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Forums - General Discussion - VGC Mafia Round 22 Game Thread

theRepublic said:
Linkzmax said:

By now you should realize that was a ploy by Prof to see who'd jump on the wagon.(or his own) I mean there is a chance he's scum because of the mafia flavor scanner and all, but that bit is pure trash now.

So you are saying he is just a liar who has caused a massive clusterfuck with is lies?  Sounds like lynch material to me.

No. He was trying to help the town, and it's not lynch-worthy.

Your suspicion level has raised from 3.2 to 5.5, that warrants an FoS

Kimi wa ne tashika ni ano toki watashi no soba ni ita

Itsudatte itsudatte itsudatte

Sugu yoko de waratteita

Nakushitemo torimodosu kimi wo

I will never leave you

Around the Network
dtewi said:
theRepublic said:
Linkzmax said:

By now you should realize that was a ploy by Prof to see who'd jump on the wagon.(or his own) I mean there is a chance he's scum because of the mafia flavor scanner and all, but that bit is pure trash now.

So you are saying he is just a liar who has caused a massive clusterfuck with is lies?  Sounds like lynch material to me.

No. He was trying to help the town, and it's not lynch-worthy.

Your suspicion level has raised from 3.2 to 5.5, that warrants an FoS

Now you have drawn yourself into the web of suspecting Republic.

Come on. Vote. Let's end this fucking mess of a day and hope that tomorrow will be somewhat vaguely within the rules and etiquette of the game, and we'll actually learn and do something useful.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

Khuutra said:
Hephaestos said:
theRepublic said:

I am in General Jadeite's service.

What's particular about the sailors?  You mean the Sailor Senshi?

no the adjective.

Stop pressing people to quote their PMs. I don't care if this would reveal him as Mafia or not - stop pressing for it. It's ridiculous, unfair, and unsportsmanlike.

sorry i hadn't read the radish thing....


Kantor said:
Hephaestos said:
theRepublic said:
Hephaestos said:

the reason I say this is because

1) silver came up with the word conquest (and general)

2) sak came up with clearing the path to.

both Items I had not talked about.

Rep, do you confirm? and to confirm please state your general and what's particular about the sailors ^^

I am in General Jadeite's service.

What's particular about the sailors?  You mean the Sailor Senshi?

no the adjective.

Tell him to quote the role PM one more time, and you can consider yourself lynched, if not modkilled.

i was reading 100 posts ago, hence the quote from 100 posts ago


Vote: c03n3nj0

No logic about it, sorry you replaced into this one.

Around the Network
theprof00 said:

And let me point out how cowardly that evidence is.

1) Nobody was voting Heph. There were two votes. Mine and Khuutra's. I'm almost 100% sure that Heph knew this was an intentional wagon. You interfered in potential evidence mining, and is about as obtuse as when Khuutra asked what Heph meant by "the other target" (or whatever his wording was). However, you are not obtuse. You deliberately did that.

2) Ok, I understand that post now. Even so, it's cowardly evidence at best.

3) Right. I assert that you wrote that because you were unsure.

4) I didn't see two people claiming to be Youma. Even so, it does not dismiss my supposition that you were unsure what the term was.

5) As far as "misinterpreting facts" you are in no more danger than I am of being lynched. I made a mistake. There were 2 people claiming Youma. It does not dismiss my claim. Also, I honestly didn't understand the post you wrote about "sailor moon having so many names", and yes I had read truck's post before it. I just didn't understand what it said. I even asked dtewi what it meant, and he said he had no idea either.

But, man, you are really latching on to anything aren't you? Different name and "misrepresenting facts".


PS: what was this post in reference to?

"I believe that townies should tell the truth, but that doesn't mean they should spill everything right up front.  I'm sure you would agree which is why this is such an odd accusation from someone who thinks it is perfectly acceptable for pro-town players to flat-out lie."

Cowardly?  That doesn't even make sense.

1.  Let's clear something up right now.  Do you still claim to be a townie with a name?  Most people still seem to think so.  They have been trying to use what you said in your role claim to help them figure out what is going on in the game.

3.  You are wrong.

4.  Again, you are just wrong.

PS.  I wrote that before going back in the thread to research exactly what was said in exactly what order.  I left it because I stand by it.  It doesn't make sense for people to reveal their information all right up front.  I am notorious for usually being one of the last players to name/role claim, and I hate people who do it early with little provocation.  I only do it when that information is necessary for the discussion

I felt it necessary to reveal my information because the town was headed in the wrong direction, and if I didn't do it then it would have been 24 hours later before I was going to be on again.  I couldn't just ignore the discussion at hand.

Switch Code: SW-7377-9189-3397 -- Nintendo Network ID: theRepublic -- Steam ID: theRepublic

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I don't know what to believe anymore.

I'm actually considering believing the "mafia flavor scanner".

Linkz, I cannot believe that this is your first game. And I'm getting really nervous that I'm starting to believe you so thoroughly.

I'm counting on you giving me a target right now because I don't know which way is up anymore. I have a couple leads, but mainly it's several lurkers hatmoza.

Kantor said:
dtewi said:
theRepublic said:
Linkzmax said:

By now you should realize that was a ploy by Prof to see who'd jump on the wagon.(or his own) I mean there is a chance he's scum because of the mafia flavor scanner and all, but that bit is pure trash now.

So you are saying he is just a liar who has caused a massive clusterfuck with is lies?  Sounds like lynch material to me.

No. He was trying to help the town, and it's not lynch-worthy.

Your suspicion level has raised from 3.2 to 5.5, that warrants an FoS

Now you have drawn yourself into the web of suspecting Republic.

Come on. Vote. Let's end this fucking mess of a day and hope that tomorrow will be somewhat vaguely within the rules and etiquette of the game, and we'll actually learn and do something useful.

I have no fucking clue what to do! This day is insanity!

God, 1000 posts already. And only on day 2, with us not even being close to a decision.

Kimi wa ne tashika ni ano toki watashi no soba ni ita

Itsudatte itsudatte itsudatte

Sugu yoko de waratteita

Nakushitemo torimodosu kimi wo

I will never leave you

theRepublic said:
theprof00 said:

And let me point out how cowardly that evidence is.

1) Nobody was voting Heph. There were two votes. Mine and Khuutra's. I'm almost 100% sure that Heph knew this was an intentional wagon. You interfered in potential evidence mining, and is about as obtuse as when Khuutra asked what Heph meant by "the other target" (or whatever his wording was). However, you are not obtuse. You deliberately did that.

2) Ok, I understand that post now. Even so, it's cowardly evidence at best.

3) Right. I assert that you wrote that because you were unsure.

4) I didn't see two people claiming to be Youma. Even so, it does not dismiss my supposition that you were unsure what the term was.

5) As far as "misinterpreting facts" you are in no more danger than I am of being lynched. I made a mistake. There were 2 people claiming Youma. It does not dismiss my claim. Also, I honestly didn't understand the post you wrote about "sailor moon having so many names", and yes I had read truck's post before it. I just didn't understand what it said. I even asked dtewi what it meant, and he said he had no idea either.

But, man, you are really latching on to anything aren't you? Different name and "misrepresenting facts".


PS: what was this post in reference to?

"I believe that townies should tell the truth, but that doesn't mean they should spill everything right up front.  I'm sure you would agree which is why this is such an odd accusation from someone who thinks it is perfectly acceptable for pro-town players to flat-out lie."

Cowardly?  That doesn't even make sense.

1.  Let's clear something up right now.  Do you still claim to be a townie with a name?  Most people still seem to think so.  They have been trying to use what you said in your role claim to help them figure out what is going on in the game.

3.  You are wrong.

4.  Again, you are just wrong.

PS.  I wrote that before going back in the thread to research exactly what was said in exactly what order.  I left it because I stand by it.  It doesn't make sense for people to reveal their information all right up front.  I am notorious for usually being one of the last players to name/role claim, and I hate people who do it early with little provocation.  I only do it when that information is necessary for the discussion

I felt it necessary to reveal my information because the town was headed in the wrong direction, and if I didn't do it then it would have been 24 hours later before I was going to be on again.  I couldn't just ignore the discussion at hand.

It is cowardly because it is something a mafia would press for and then claim no responsibility.

I'm not going to comment on anything else. It looks to me that you've been cleared. And I simply cannot believe it aside that I cannot yet refute your choice of adjective.

I'm not going to respond to anything further. If you still doubt my innocence, open your eyes.

theprof00 said:

I don't know what to believe anymore.

I'm actually considering believing the "mafia flavor scanner".

Linkz, I cannot believe that this is your first game. And I'm getting really nervous that I'm starting to believe you so thoroughly.

I'm counting on you giving me a target right now because I don't know which way is up anymore. I have a couple leads, but mainly it's several lurkers hatmoza.

Name your lurkers.

Still furious. Want to kill Hephaestos anyway. Want to kill you by association. Not going to because I think you're town and I know he's town.

Name your lurkers. Kamal? I was thinking Kamal. I was also thinking dtewi and hatmoza.

hatmoza in particular

He's been on my ass