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Forums - General Discussion - VGC Mafia Round 22 Game Thread

TruckOSaurus said:

Grrr at the Quick Reply box loading correctly every other time.

So I'll be true to my word and throw this First Day chatting topic: Do you believe that townies should ALWAYS tell the truth? Or do you believe certain circumstances excuse a townie lie?

Only power-roles who would die if they gave it up should lie to save their skins.

Kimi wa ne tashika ni ano toki watashi no soba ni ita

Itsudatte itsudatte itsudatte

Sugu yoko de waratteita

Nakushitemo torimodosu kimi wo

I will never leave you

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TruckOSaurus said:

Grrr at the Quick Reply box loading correctly every other time.

So I'll be true to my word and throw this First Day chatting topic: Do you believe that townies should ALWAYS tell the truth? Or do you believe certain circumstances excuse a townie lie?

What a great question.

I believe a townie should lie when there is benefit, but only if they won't get caught. If you can't hide it, don't bother lying.

I believe anyone caught lying should be killed, one way or another, except when it's obvious that the lie benefits the town.

Would you argue that the doctor should not say "I am not the doctor", or something of the sort?

dsister said:


Vote: dsister

Kimi wa ne tashika ni ano toki watashi no soba ni ita

Itsudatte itsudatte itsudatte

Sugu yoko de waratteita

Nakushitemo torimodosu kimi wo

I will never leave you

Khuutra said:
hatmoza said:
Khuutra said:

I'm going to start trying to lynch people who meta-theorize too much. Advanced warning right here.

And why is that?

In the first place, it is twenty minutes into the first day, and I'd rathe be dead than play through a game where that's going to be the tone the entire time.

In the second place, it's not fun to meta-theorize too much. Just theorize the regular way.

or maybe you dont want people to look to much into your posts because you have something to hide?

TruckOSaurus said:

Grrr at the Quick Reply box loading correctly every other time.

So I'll be true to my word and throw this First Day chatting topic: Do you believe that townies should ALWAYS tell the truth? Or do you believe certain circumstances excuse a townie lie?

Townies should always tell the truth.  That way, it is easier to sort out the lies of scum.  There may be times when it would not be a good idea for a townie to reveal the full truth, but in that instance I think it is better to be vague than to outright lie.

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Khuutra said:
TruckOSaurus said:

Grrr at the Quick Reply box loading correctly every other time.

So I'll be true to my word and throw this First Day chatting topic: Do you believe that townies should ALWAYS tell the truth? Or do you believe certain circumstances excuse a townie lie?

What a great question.

I believe a townie should lie when there is benefit, but only if they won't get caught. If you can't hide it, don't bother lying.

I believe anyone caught lying should be killed, one way or another, except when it's obvious that the lie benefits the town.

Would you argue that the doctor should not say "I am not the doctor", or something of the sort?

Not "I am not the doctor," but something along the lines of "I am a vanilla townie." Saying I am not the the doctor is basically code for, "Please kill me mafia, please please." Then there comes the issue of why the doctor would even be asked to role-claim in the first place, of which I had a good discussion with nordlead in the sign-up thread.

Kimi wa ne tashika ni ano toki watashi no soba ni ita

Itsudatte itsudatte itsudatte

Sugu yoko de waratteita

Nakushitemo torimodosu kimi wo

I will never leave you

Homer_Simpson said:
Khuutra said:

In the first place, it is twenty minutes into the first day, and I'd rathe be dead than play through a game where that's going to be the tone the entire time.

In the second place, it's not fun to meta-theorize too much. Just theorize the regular way.

or maybe you dont want people to look to much into your posts because you have something to hide?

Suppose this was the case

If it is, then is it a positive for the meta-theorizing fundamentals to be laid bare like that in the beginning, so that scum can specifically avoid scummy behavior? The answer is no.

You start meta-theorizing when there is something to analyze, not before.

Khuutra said:

What a great question.

I believe a townie should lie when there is benefit, but only if they won't get caught. If you can't hide it, don't bother lying.

I believe anyone caught lying should be killed, one way or another, except when it's obvious that the lie benefits the town.

Would you argue that the doctor should not say "I am not the doctor", or something of the sort?

I think townies should resort to lying as a very very last resort. For example someone being asked if he is the doctor could easily dodge the question and prosecute the person looking to bring out the doctor.

Signature goes here!

dtewi said:

Not "I am not the doctor," but something along the lines of "I am a vanilla townie." Saying I am not the the doctor is basically code for, "Please kill me mafia, please please." Then there comes the issue of why the doctor would even be asked to role-claim in the first place, of which I had a good discussion with nordlead in the sign-up thread.

Circumstances can result in many things, but in a vanilla game it's not going to be as prevalent. Role claims are going to be almost meaningless, except as the name that you can claim for yourself.

You suggest simply lying by saying "I am a vanilla townie", but why not "I am not Mafia" if you prefer to be vague? Too much chance for serial killers? Would those even be a concern in a vanilla game?

I'll check in in a while. Time for Professor Layton.

Khuutra said:
Homer_Simpson said:
Khuutra said:

In the first place, it is twenty minutes into the first day, and I'd rathe be dead than play through a game where that's going to be the tone the entire time.

In the second place, it's not fun to meta-theorize too much. Just theorize the regular way.

or maybe you dont want people to look to much into your posts because you have something to hide?

Suppose this was the case

If it is, then is it a positive for the meta-theorizing fundamentals to be laid bare like that in the beginning, so that scum can specifically avoid scummy behavior? The answer is no.

You start meta-theorizing when there is something to analyze, not before.

I agree actually, I was just teasing ya!