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27. The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess(wii)

 Two dates come to mine when I think of this game. The first is nintendo's pre E3 press conference. It was then that they first showed the world of the next zelda game in production. Epic music, fantastic graphics, People cheered and cryed with joy. Then the delays came and it was nothing but that for three years until they announce that it would be a Wii launch game. This is my lesson for knowing now I need to pre-order consoles now since I couldn't find it anywhere for the longest time since which bring us to the second date.Oh how I remember that black friday in 2006. Everyone wanted to buy a Wii. Every store that carried them had them sold out before they were off the trucks. In looking for this system I truely didn't care much for Wii Sports, but damn it I felt that I needed to play TP as soon as I could. It took about a month after that faithful day (and my sister flirting with a gamecrazy employee) for that for that funtendo Zii to be in my arms. I plugged it, turned it on and put zelda in that white box as fast as I could. Once I saw the title screen, I knew it would be outstanding. The motion controls wowed me. The cutscenes blew me away. The combat and story were so enthralling. I felt that this game had lived up to all the hype and delays that came with it. I don't think I was ever more satisfied with this wait. The reason (other than Wii Sports) to buy a wii was this game Though the more I think of this game the more I think I might give it another play through. :)

don't waste time

3DS FC 4914-3563-4510

NNID : turtuls