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6. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (N64)

It's sort of funny... from time to time in my childhood I foolishly became a "rebel" to some popular yet geeky trend going around. I never saw Fellowship of the Ring in theaters (and now it's my favorite movie of all time... dumb move on my part.) and I didn't bother with this game called Zelda when it came out on the N64. I mean, I heard you were this elf boy on a quest to save a princess in the land of Hyrule. Yeah right! Have fun with that guys, I'll be seeing ya later.

And then I actually played the game. Holy guacamole... I've never seen a world so vast, so wonderful. This game was a game about exploring a world, at least to me it was. I mean... Koriki village and the Great Deku Tree were so huge, and there were so many areas to just look around and explore. And I didn't even realize that there's a whole world out there... Hyrule Field floored me. I was just getting started, and it was going to be an adventure unlike any other.

Fast forward to today and I can tell you all the fun I had with the Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. It really is an adventure like none other. Each quest holds with it so many surprises, so many emotions... it really is a roller coaster ride. And when everything was said and done (after one of the best final boss battles ever. Ever.), I went back and played it all again. So many wonderful memories with this game. I'm running out of adjectives for this game, so I'll just leave it at this: The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time is one of the greatest adventures I've ever had.