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Can we now say that GT5 will sell 9M plus? Yes we can!

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360 and ps3 so close....

What the!!!?? It is only Monday!

Above: still the best game of the year.

Hey this looks good for the 360, like Seece has pointed out, the gap the past couple of weeks has been bigger. Let's see if 360 rocks it like last week in the Americas.

I LOVE paying for Xbox Live! I also love that my love for it pisses off so many people.

Seece said:
Cross-X said:

Last Week GT5: 524,859

This Week GT5: 480,100


Not good at Sales analysis but isn't that a pretty darn good Week 3 for GT5? As in other games usually drop off heaps at Week 3 don't they?

Yes it's very good, expect it to stay above 400k in EMEAA until the new year.

Something we can agree on. GT5 is doing very well in EMEAA!

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*Looks at DK numbers going up from last week*

Above: still the best game of the year.

Buzz! The Ultimate Music Quiz (PS3)
Sony Computer Entertainment
8 34,508 84,307


Too bad they made it music only :(

Still, that's good for the franchise!

Seece said:

Wow look at the gap close for PS360, 45k this week, down from 75k last week and 120k week before that.

Also the drop on GT5 is IMPRESSIVE.

It just makes me feel so giddy inside.

:::faints from joy:::

360 increase was a big one

Have you seen those PS2 sales? Woah!

Is there some kind of a PS2 bundle with San Andreas somewhere in EU?