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Forums - Website Topics - Where do you go to find out more about a game?


Where do you go to find out more about a game?

GameSpot 18 10.06%
IGN 36 20.11%
GameTrailers 33 18.44%
VGChartz / gamrReview 30 16.76%
Google Search 23 12.85%
Other (specify) 39 21.79%

VGChartz and also Magazines EDGE etc..

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- Use the Giant Bomb system and allow the users of the site to update the game information database. You can limit it to users with 2000 posts or more and then they can have the opportunity to update the information on games when ever they want. This will obviously have to be moderated, but it will also cut down the effort that needs to be taken by staff to provide info for every new or old game that has or is = going to be released.

Uhh we can already do that, we've always been able to do that?

ign for info and gametrailers to actually see the game , in fact if there is no vid in GT i often dont search for the rest of the info.

dd if = /dev/brain | tail -f | grep games | nc -lnvvp 80

Hey Listen!

I usually find out about the newly annouced games on CVG ( or here and its then when i set out on my quest to surf Google to find out more about the game.

PSN ID: Stokesy 

Add me if you want but let me know youre from this website

G4tv, gamespy(less now adays, but its easyer to search then other sites, and it links to ign gamespot and a few other sites)gameinformer.

im a bigger VGC fan because the community will bring in the things even other sites don't have, so give it up for the VGC community!

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ioi said:

To those saying N4G - obviously it is a great aggregator for news including new announcements etc but are you saying you'd use it to look for info on a particular game? So say I wanted to find out more about The Last Guardian for example - you'd go to N4G then do a search for the game and go from there?

i'd go to G4 or maybe gamespy. i think G4 and gamyspy have the biggest list of games, although i could be wrong?

Gilgamesh said:


- Use the Giant Bomb system and allow the users of the site to update the game information database. You can limit it to users with 2000 posts or more and then they can have the opportunity to update the information on games when ever they want. This will obviously have to be moderated, but it will also cut down the effort that needs to be taken by staff to provide info for every new or old game that has or is = going to be released.

Uhh we can already do that, we've always been able to do that?

Thanks for correcting me, I never knew. 

Bet with Conegamer and AussieGecko that the PS3 will have more exclusives in 2011 than the Wii or 360... or something.

N4G, i never have to go and find out about games because with just 5 minutes a day I know everything about everything. crappy community though.

 gametrailers for videos, and vgchartz(best forum community ive found!) for sales numbers. playstationblog is awesome as well.

I generally get all my gaming news from news blogs (Kotaky, Destructoid, and Joystiq) and then just follow the sources if I want to read more.  For videos, I generally check Gametrailers about once a day but most videos I see are usually in the story itself.


Also, I don't think I've ever actually used this site for news.  The closest I get to using it for news is if I spot something on the forums before I spot it on a news blog.  I'm not a huge fan of the current layout on gamrfeed and the review site is kind of a pain to navigate so I stay away from it, but if the video site you talked about in the OP is good I could see myself using that.  I get errors all the time in Gametrailers and I would love to find an alternative.

google which takes me some big or small name site which i dont really care for b/c its the game info im intrested in


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