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Forums - Gaming Discussion - "Was Final Fantasy XIII worth all the fuss? No"- Kotaku

FFXIII is one of the biggest disappointments this gen.


It totally flopped on 360


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The Final Fantasy franchise has been dead since FFX, since 2001 there hasnt been any great FF game. FFXII was a disappoinment as was FFXIII, FFXI and FFXIV were online so nobody cared about themm, Crisis Core was alright, Dissidia was crap, Dirge of Ceberus was crap etc

Theres still a huge fan following for this series and i dont know why people bother because it will never be the same as what it will when it was Squaresoft, even this FFvsXIII probably will disappoint everybody yet again.

outlawauron said:
g-value said:
hatmoza said:
myabsolution said:
Tayne said:
Naum said:

Seriously some of you think FFXIII was better then LO??... what a sad day for RPG fan

I concur.

Aye. Thrice.

I only WISH LO had been named FF13... then it would have sold like crack cocaine.

I was so utterly crushed at how crap FF13 was. Story, combat, plot, characters aside from Lightning... /vomit


I vomited when I read that. FFXIII doesn't even hold a candle to LO's originality.

How in the world was Lost Odyssey original?

My question exactly. I think Lost Odyssey is one of the best games ever.

But by no means it is original.

In a generation where crappy-to-subpar "JRPGs" are being looked at as great games by people who wouldn't know a good RPG if it fell from the sky and hit them square on the head, I have every right in calling LO original for not being shitty.

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

i have played every FF from VII onwards and i have to say i enjoyed every installment.every installment had its weak points but overall they were good.people stuck in past installments better move on.

hatmoza said:
outlawauron said:
g-value said:
hatmoza said:
myabsolution said:
Tayne said:
Naum said:

Seriously some of you think FFXIII was better then LO??... what a sad day for RPG fan

I concur.

Aye. Thrice.

I only WISH LO had been named FF13... then it would have sold like crack cocaine.

I was so utterly crushed at how crap FF13 was. Story, combat, plot, characters aside from Lightning... /vomit


I vomited when I read that. FFXIII doesn't even hold a candle to LO's originality.

How in the world was Lost Odyssey original?

My question exactly. I think Lost Odyssey is one of the best games ever.

But by no means it is original.

In a generation where crappy-to-subpar "JRPGs" are being looked at as great games by people who wouldn't know a good RPG if it fell from the sky and hit them square on the head, I have every right in calling LO original for not being shitty.

You are aware that I'm contradicting your post by liking both ends of the spectrum, right? Or am I just an exception?

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

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You know, I just picked this game up for 20 bucks and I'm actually enjoying it so far.  I could not stand XII TBH, and I'm even a fan of Vagrant Story and FF Tactics (they share a common universe).  I guess it must have been the day and night hate the game has obtained, but I honestly expected the worst, and got a decent game so far.  It's no Suikoden 2 by any means, but unless the game "jumps the shark" here pretty soon It was worth my money at least.

Is it the best FF

is it basically mediocre....yes

but the series has been that way for a while.  I feel that most folks get too hyped up for these games and end up raging out afterwards.  I went in with low expectations and I've liked it, It even made me nterested in the sequels coming out.


just my 2 cents...


FFXIII is the best RPG so far this gen


and bun Lost Odyssey. Its amazing but it doesnt hold a candle to FFXIII.

FFXIII when compaired to FFXII is the best game in the world thats how i see it

but S-E advertiseing it for the 360 was beyond stupid and the best way to piss of your fanbase and ps3 fanboys

hatmoza said:
outlawauron said:
g-value said:
hatmoza said:
myabsolution said:
Tayne said:
Naum said:

Seriously some of you think FFXIII was better then LO??... what a sad day for RPG fan

I concur.

Aye. Thrice.

I only WISH LO had been named FF13... then it would have sold like crack cocaine.

I was so utterly crushed at how crap FF13 was. Story, combat, plot, characters aside from Lightning... /vomit


I vomited when I read that. FFXIII doesn't even hold a candle to LO's originality.

How in the world was Lost Odyssey original?

My question exactly. I think Lost Odyssey is one of the best games ever.

But by no means it is original.

In a generation where crappy-to-subpar "JRPGs" are being looked at as great games by people who wouldn't know a good RPG if it fell from the sky and hit them square on the head, I have every right in calling LO original for not being shitty.

OMG I love you, exactly my thoughts

routsounmanman said:
hatmoza said:
outlawauron said:
g-value said:
hatmoza said:
myabsolution said:
Tayne said:
Naum said:

Seriously some of you think FFXIII was better then LO??... what a sad day for RPG fan

I concur.

Aye. Thrice.

I only WISH LO had been named FF13... then it would have sold like crack cocaine.

I was so utterly crushed at how crap FF13 was. Story, combat, plot, characters aside from Lightning... /vomit


I vomited when I read that. FFXIII doesn't even hold a candle to LO's originality.

How in the world was Lost Odyssey original?

My question exactly. I think Lost Odyssey is one of the best games ever.

But by no means it is original.

In a generation where crappy-to-subpar "JRPGs" are being looked at as great games by people who wouldn't know a good RPG if it fell from the sky and hit them square on the head, I have every right in calling LO original for not being shitty.

OMG I love you, exactly my thoughts

Yeah Agreed Best comment on this thread!