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/ soo what a night!!.... 1 mafia lynched and 2 townies dead... does that mean there's an SK?!.... obviously, the flavor hints that Noname is the SK!!


/returns to christmass present shaped coffin


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Linkzmax said:

nen-suer said:

Since you asked. I'm pretty sure every single player posted during day two, it was pretty active at first. And even once it got slow towards the end, all but maybe 4(that's an estimate, I'm not going to actually go back and check) players still popped in and said something here or there.

Now onto your thinking that MG and SAK conspired during the night to set you up for a lynch today. Here you were sure Wonk and ST were mafia for siding against you. I'm getting the feeling that you're a bit paranoid. There's a line between not trusting anyone, and believing just about everyone is teaming up against you.

You said: "Its funny how he & MG suddenly chose to go after me today like they decided to do so  during the night
today they moved to the top of my list.....even the killing methods fit there play style."  Can you explain the bolded for me. I had a small glance at MG as mafia last round, where he wanted to go after good players(as did everyone) but also those that were onto him.(I don't think that's the case here really) I have no idea how SAK thinks as mafia.

Yeah.. paranoid like a fox :P


I meant choosing to kill the last poster.

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Wonktonodi said:
Linkzmax said:

MG recap:
Suspicious of SAK - Could be "bussing" or just a set-up
Possible defense of FF to Heph - I have to wonder why MG would point this out if FF is a townie
hat/Zex SK "interesting" - Could be a roundabout defense of Zex
Take on Heph's death - I'm inclined to believe MG was trying to steer town in the wrong direction(Heph's suspects)
Reason for scottie vote / Stefl response / MG clarification - Part of why my vote is on Stefl now, and with MG flipping scum I find the being defensive even more suspicious
Suspicious of nen - See first link above

Quotes of MG:
Stefl's response to Heph's death - Makes a similar list to Truck's, but only after MG mentions it
radish on MG's scottie vote - Very interesting. Defense of MG and a push for scottie
I call MG a hypocrite - Seems I was right. It's too bad scottie couldn't handle the accusations.
radish on MG's list of previous lurker mafia - Couple of oddities here. Implies radish isn't mafia because he'd have pushed scottie to talk more. Also, somewhat conflicts with his vote because that points to scottie can't be scum because teammates would've helped him.

MG mentions:
j0's list - 'MG has short posts'
Stefl agrees - 'with most people, MG and nen [are suspicious]'
made GNiz's list - for 'posting for the sake of saying they posted'
Stefl FoS's MG
Gniz lists - MG as being sketchy
prof - gives a possible tie with other mafia through truck(3rd paragraph)
nen - Already mentioned recently, but implies a relationship between MG and SAK

Everything else is post-modkill.


At the moment, I'm sticking with my vote for Stefl as I have a feeling that both SAK and nen were being set up for future mislynches. Radish and FF have risen on my radar. I'll look more into them soon.

'm thinking that SAK was saved by mafia going after ScottieI, however Scottie mostly got himself lynched by his own replys and the timing of them.  What are your thoutghs on nord then for being IIRC the one who started the votes on SAK?

You make it sound like I'm 100% mafia going by this line, so why were you so focused on hat (besides that you think hat is 100% scum) then me going by your thought? Just for curisoty sakes, you two are like cats and dogs in this game. :/

@Linkz, I didn't want to say it on day two because it'd make me look really bad (as in, cowarding out in the game where the tension is up for me), which is why I didn't say so in day 2. Day 3 seems like the perfect to confess about this.

Oh and about the modkills, well its their choice to lurk (besides the personal issues everyone is mostly going through), and the way this game gets going, I can't argue through it.


Linkzmax said:

This is nitpicky, but with 14 players left shouldn't it be 8 votes to lynch? When we went down to 20 after GoW's modkill it was still 11 to lynch as a reference.

Technically yes, but I fear that 8 might still be a little too high of a barrier at the moment, so I'm lowering it to 7.

I would prefer to let this day go on if we are going to be getting a purge.  It would probably help us focus as a town. 

I am glad Wonk finally abandoned his extreme tunnel vision of basically one hatmoza post, but I still wonder whether he really saw the light or just realized how bad it was making him look. 

I haven't reread the thread like a lot of you guys apparently just did, nor will I have time to today, but hopefully before too long.  It may give me better ideas on suspects. 

Tag (courtesy of fkusumot): "Please feel free -- nay, I encourage you -- to offer rebuttal."
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My advice to fanboys: Brag about stuff that's true, not about stuff that's false. Predict stuff that's likely, not stuff that's unlikely. You will be happier, and we will be happier.

"Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts." - Sen. Pat Moynihan
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The old smileys: ; - ) : - ) : - ( : - P : - D : - # ( c ) ( k ) ( y ) If anyone knows the shortcut for , let me know!
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I have the most epic death scene ever in VGChartz Mafia.  Thanks WordsofWisdom! 

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Linkz, if you are indeed mafia, well played sir. Despite your many and long posts, I'm not having much luck with pinning much against you; contrary to my belief of the more someone posts the more you can attack them. 

Hmph, Vette turned up town. I can't say I'm surprised but it would have gave me more ammo against F-F who I'm still uneasy of if Vette flipped scum ... and it would have been nice to get a semi-confirmation of being pro-town from it.

Will go back and reread nen, SAK's and j0's posts now.

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

c03n3nj0 said:
hatmoza said:

Only 120 posts in my week absence?

I'll get back into this when I catch up. Also, this game is going to be dead now that prof's gone. I have no idea why the mafia would target him. That  was a retarded move if you ask me.

Didn't the mafia target all the talkative players last round? I'm not sure. 

It has happened previous rounds, though. A lot of times the mafia won. 

Yes, true.

Who did prof suspect btw? Wasn't MG one of them? If yes, it could be that he actually happened to finger more than one mafia player, giving us a better range of lynch candidates.

If either Vette or ST where on his list, that would even further pin-point a target making this day a lot easier than we anticipated.

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

Kantor said:
radishhead said:
Kantor said:
radishhead said:

I don't think that the Sailor Moon game should ever be spoken of again.

At least in the Sailor Moon game, everyone could understand what was going on.

I mean, 18 pages in two days, and I genuinely have no idea what's happening. The fact that dtewi's advice message was in some kind of Confederate drawl doesn't help much.

Watch out what you say - I just admitted that I don't understand what's going on a few posts up, and now it's being manipulated into making me look like Mafia.

Actually, I might as well make a vote on that, for, as well as other things, jumping on a pretty trivial post and turning it into something else. 

Vote: SAK

I have an excuse: I just joined.

Having said that, last game I was lynched on day one for having internet problems, so there you go.

Just pick up from wherever you can. I really want you to participate in this game. I will personally forgive you and not hold it against you. Others probably won't be so forgiving.

That said, looking at Radish's posts above (and other posts before that) I'm starting to remember how terrible he was playing last game I was hosting. I actually wanted to suggest to have him banned from future games because I felt that he gets enjoyment out of placing a dark cloud of suspicion  over his own head. I later forgave him near the end of the game because he proved he can play when he wanted to. It kind  of pisses me off that he's intentionally going back to crap style of play.

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

hatmoza said:
c03n3nj0 said:
hatmoza said:

Only 120 posts in my week absence?

I'll get back into this when I catch up. Also, this game is going to be dead now that prof's gone. I have no idea why the mafia would target him. That  was a retarded move if you ask me.

Didn't the mafia target all the talkative players last round? I'm not sure. 

It has happened previous rounds, though. A lot of times the mafia won. 

Yes, true.

Who did prof suspect btw? Wasn't MG one of them? If yes, it could be that he actually happened to finger more than one mafia player, giving us a better range of lynch candidates.

If either Vette or ST where on his list, that would even further pin-point a target making this day a lot easier than we anticipated.

Nope, prof didn't suspect MG, at least in not int he same list as Trucks, Sak, stefl and I:

 Tag (Courtesy of Fkusumot) "If I'm posting in this thread then it's probally a spam thread."                               

Wonktonodi said:

I'm thinking that SAK was saved by mafia going after Scottie, however Scottie mostly got himself lynched by his own replys and the timing of them.  What are your thoutghs on nord then for being IIRC the one who started the votes on SAK?

I don't find that likely. Both MG and radish voted for scottie before SAK made his blunder and before nord jumped on it. Then ST(townie) climbed on board. After that myself, prof, and FF voted for SAK. Stefl then tied it up at 4 a piece, before nen and zex pushed SAK to 6. That's when prof switched trains to tie it up. Scottie then pushed SAK into the lead, but hat tied it up at 6 a piece. Finally, FF switched trains to scottie and after that nobody left alive voted for anyone besides scottie.

So of that'd mean MG and radish(if scum) had to preemptively save SAK by going after scottie. I don't buy it.
It could be that Stefl or Hat were trying to save scottie with their tying votes, but by that time I'd say scottie was digging his own grave.
I'm a bit suspicious of FF, but both he and I were on SAK early. If either of us were mafia, I don't think the vote on fellow mafia(if SAK is such) was forced to "look good." Meaning it was a big blunder by SAK, but not such that everyone that didn't immediately jump on it would be suspicious. So I don't think FF's vote was an effort to save a scumbuddy and I know my vote wasn't such.
That leaves j0 and yourself towards the tail end of the voting. By then I believe scottie's fate was sealed and it was really just a matter of who was going to make the final votes. I don't consider it a pass, but it's far less incriminating.


My thoughts on nord? Well it branches into 3 possibilities(well 4):
1) Both nord and SAK are scum - nord was trying to bus SAK to gain some credibility
2) Only nord is scum - nord was trying to set SAK up/later claim SAK's blunder was trivial and say anyone that jumped on it was suspicious
3) nord is town - nord thinks SAK is scum/later claim SAK's blunder was trivial and say anyone that jumped on it was suspicious

I lean towards 3(a) myself as that's where I fit. However, the others could make sense too. It's something that's only more telling if either winds up dead.