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Forums - Gaming Discussion - VGChartz Top 50 Games: Discussion Thread!

Fab_GS said:
TruckOSaurus said:

Since even Khuutra is catching up to me I'll post some more games in my Top 50.

#40. Portal (PC): I stuck with my old PC for much too long because of that I missed out on many good PC releases because my computer just couldn't play them. Portal was one of them, I only got around to playing it this year and after all the hype that surrounded this title I thought to myself I would inevitably be disappointed by it. Boy was I wrong, this is a game that is truely worthy of all the praise it got, one gun, challenging puzzles, the wonderful antagonist GlaDOS, a silent companion and no cake. Very good stuff but over a bit too quickly.

*adds TrackOSaurus to my ignored users list*

But but but... what did I do?

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30. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare - 360

I often consider this game to be the best FPS of all time, and it is in many respects. It has a fantastic, exciting campaign with some very characters. The gameplay is exetremely smooth and works very well. I don't really have any negative things to really say about it. I put several days into the multiplayer. The experience system was the perfect motivator for "Just one more game".

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

Number 37

Star Fox 64

This is my favorite rail shooter ever made (though if the list were a bit longer, Panzer Dragoon Orta would be on it). It looked great, it sounded great, the rumble pack was used excellently, and it's built on top of mechanics that are still fun to play today. A perfectly timeless rail shooter. I sank so many hours into this game that it doesn't bear talking about. I got all the medals in Normal and Ace mode, though that may not sound like a lot to some people.

Interestingly, the only part of the game that didn't age as well as the rest was the multiplayer mode, which was a staple of the Nintendo 64's multiplayer landscape for years. Still, even with only the single player to really recommend it, this game is pure, solid fun. Whether you're fighting on land, sea, or (especially) air, there isn't more fun to be had in the genre.

Number 36

Super Mario Galaxy

Man, there is absolutely nothing like a Mario game. I mean that, too. Beyond the level design, the art, the music, even the gameplay, there is some kind of synthesis of these elements that makes it all feel... pure. Not pure in the virginal sense, but pure in the sense that you are having the most fun that it's possible to have, that everything you are doing is tickling some secret part of your brain.

Super Mario Galaxy is no different. In many ways it may be the height of its series.

Super Mario Galaxy plays essentially perfectly; it is the pinnacle of 3D platforming mechanics. The levels that it is set in are like an explosion of creativity, everything that I enjoy about the genre and then many things that I never knew could be so beautiful. The first time I jumped around a planetoid, slingshotted around it thanks to gravity, and stayed in orbit for as long as I wanted? I was amazed beyond reason. THis was like climbing trees in Super Mario 64 - pointless to many but somehow so immaculate, so perfect, that there was nothing to compare it to. Running over the platforms at the end of Space Junk Galaxy, which flew to you and away from you as you ran? I had never thought of anything like that before. I was enchanted in a way that games hadn't enchanted me since I was a child.

I could go on for pages about the art, the emotional appela, the level design, the excellent music - many people have, and appropriately so. I will instead finish with this:

When I play Super Mario Galaxy, I never stop smiling.

Khuutra said:

Number 36

Super Mario Galaxy

Which one do you prefer, SMG or SMG2? and why?

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SMG2, it is more funnerer.

Khuutra said:

Number 38

Conker's Bad Fur Day

I'm probably the odd man out on this, given how many proclaim Conker's Bad Fur Day as the funniest game ever, but I never found the game to be that funny. Most of the parodies don't really have a proper punchline. The Dracula spoof, for example, goes on and on and on, with no real jokes. 'Tis essentially just characters quoting a movie, which to me, isn't very entertaining. (The game had it's moments, however, the mighty poo song being the prime example.)

*Shrugs* But that's just me.

No arguments about the multiplayer, though. I'd even go as far as to say, that it's as good as GoldenEye's.

29. Soul Calibur 2 (Gamecube)

Add Link to an already great fighter franchise and you have my favorite fighting game of all time.   I didn't use Link all that much seeing that he could mop the floor easily against anyone, so Talim was my most used fighter. 

28. Okami (Wii)

I didn't own a PS2 so I never got a chance to play Okami when it was originally released.  When I heard it was coming to the Wii I was quite excited.  Truly a great game that everyone should have a chance to play.

360 Games Now Playing   360 Games unopened:  Resonance of Fate  Last 360 Game I Beat: Resident Evil 5

DS Games Now Playing: Dragon Quest VI  DS Games unopened Knights in the Nightmare, Etrian Odyssey III, Okamiden, Dragon Quest IX Last DS Game I beat: Radiant Historia

Wii Games Now Playing  Super Mario Galaxy 2, Arc Rise Fantasia  Wii  Games unopened  Little King's Story, Sonic Colors, Silent Hill Shattered Memories Last Wii Game I beat: Sin & Punishment 2

27. The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess(wii)

 Two dates come to mine when I think of this game. The first is nintendo's pre E3 press conference. It was then that they first showed the world of the next zelda game in production. Epic music, fantastic graphics, People cheered and cryed with joy. Then the delays came and it was nothing but that for three years until they announce that it would be a Wii launch game. This is my lesson for knowing now I need to pre-order consoles now since I couldn't find it anywhere for the longest time since which bring us to the second date.Oh how I remember that black friday in 2006. Everyone wanted to buy a Wii. Every store that carried them had them sold out before they were off the trucks. In looking for this system I truely didn't care much for Wii Sports, but damn it I felt that I needed to play TP as soon as I could. It took about a month after that faithful day (and my sister flirting with a gamecrazy employee) for that for that funtendo Zii to be in my arms. I plugged it, turned it on and put zelda in that white box as fast as I could. Once I saw the title screen, I knew it would be outstanding. The motion controls wowed me. The cutscenes blew me away. The combat and story were so enthralling. I felt that this game had lived up to all the hype and delays that came with it. I don't think I was ever more satisfied with this wait. The reason (other than Wii Sports) to buy a wii was this game Though the more I think of this game the more I think I might give it another play through. :)

don't waste time

3DS FC 4914-3563-4510

NNID : turtuls

#30. Knights of the Old Republic II
This game would have been at the top of my list if not for being unfinished. Partially buggy, recycled environment, having to download high quality audio and video, typical obsidian mess. But with that mess Comes awesome dialogue and story. And unbalanced but awesome force powers. It also features one of the best Star Wars characters created in decades in Kreia. I like this one a lot more than the original and it gets placed at number 30 on my list.

#29 Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas.
This is the only grand theft auto I'd give a 9 to (including the GTA1, GTA2 etc). Most importantly. I got the PC version before the hot coffee mod was patched. Thus, I could get clothed humping to my little hearts delight. But, with this game had light RPG elements. The most interesting setting in a grand theft auto by far in my opinion. Despite what darth tells you. Planes do not make this game. It had a quirky story with sam jackson. Fun missions, and memorable characters. And could even get fat.

Still typical GTA problems occur. Crappy graphics for the time of its released. Bad Shooting mechanics. And this game was a bit too long for its own good. Still I think it's amazing obviously.


#28 Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind.
This game is awesome. In my opinion, its superior by a fair margin over Oblivion. The areas are vaster. The game is bigger. The setting is more memorable. The graphics were amazing for its time. You could even break the game on purpose! Also there was no auto-level up of enemies. Bethesda with oblivion thought it would be a brilliant idea to use Final Fantasy 8's auto leveling up of enemy's. (though to be fair you can mod this unless on pc atleast which is awesome!) but we're talking about original game..