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4. Super Mario World (SNES)

Hello, my name is Smeags and I'm a Sonic fanboy. During my childhood I ate (Mac & Cheese Sonic to be exact), read, watched, and played Sonic. Genesis had my alleigence and the Blue Blur was the way to go. But still, there was this other guy... on this other system. I mean, his game was pretty (really) cool. It looked good, sounded good (amazing) too, and was pretty (very) fun to play. I mean, I'll be a Sonic fan 'til the day I die, but I have to admit, Super Mario World on the SNES was such an awesome game.

Compared to Sonic, Mario's... um... World seemed massive in comparison. There were so many levels to explore and play through, and there were secrets to find and even a dinosaur to ride. Plus, ghost houses were terrifying and the castles were menacing. Not to mention there were oodles of powerups for the portly plumber to use, including the awe inspiring cape. I mean... Sonic could run really fast... but Mario could fly! The game was nothing like I ever saw before, and I have to admit... it really made me want an SNES.