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Forums - General Discussion - VGC Mafia Round 22 Game Thread

dtewi said:
Kantor said:
dtewi said:
theRepublic said:
Linkzmax said:

By now you should realize that was a ploy by Prof to see who'd jump on the wagon.(or his own) I mean there is a chance he's scum because of the mafia flavor scanner and all, but that bit is pure trash now.

So you are saying he is just a liar who has caused a massive clusterfuck with is lies?  Sounds like lynch material to me.

No. He was trying to help the town, and it's not lynch-worthy.

Your suspicion level has raised from 3.2 to 5.5, that warrants an FoS

Now you have drawn yourself into the web of suspecting Republic.

Come on. Vote. Let's end this fucking mess of a day and hope that tomorrow will be somewhat vaguely within the rules and etiquette of the game, and we'll actually learn and do something useful.

I have no fucking clue what to do! This day is insanity!

God, 1000 posts already. And only on day 2, with us not even being close to a decision.

We have no leads.

We need to clear our minds and take some time to think. We need to perform night actions if even a single one of us turns out not to be a Youma, and learn something, and come back tomorrow with a somewhat logical lynch.

It's Republic or SuperAdrianK here, and while they could easily both be scum, Republic is acting just that little bit scummier.

And pay no attention to Republic's pleas for justice. Even scum do that.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

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Khuutra said:
theprof00 said:

I don't know what to believe anymore.

I'm actually considering believing the "mafia flavor scanner".

Linkz, I cannot believe that this is your first game. And I'm getting really nervous that I'm starting to believe you so thoroughly.

I'm counting on you giving me a target right now because I don't know which way is up anymore. I have a couple leads, but mainly it's several lurkers hatmoza.

Name your lurkers.

Still furious. Want to kill Hephaestos anyway. Want to kill you by association. Not going to because I think you're town and I know he's town.

Name your lurkers. Kamal? I was thinking Kamal. I was also thinking dtewi and hatmoza.

hatmoza in particular

He's been on my ass

kamal dtewi hatmoza etc

If I don't see a mafia flip soon, or a nontrusted townie flip during the night, I'm gunna lose my mind lol.

Right now, I'm putty in linkz' hands, and that does not feel right to me. I'm genuinely worried what implications this could possibly have; How absolutely "played" I could be.

Khuutra said:
theprof00 said:

I don't know what to believe anymore.

I'm actually considering believing the "mafia flavor scanner".

Linkz, I cannot believe that this is your first game. And I'm getting really nervous that I'm starting to believe you so thoroughly.

I'm counting on you giving me a target right now because I don't know which way is up anymore. I have a couple leads, but mainly it's several lurkers hatmoza.

Name your lurkers.

Still furious. Want to kill Hephaestos anyway. Want to kill you by association. Not going to because I think you're town and I know he's town.

Name your lurkers. Kamal? I was thinking Kamal. I was also thinking dtewi and hatmoza.

hatmoza in particular

He's been on my ass

Look, I want Heph to hang as much as you do, but he's pretty much the most certain townie in the game. Those who completely broke the rules will be modkilled. Those who didn't need to be somewhat forgiven, and we need to work with them.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

theprof00 said:

kamal dtewi hatmoza etc

If I don't see a mafia flip soon, or a nontrusted townie flip during the night, I'm gunna lose my mind lol.

Right now, I'm putty in linkz' hands, and that does not feel right to me. I'm genuinely worried what implications this could possibly have; How absolutely "played" I could be.

Tell me again why we trust Kantor.

theprof00 said:

It is cowardly because it is something a mafia would press for and then claim no responsibility.

I'm not going to comment on anything else. It looks to me that you've been cleared. And I simply cannot believe it aside that I cannot yet refute your choice of adjective.

I'm not going to respond to anything further. If you still doubt my innocence, open your eyes.

If this is how you are going to act, then...

Vote: theprof00

Switch Code: SW-7377-9189-3397 -- Nintendo Network ID: theRepublic -- Steam ID: theRepublic

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Around the Network
Khuutra said:
theprof00 said:

I don't know what to believe anymore.

I'm actually considering believing the "mafia flavor scanner".

Linkz, I cannot believe that this is your first game. And I'm getting really nervous that I'm starting to believe you so thoroughly.

I'm counting on you giving me a target right now because I don't know which way is up anymore. I have a couple leads, but mainly it's several lurkers hatmoza.

Name your lurkers.

Still furious. Want to kill Hephaestos anyway. Want to kill you by association. Not going to because I think you're town and I know he's town.

Name your lurkers. Kamal? I was thinking Kamal. I was also thinking dtewi and hatmoza.

hatmoza in particular

He's been on my ass

I haven't been lurking for the past 2-3 pages or so.

Kimi wa ne tashika ni ano toki watashi no soba ni ita

Itsudatte itsudatte itsudatte

Sugu yoko de waratteita

Nakushitemo torimodosu kimi wo

I will never leave you

dtewi said:
Khuutra said:

Name your lurkers.

Still furious. Want to kill Hephaestos anyway. Want to kill you by association. Not going to because I think you're town and I know he's town.

Name your lurkers. Kamal? I was thinking Kamal. I was also thinking dtewi and hatmoza.

hatmoza in particular

He's been on my ass

I haven't been lurking for the past 2-3 pages or so.

Yeah, I know. I just suspect you anyway. In the context of all these confirmed townies, your behavior and your lack of betrayal of any information is in itself suspicious.

theRepublic said:

If this is how you are going to act, then...

Vote: theprof00

Are you voting me because you think I'm mafia, or because you want me dead?

You push too hard republic.

Khuutra said:

Heph if I could I would roast you on a freaking spit

In-game, I mean

Not in real life

That would be crazy

now hold on a second.

I'm not the one who decided to nameclaim my exact flavor.

You presured me on day one and  after others insisted on it too, I gave out stromtrouper in a reply to trucks. Then you presured me on day 2 again and again to finaly get A Youma. Had you and prof not been so bent into your guarantee (your word, his was I know) that the town vanilla were not nameless, this would never have happened.

You can't blame me for that whole mess, I did all I could to not nameclaim. And It's not my fault 7 other townies decided to nameclaim out of the blue, I only questionned the first 3 that should have made the circle of 4, heck I was even suspicious of Rep because of Nen claiming the one general I didn't have (50% chance)... all the while wondering why you weren't saying anything since you had already told us that zoicite did not have youmas under his command...

My question to rep that you guys are spitting on in these lasts posts was while reading the posts 100 posts ago... and I retracted it a few posts later when I read linkz's comment, but yeah evidently too late for the full speed discution that was going on live... I've never asked a precise flavor question to the newer youmas and retrospectively, the one I asked ST isn't even solid anymore (since half the town talked of their generals).


Khuutra said:
theprof00 said:

kamal dtewi hatmoza etc

If I don't see a mafia flip soon, or a nontrusted townie flip during the night, I'm gunna lose my mind lol.

Right now, I'm putty in linkz' hands, and that does not feel right to me. I'm genuinely worried what implications this could possibly have; How absolutely "played" I could be.

Tell me again why we trust Kantor.

If you REALLY want me to I can show you exactly why. Otherwise the fact that you're still confused is a good thing.

As to dtewi, he's been acting in fairness of the game and I should've taken the hints sooner.