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gamingdevil said:
^ And the fact that he's a mod is even more sad... i really don't understand why people were bitching about ssj12 and not about ckmlb...

I have to say, ssj12 really turned it around after he became a mod. At first I was extremely skeptical since he had been trolling just a few days before the promotion, however he's become a much better and more respectable user in the timeframe. He's still rough around the edges but I think he deserves some commending, so if he reads this: kudos to you, sir.

Ck on the other hand was always a troll. After his long absence he seemed to have mellowed out, but yesterday he started going back to his old troll ways. It's like someone was playing Twilight Pincess and shoved a Wiimote up his ass, and he got particularly infuriated once Midna's girlish giggles started echoing from his rectum.


Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"