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You know, I just picked this game up for 20 bucks and I'm actually enjoying it so far.  I could not stand XII TBH, and I'm even a fan of Vagrant Story and FF Tactics (they share a common universe).  I guess it must have been the day and night hate the game has obtained, but I honestly expected the worst, and got a decent game so far.  It's no Suikoden 2 by any means, but unless the game "jumps the shark" here pretty soon It was worth my money at least.

Is it the best FF

is it basically mediocre....yes

but the series has been that way for a while.  I feel that most folks get too hyped up for these games and end up raging out afterwards.  I went in with low expectations and I've liked it, It even made me nterested in the sequels coming out.


just my 2 cents...