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mantlepiecek said:
ImJustBayuum said:
Skeeuk said:

live is a better service due to communication features but no way is it worth paying for.

psn is perfectly fine you can play all your games online without charge

extras on psn:


  • vidzone tv
  • bbc iplayer
  • itv player
  • 4od player
  • muvi
  • lovefilm
  • hulu
  • home network
  • video editer/upload
  • play memories 3d picture viewer
  • playstation lifestyle app
  • upload pictures to facebook/picassa
  • browser

extras on live:


  • cross game chat
  • record voice messeges
  • party system
  • facebook/twitter
  • zune video
apart from having better comms features which is the most important feature, theres nothing else thats worth any charge.

Lots of friends on LIVE = willingness to pay

If Sony was able to turn back time, Im pretty sure they will charge for PSN without questions.

Steam says hi. Wii says hi. PSP says hi. DS says hi.

PS2 says hi.

All of these, say Hi.

The only system to charge for online is xbox 360, and it will be the only system to charge for it as well. Until the nextbox releases.

Btw Games for windows live was going to cost $50 as well, but you know, PC gamers have a backbone and hence M$ couldn't go forward with the plan. 

I thought this discussiion was only comparing the current living room entertainment boxes (consoles).

There is a willingness to pay from consumers hence the amount of money generated by LIVE and having lots of friends contributes to this willingness to pay; this is especially true in America. The extra features also plays a major role.