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Agh! I'm spending waaaay too much time on some of these... what does one say? "Yeah bro, it's like totally awesome and you gotta believe me..." lol this is pathetic!

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29. Hype: The Time Quest (PC)

Oh yes a Playmobile game! The epic tale of a soldier trying to go back in his own era in order to save his kingdom from a black knight. An Epic and amazing game.


28. Black & White (PC)

I just love to play God. It's a very satisfaying role. I'd do it in real life too. Give me a call if you need a break. On topic, this game (and it's sequel) is awesome.


27. Spyro the Dragon (PS1)

A very great adventure game. The franchise is very dead now I'm afraid. Get a grip Activision.


26. Starfox Adventures (GC)

The guy at the store suggested me to try this game for the graphics alone. I was impressed. But not by the graphics alone. The whole game felt great. Very polished.


25. Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life (GC)

One of the most joyous game I've played. It's not the first Harvest Moon I had played but it still the best. I want his life so badly. Things are so simple in these games.

11. Flower

Ummm... if you told me as a child that my #11 favorite game of all time would be about the dreams of Flowers... First, I would've alert the authorities that a pedo was making moves on me. And second, I would have laughed.

Yet here I am, years later, telling myself that my #11 favorite game of all time is about the dreams of Flowers... interesting. I guess that's what happens when you play/watch something that redefines. Because that's what Flower does, it redefines. What exactly? I'm not entirely certain... but if it can take a concept as inane as 'teh dreams of flowerz' and make it work, then dammit! You have my #11 favorite game of all time

Play us out Mr. Dylan!

10. Knights of the Old Republic

Yay! The top ten! And what clocks in at 10? A bioware game... big surprise/sarcasm. Again, my list is loaded with Bioware games. Why? Because they make awesome game! I mean Bioware  games are so awesome that they have a company dedicated to making exactly what they make after them (A.K.A Obsidian). And nobody seems to have a problem with that. Why? Because more bioware/bioware light, is more great/good to okay

Anyway, about Kotor 1... I've replayed it and replayed it and replayed it. Never seems to get old. I just love everything about it! Which I think is sufficient proof George Lucas had nothing to do with it.

I REALLY want a Kotor 3 to happen and if it does? How about 100% less MMO plz

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Go Go Patapon!

Actually... I'm far behind as well...

7. Super Mario 64 (N64)

Remember when you used to go on adventures? Remember when it was never about the destination, but about the journey? Remember when running was more than running or a jump was more than just a jump? Remember when you played Super Mario 64 for the first time? I sure do. There was no better thing in the world than running around, climbing on trees, and doing backflips. There's a simple sort of fun in that game... something that's very hard to explain. It's not really about the music, or the graphics, or the gamplay... they just combine to create something that's bigger than the sum of its parts (even if those parts are already excellent). Super Mario 64 is a game about exploring, jumping, running, swiming, climbing... having fun.

Having fun... what an amazing concept for a video game.

6. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (N64)

It's sort of funny... from time to time in my childhood I foolishly became a "rebel" to some popular yet geeky trend going around. I never saw Fellowship of the Ring in theaters (and now it's my favorite movie of all time... dumb move on my part.) and I didn't bother with this game called Zelda when it came out on the N64. I mean, I heard you were this elf boy on a quest to save a princess in the land of Hyrule. Yeah right! Have fun with that guys, I'll be seeing ya later.

And then I actually played the game. Holy guacamole... I've never seen a world so vast, so wonderful. This game was a game about exploring a world, at least to me it was. I mean... Koriki village and the Great Deku Tree were so huge, and there were so many areas to just look around and explore. And I didn't even realize that there's a whole world out there... Hyrule Field floored me. I was just getting started, and it was going to be an adventure unlike any other.

Fast forward to today and I can tell you all the fun I had with the Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. It really is an adventure like none other. Each quest holds with it so many surprises, so many emotions... it really is a roller coaster ride. And when everything was said and done (after one of the best final boss battles ever. Ever.), I went back and played it all again. So many wonderful memories with this game. I'm running out of adjectives for this game, so I'll just leave it at this: The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time is one of the greatest adventures I've ever had.

5. Super Mario Galaxy (Wii)

Remember when I was talking about Super Mario 64 and how it was the journey, and not the destination that made the game truly wonderful? Well I suppose I (and many of the games I've played since then) lost sight of that. After all, I had to grow up sooner or later right? No more time for good hearted smiles or laughter. Gaming had stopped being a portal into uncharted new worlds to explore and instead became a hobby. It was time to face the facts: magic isn't real and it's the head that trumps the heart.

And then Super Mario Galaxy came along. Now hear me out, this game throws out the question of "where are we going?" and instead asks "how much fun can we have before we get there?". This game is an adventure, and it focuses on how much fun I can have just trying to get to the next platform. I mean, there's more grand, smile inducing ideas in a single level than most games have in their entirety. Running, jumping, swimming, swinging, climbing... it's all there. And to make it even crazier, to reintroduce that wow factor... they add this whole universe waiting to be explored. And with the gravity flipping things up down and everywhere inbetween... the sheer fun of having an adventure is amplified. It really doesn't get much better than this.

4. Super Mario World (SNES)

Hello, my name is Smeags and I'm a Sonic fanboy. During my childhood I ate (Mac & Cheese Sonic to be exact), read, watched, and played Sonic. Genesis had my alleigence and the Blue Blur was the way to go. But still, there was this other guy... on this other system. I mean, his game was pretty (really) cool. It looked good, sounded good (amazing) too, and was pretty (very) fun to play. I mean, I'll be a Sonic fan 'til the day I die, but I have to admit, Super Mario World on the SNES was such an awesome game.

Compared to Sonic, Mario's... um... World seemed massive in comparison. There were so many levels to explore and play through, and there were secrets to find and even a dinosaur to ride. Plus, ghost houses were terrifying and the castles were menacing. Not to mention there were oodles of powerups for the portly plumber to use, including the awe inspiring cape. I mean... Sonic could run really fast... but Mario could fly! The game was nothing like I ever saw before, and I have to admit... it really made me want an SNES.

3. Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (Gen)

What? You didn't think that all of that praise of Super Mario World would get to my head did you? Sure, it's a great game... But Sonic the Hedgehog is still better. Specifically Sonic the Hedghog 2, my first adventure with Sonic, the fastest thing alive. I mean, here we have a blue Hedgehog full of 'tude and just itching to get back at Dr. Robotnik (none of this Dr. Eggman nonsense) for trying to enslave Mobius (well, at least I knew the world to be Mobius... that's what the comics said). He and his best pal Tails sped through the many Zones and Acts until they got to the mad Doctor's most fiendish machine yet: The dreaded Death Egg. But all before that... there were Chemical Plants, Oily Oceans, Nights at Casinos, Hill tops, the tough as nails city of Metropolis... it was all there. It was all just a perfect blend of sweet music (Chemical Plant Zone and Metropolis Zone rank as my favorite themes), beautiful graphics (I just love how the 16-bit games held up so beautifully. This game still looks fantastic to this day.), and pitch perfect level design to harness Sonic's need for speed (and platforming).

Yeah, this game has it all really. My hat's off to you Sonic. It almost doesn't get better then this... but then again, we're still only at number 3 on my list...