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Santa watched impassively from his seat as the mob dragged the bruised Scottie into the light of the bonfire and tied him in place.   Santa's stony face, only half-lit in the light of the flame, disguised his impatience at the seemingly endless day, but at long last he could begin to have his revenge on the rebels.

Santa leaned forward and looked the defeated Scottie directly in the eyes.  "You know why you're here." Santa rumbled into the suddenly quiet night, "Do you have any last words?"  "You idiots, you're making a mistake, and you're all going to pay for your stupidity" Scottie mumbled through swollen lips, his words barely audible, "But if this is the only way to save Nen, then so be it."

Santa let out a quiet snort, then reclined back into his seat.  At that same moment the sound of someone, something, heavy crunching through the snow echoed out.  A large polar bear glided into the light from behind Santa's chair, its glassy eyes glistening with anticipation.  Santa idly reached out to stroke his pet beast's head.

"I would have personally selected something a little your position.  But perhaps I'm being unkind.  After all, this isn't my funeral, is it?" 

Santa lazily pointed, and his pet stalked forward to fulfill his command.  History records that Scottie did in fact have more words to say before his end, although some witnesses argue that those were not so much words as just whimpers and gurgling noises...


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As a reminder, please do not post at night. (Obviously, everyone's been pretty good about that so far)  I know it's become traditional to do so, but we intend to enforce the rule fairly strictly:  the first violator will only get a warning, but the second will be unable to vote the following day, and more severe consequences will follow, culminating in a modkill.  I don't want that, you don't want that, nobody wants that, so let's please not make it necessary.  Thank you!

Rule announcement: 

A lynched person's role is not revealed until the following morning, although a modkilled person flips immediately.  If anyone has any questions about this or anything else, please PM me.  Thank you!

Apologies for the nightpost, but I'm joining to replace dtewi, so I thought I should make that clear and mark the thread.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

Announcement:  as Kantor said, he's substituting in for dtewi.  dtewi has told kantor all of his relevant thoughts/suspicions, and explained his actions, so feel free to hold dtewi's actions/words against kantor.

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The next morning came, and once again someone came up missing.  Unlike yesterday, though, it did not take too long to find the missing person, prof00.  It did, however, take several hours of cleaning up the toy factory before the elves felt confident that they had scraped up at least the important bits.  It was later agreed that holding an open-casket funeral is not a wise idea when the casket's contents amount to a jar of unidentifiable goop; soup was left off the cafeteria menu for months afterwards.

A search of prof's belongings revealed that he was just an everyday townie.  A similar search of scottie's belongings showed the same.


This is an interestign development.  To be honest I'm not terribly sad prof is dead -- he's good but he tends to throw other townsfolk off track -- but the fact that the mafia killed him may be very important information.  It's possible he was onto someone or someones, or they may want us to think that.  But more importantly, some people are more likely than others to have killed him in the first place.  For instance, it may sound bad to talk about myself, but if I were mafia I probably would have let him live, even if he had accurate suspicions, in the hopes that his presence would disrupt the town. 

Still, all this is subject to WIFOM.  But it's something to consider. 

Does anyone have amazing investigations they'd like to share?  Or just suspicions?  I'm frankly a little frazzled right now so forgive me for forgetting the status of our collective suspicions. 

Tag (courtesy of fkusumot): "Please feel free -- nay, I encourage you -- to offer rebuttal."
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My advice to fanboys: Brag about stuff that's true, not about stuff that's false. Predict stuff that's likely, not stuff that's unlikely. You will be happier, and we will be happier.

"Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts." - Sen. Pat Moynihan
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The old smileys: ; - ) : - ) : - ( : - P : - D : - # ( c ) ( k ) ( y ) If anyone knows the shortcut for , let me know!
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I have the most epic death scene ever in VGChartz Mafia.  Thanks WordsofWisdom! 

Here's an odd fact: Heph was the very last post of day one and prof was the very last post of day two. I'd be surprised if that's what the mafia based their night kill on, but it's just something I noticed.

As for prof's suspicions, while doing his potals he was onto SAK, Truck, j0, and Stefl. I'll dig up more soon but I just want to comment on SAK first. I said day two I'd be right back on SAK's case should the two of us still be around. Stefl also said(though in a joking fashion I believe) that should either scottie or SAK flip town, the other should be lynched the next day. Additionally, prof was voting for SAK until he decided to just get the day over with and switched his vote to scottie, but I'm fairly certain he'd have much rather preferred SAK to be the lynch.(as opposed to my first thought that he wanted to see who'd vote for who after his switch back to SAK)

I know there are more connections to draw but I don't recall them at the moment. Day two is going to need a thorough rereading. Anyway, I'm a bit worried that the mafia are trying to set SAK up, but I'm more inclined to think that's the feeling they're trying to give to protect SAK. My HoS remains on him, and once I go through prof's posts as well as the rest of day two that may become a vote.

Like I told you yesterday: if scottie flips town I am going to go with SAK today... so

Vote: SAK

if someone has some interesting infos: get them out there and convince me... or deceive me...

Current votes (9 required to lynch):

[1, L-8] SAK: STEF