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Tim Schafer really wants to make a Wii game, explains why Double Fine hasn’t done so yet

November 25th, 2010 Posted in GameCube, News, Wii, Written by Valay

This information comes from Double Fine’s website…

“Most of my all time favorite games are Nintendo games. I have touched Shigeru Miyamoto with my bare hands!!! (He was very soft and pleasant.) Double Fine would love to make something for Nintendo’s fine machine, but it’s not up to us. It’s the publisher’s money, so they get to decide what platform to invest in. In other words, IT’S NOT OUR FAULT! I personally would have loved to make Psychonauts for the Game Cube. (Well, not literally me personally. I would have loved to tell someone else to make it, and I would have loved to watch them do it, and I would have loved yelling, “Faster! Faster!” as they worked.) I really hope we get a chance to make a game for the Wii some day. Why don’t you spam your favorite publisher with mail right now and ask them to send us money to make a Wii game? (And a little extra money for a pool table?)” – Tim Schafer

Double Fine has made a few fantastic titles over the past decade. There’s Psychonauts of course, and Brutal Legend more recently. The funny thing is, we did hear a few rumors about that title coming to Wii, although it was supposedly being made by a different developer.

So, it's the publishers' fault. Developers have no say.

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Evil. Why dont they let themselves be published by Nintendo?

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WHY!? It never gets any easier!

What can I say, it makes me laugh.

I always knew Tim Schaefer was a great guy!

I don't like that guy, neither I do like his games.

So I couldn't careless about him or his pool table :p

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Reminds me of how some developer just didn't have faith in The Conduit, and actually wanted HVS to do a $20 party game instead.

So game makers might actually like the Wii, but developers got too much up their own you-know-whats to let them.

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs

I love that guy,he's way under-rated in my opinion. 

Faxanadu said:

Evil. Why dont they let themselves be published by Nintendo?

The real question is "Why won't Nintendo pick them up for a title?". Not the other way around. Clearly they're open to a publishing deal from Nintendo.

LordTheNightKnight said:

Reminds me of how some developer just didn't have faith in The Conduit, and actually wanted HVS to do a $20 party game instead.

So game makers might actually like the Wii, but developers got too much up their own you-know-whats to let them.



I think early in the Wii's life (ie the year before it released and the first 6-12 months) it was being shafted mostly by the publishers, who at first didn't want to finance games on it as it was going to fail, then had to make Wii Play and Rabbids copies and tacky knock-offs of Wii Sports because they had nothing to sell on the system.

After that publishers had kind of come round, although it was way too late... but some tech-head developers who didn't like the Wii from the start as it wasn't "bleeding edge" and a few "hardcore" devs who would perhaps have made a game on the Wii earlier (before it's first year brought it the reputation of mini-sports game selling machine) but didn't want to anymore wouldn't bother putting ideas to even ask for publishing money.

More recently I think it's more a case of "meh" from many devs and publishers, who will make/finance games for it on occasion but aren't too fussed anymore.

It all really stemmed from analysts assumptions that the Wii would fail out of the gate, and the publishers believing them. Had the Wii launched a year before PS3 and X360 it could have been a different story, as everyone would have had time to catch up with the phenomenal Wii sales before diverting too much to PS3/360.

I blame Michael Pachter.

Pshyconauts 2 on Wii please : )