sharky said: 1. Too bad X360 continues to sell better than PS3 by a huge margin. 2. It's not a dishonest company culture either. All I heard from fanboys was "MS will never make that 10 million they promised!! They are teh liars!!!11" well, they did make it, sorry about your luck. 3. MS is becoming the king of videogames, because they ship a better more reliable product at better prices with better games that people prefer to buy more than their competitors. 4. Look at Sony's PSN and what a terrible product that is. If Sony doesn't shape up and start delivering what consumers want, they get shipped out. 5. MS will establish a videogame monopoly in under two generations. Amazing, 6. That article was awful too, no wonder that guy writes for a shitty blog, no way a reputable publisher would touch that kind of libelous article, they'd get sued. 7. I like how in the beginning, he says that Vista sales suck. Then later, he says that MS threatened retailers with pulling Vista if they didn't order Xbox's. Umm, you just said Vista sucks, moron. Why would retailers care if a sucky product got pulled? 8. That article is just a joke, seems a lot of really bitter fanboys around these days. 9. I like how he only compares sales to Wii and not PS3 also L-O-L. Wii is not Xb360's direct competitor. PS3 is. |
1. The Wii and DS are the only consoles outselling anyone by a huge margin right now.
2. Microsoft is very dishonest company, but that has nothing to do with my next statement. They STILL have not sold 10 million consoles. Look at this website's numbers before you post lies.
3. Nintendo is the closest thing to the king of consoles right now, and in case you haven't heard, Xbox's had that red ring of death problem that caused a lot of people to have to return them. Then, every replacement was counted as another sell. That's terrible. Sony had problems with PS1 overheating and PS2 laser reading problems but at least they worked for awhile. The Wii and PS3 have no global problems like the 360 had. You lie just like Microsoft.
4. The PSN is decent. I wish it added more content than 3 or so things a week. This week is Mortal Kombat 2 for $5. However, it's free and has no lag. Can M$ say the same? No. Like others have said, Home is a lot more than Live and it will still be free.
5. Yeah, amazing. Nintendo and Sony did it in one generation, as someone else said. You can also throw in the Atari because when the Atari 2600 was released it led the 2nd generation of video games and the first for Atari (generation # from wikipedia). Looks like every company that dominated did it the first generation. As badly as Sega sold in Japan, Microsoft looks to be the next Sega.
6. Lots of media outlets have covered it throughout the last few months.
7. Like someone else said, all retailers will want to carry Vista, especially for its launch. Despite it doing poorly because XP runs just fine and not many gamers care about DirectX 10 yet, you still need it in your store. Sony could do the same thing with their TVs to a lesser extent.
8. Your post was the real joke.
9. He compared all 3. But, as long as Microsoft does not win, I'll be happy. Btw, I will continue to consider buying an xbox if it becomes a more reasonable purchase. I'm a gamer, not a fanboy. I happen to prefer the PS3 and Wii right now, and I think with those 2 consoles I'll get 95% of the exclusives I want to play. I've thought about getting the Core if M$ didn't charge so much to add a hard drive and if developers all supported hard drive features. We'll see, but there is no getting around that M$ is a questionable company and has been for decades now.