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Go Go Patapon!

Actually... I'm far behind as well...

7. Super Mario 64 (N64)

Remember when you used to go on adventures? Remember when it was never about the destination, but about the journey? Remember when running was more than running or a jump was more than just a jump? Remember when you played Super Mario 64 for the first time? I sure do. There was no better thing in the world than running around, climbing on trees, and doing backflips. There's a simple sort of fun in that game... something that's very hard to explain. It's not really about the music, or the graphics, or the gamplay... they just combine to create something that's bigger than the sum of its parts (even if those parts are already excellent). Super Mario 64 is a game about exploring, jumping, running, swiming, climbing... having fun.

Having fun... what an amazing concept for a video game.