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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Play past Epic games, unlock stuff for Gears of War 3

Cliffy "don't call me Cliffy" B has revealed that if you play a number of alternative Epic Games titles, you can use the save data to unlock unique stuff in Gears of War 3 when it finally launches. That's pretty neat!

Shadow Complex, Unreal Tournament 3, Gears of War and Bulletstorm have all been named by Bleszinski as games that will provide unlocks. So far, obviously, we don't know what they unlocks are, but I'm sure they'll be cool for fans of Epic's stuff. 

Bulletstorm's "Epic Edition" will provide access to the Gears 3 beta, which is due to launch around April, so Gearsheads will doubtlessly want to get in on that. It helps that all those other games are pretty cool too!

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Damm you Epic! I do already have Gears 1, 2 and Shadow Complex, but now you are basically forcing me to buy Bulletstorm!

This looks like a nice excuse to finally get Shadow Complex!

hellraider said:

This looks like a nice excuse to finally get Shadow Complex!

You needed an excuse??  That game was Kick-Ass!  :)

On topic, was never a big fan of Unreal Tournament, but both Gears and Shadow Complex are already owned and Bulletstorm was probably a purchase, even without the beta (now a day-one purchase!).  So I wonder what kind of stuff they are talking about?  Stuff to use in Beast mode I bet.

I have to disagree abotu Shadow Complex. Played the demo and thought it sucked. Hope by save files they meant achievements, as I sold Unreal Tournament 3ages ago and deleted the save file.

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Everyone should get Shadow Complex. One of the best downloadable only games of this gen.

Cool. I still have Gears 1&2 at home, and and I have the full 200g in Shadow Complex.

Barozi said:

Everyone should get Shadow Complex. One of the best downloadable only games of this gen.

I'll second that.

I have all their games they have out this gen so far so I am good. :) Curious what the bonuses will be?

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Berstuck said:
Barozi said:

Everyone should get Shadow Complex. One of the best downloadable only games of this gen.

I'll second that.

I'll Third!! Konami, this is how I want my next Castelvania to be!!

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