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well, the difference is negligible to be honest. God of War games, FF etc. Dont want to start a huge argument off topic but Wii games look like PS2 games more than anything. I think youre all over reacting. Wii games do look like PS2 games. Sure there are exeptions, but i think youre all taking it the wrong way. I dont understand why people take it so personally, the Wii is clearly doing something right, why do people get so defensive at teh obvious.

And BigFatJ, why do we need to drop the specs of Wii to prove it looks better than the PS2.....the proof is in the screens, Zelda, SMG, Metroid....God of War, Okami, FF.......People get torn apart for dropping things like the cell here and are mocked, yet you want to tell me CPU and GPU speeds to prove Wii games LOOK better than the PS2. I see them, they are similar the comparison is vaild.

And i have seen the Sunshine, Galaxy comparisons, Galaxy looks better but not a whole generation better by any means. The Wii isnt about graphics and most of the games do look like PS2 games.....its not a knock, i dont know why people consider it an insult, im sure Nintendo doesnt really care and neither do the consumers who are buying the wii at a ridiculous rate compared to the PS3.