 yet?

I'm in the UK and I don't have any problems with PSN. Not sure on mainland Europe and I'm on a cable broadband connection as opposed to the normal phone line broadband so my speed is more consistent as the distance from the exchange means squat. Either way, in the UK I don't know anyone that's had major problems with PSN. Sucks for you Aussies... as does not having the Ashes ;)

I believe Valve are implementing Steamworks on Portal 2 for PS3 but not on 360 due to Live restrictions. This means more frequent and free updates on PSN and Steam unless Microsoft allow Steamworks implementation or come to some other agreement with Valve.

Low blow on the ashes -.- Aus Cricket team is a freaking shambles atm.

Yeah I heard PS3 is getting steam or something though I dont understand the advantage, could that be part of psn plus or what?


Bet with Conegamer and Doobie_wop