I know this isn't a review thread, but this journalist was cynical about Kinect and the lag issues until he tried it.
Link: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/video-games/8122546/Microsoft-Kinect-review.html
"For all the marketing buzz around Kinect, propelling Microsoft's motion-tracking camera into the public consciousness, more telling evidence of the device's propensity to impress has been filtering through social networking sites and forums from all corners of the web. Microsoft's attempt to woo the so called 'casual' crowd away from Nintendo's Wii console and onto their own Xbox 360 was greeted with the utmost cynicism from video game fans and critics alike, including myself. The faintly embarrassing and overly synthetic demo at this year's E3 did Kinect few favours, and rumours that the device suffered from excessive lag and other troubling issues only compounded the negativity surrounding it. It's been fascinating, then, to see how opinion morphed and shifted as people started to experience Kinect for themselves. Not so much a softening as a complete about turn. Not only did the device work, but it worked brilliantly and, most importantly, was guffaw-inducing fun. Me? A vocal critic of Kinect in the past, I was convinced five minutes after turning it on." I'm sure some people here have experienced Kinect for themselves and can therefore speak with some authority, but I fear too many are crapping on something they haven't used.