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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Capcom - Monster Hunter 3 PS3 to Wii switch is no big deal

take a look at monster hunter portable 2 for PSP in Japan, look at their sales and the super strong legs.
Sony really lost more than a game because of MH3.
Capcom are releasing MH2 portable 2G next spring in japan too
as u can see they really are opportunists, n they will do anything to "economically benifits" their own company, which is not wrong in business point of view

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So Sad... Too bad I have the PSP to get my Monster Hunter Fix, I don't really care it's not coming to the PS3, though it would have been nice. :(

ckmlb said:
Not a big deal except PS3 graphics versus something that'll look like the PS2 MH games.

Christ, I don't even know what to say when the trolls make claims this outlandish.  You don't see people making a huge deal out of the fact that the 360 is graphically more powerful than the PS3, do you?

ummmm why is everyone trashing me what he said had nothing to do with the PS3 being "ok" without MH3.....i thought what he said was the game wont suffer, it wont be a big deal except for graphical i missing something?

steverhcp02 said:
ummmm why is everyone trashing me what he said had nothing to do with the PS3 being "ok" without MH3.....i thought what he said was the game wont suffer, it wont be a big deal except for graphical i missing something?

yes, as in the second part of his sentence. where he compares wii capabilities with that of the lovely ps2.

very cheap for a mod to do. 

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^ And the fact that he's a mod is even more sad... i really don't understand why people were bitching about ssj12 and not about ckmlb...

steverhcp02 said:
ummmm why is everyone trashing me what he said had nothing to do with the PS3 being "ok" without MH3.....i thought what he said was the game wont suffer, it wont be a big deal except for graphical i missing something?

Because suggesting that the Wii is no more capable than the PS2 is a blatant troll. In reality, the Wii is about three times as powerful as the PS3 (about 3x as much memory, about 3x as powerful in terms of raw calculations CPU wise, and a much faster GPU). It's not a small difference, but because the Wii had so much unexpected popularity there were a lot of quick-and-dirty PSP/PS2 ports to the Wii that gave the general public a perception that it was even more underpowered than it actually is.

Having played through a significant chunk of SMG, you'll note that there are few games on the market, even on systems many times as powerful as the Wii, that really look a lot better. Some of the shaders Nintendo made for that game are phenominal, it never has any slowdowns, and the game overall looks fantastic but has some "oh wow" moments.

It's the kind of trolling for which mods should be warning people.  Having community members trolling like this with absolutely no substance or rationality behind the troll makes VGChartz look bad as if it's a site full of mindless fanboys, and that undermines the whole goal of the site.

gamingdevil said:
^ And the fact that he's a mod is even more sad... i really don't understand why people were bitching about ssj12 and not about ckmlb...

I have to say, ssj12 really turned it around after he became a mod. At first I was extremely skeptical since he had been trolling just a few days before the promotion, however he's become a much better and more respectable user in the timeframe. He's still rough around the edges but I think he deserves some commending, so if he reads this: kudos to you, sir.

Ck on the other hand was always a troll. After his long absence he seemed to have mellowed out, but yesterday he started going back to his old troll ways. It's like someone was playing Twilight Pincess and shoved a Wiimote up his ass, and he got particularly infuriated once Midna's girlish giggles started echoing from his rectum.


Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"

well, the difference is negligible to be honest. God of War games, FF etc. Dont want to start a huge argument off topic but Wii games look like PS2 games more than anything. I think youre all over reacting. Wii games do look like PS2 games. Sure there are exeptions, but i think youre all taking it the wrong way. I dont understand why people take it so personally, the Wii is clearly doing something right, why do people get so defensive at teh obvious.

And BigFatJ, why do we need to drop the specs of Wii to prove it looks better than the PS2.....the proof is in the screens, Zelda, SMG, Metroid....God of War, Okami, FF.......People get torn apart for dropping things like the cell here and are mocked, yet you want to tell me CPU and GPU speeds to prove Wii games LOOK better than the PS2. I see them, they are similar the comparison is vaild.

And i have seen the Sunshine, Galaxy comparisons, Galaxy looks better but not a whole generation better by any means. The Wii isnt about graphics and most of the games do look like PS2 games.....its not a knock, i dont know why people consider it an insult, im sure Nintendo doesnt really care and neither do the consumers who are buying the wii at a ridiculous rate compared to the PS3.

why ioi (orstof/benkenobi) after all the complaints about ckmlb still hasn't do anything?

Obviously he is nothing more than a worthless troll with mod powers. Why he is a mod is beyond me. He never post anything that is not an attack against the Wii/Wii owners.

Or if we want to turn this site into a flame pit i guess we could do that as well.

carlos710 - Capitán Primero: Nintendo Defense Force

"Wii are legion, for Wii are many"