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No worries. It's your list after all. ^_^

12. Sonic the Hedghog 3 (Gen)

Sonic the Hedgehog 3, or as others call it, the first half of Sonic 3 & Knuckles. Truth be told, it does have less levels than its predecessor, and the final level is somewhat of a disappointment compared to the other Sonic games, but the game still stands on its own thanks to new gameplay additions and continuing a fantastic adventure.

Also, let it be known, that it took me years to beat this game. Years! Wanna know why? Well, just Google "Sonic 3 Carnival Night Zone" and the first few pictures will be something like this:

Yeah, this game description gets its own picture because of how long this one section taunted me. How was I supposed to know that jumping wasn't the right way to push the cylinder down enough to escape (it was just using the directional pad...). But when I finally figured it out many moons after I first popped this bad boy into my Genesis, there was celebration to be had! New stages to explore (I beat the previous levels before CNZ many many times) and a game I could finally finish!

So why is this game at number 12 if it gave so much hell? Well... because it's an amazing game (even if I only got to play half of an amazing game for a long while). The music is awesome (Michael Jackson. But you already knew that.), a fantastic graphic style, wonderful new additions in the elemental shields, and brand new Special Stages that would challenge anyone. Plus, this game introduced my favorite gaming character ever: Knuckles the Echidna. This guy is just so cool, and he can even stop Super Sonic in his tracks (and laugh at him a lot). Yeah, this game is pretty great, and is a fantastic addition to the Sonic franchise, Carnival Night Zone be damned.

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13. Chrono Trigger - SNES

Innovative fighting system? Check. Multiple Endings? Check. Time Travel? Check. Outstanding soundtrack? Check. Crazy-ass double and triple techs? You bet your ass! How many other games can you name, where you can summon a giant, burning frog to crush your enemies? Yeah. That's what I thought.

JRPG's just don't get much better than this.

Smeags said:


Also, let it be known, that it took me years to beat this game. Years! Wanna know why? Well, just Google "Sonic 3 Carnival Night Zone" and the first few pictures will be something like this:

Yeah, this game description gets its own picture because of how long this one section taunted me. How was I supposed to know that jumping wasn't the right way to push the cylinder down enough to escape (it was just using the directional pad...). But when I finally figured it out many moons after I first popped this bad boy into my Genesis, there was celebration to be had! New stages to explore (I beat the previous levels before CNZ many many times) and a game I could finally finish!


I usually just mashed the buttons and the D-pad like an imbecile, until the cylinder went down enough. 

I didn't figure out the "correct" way to do it 'till a couple years ago, either, though.

12. Earth Defense Force 2017 (X360)

I can't think of a better picture to sum up the supremely rad nature EDF 2017 than one of a dude shooting a giant robot in the dick. But you're not limited to just giant robots, as there are plenty of giant ants, giant spiders, REALLY giant spiders, and positively gargantuan robot dinosaurs whose dicks you can shoot as well.  You're definitely spoiled for choice when it comes to what you'll be shooting all those monstrous genitalia with, since the game has over 150 weapons to collect. Yes, 150! The mighty Halo 3 only had something like 20, so logically Earth Defense Force 2017 should have sold 85 million copies. So why didn't it? At first it seems obvious that it's because there simply aren't that many 360s in the world. But I crunched the numbers and found that Earth Defense Force didn't even come close to its rightful 1:1 attach ratio. This was a troubling revelation, and after giving it much thought I can only conclude that it's because this game is way too hardcore a shooter for the casuals who comprise the majority of Xbox 360 fans. Master Chief is the kind of guy who can reenter the Earth's atmosphere and crash headfirst into the ground and be back on his feet within seconds, while Marcus Fenix is such a massive, musclebound bulletsponge that the walls in Gears of War could use him for cover. Meanwhile, the scrawny boys of the EDF look like they barely weigh 150 pounds soaking wet in their full gear, so even the grotesquely obese mouthbreathers who populate Xbox Live are perceptive enough to know that it's going to be a tough slog at best and probably more than a match for their underdeveloped skills. Those few who did take the plunge likely turned tail once their fellow soldiers (and the framerate, part of the game's janky charm) started dying all around them, and ran back to the safety of Call of Duty.

Well, fuck 'em. There's no room for the lily-livered where we're going. We shall fight the alien menace on the beaches, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills, and we shall fight in the giant ant nests which are the only part of the game I think really sucks. (Possibly Sandlot was bowing to realism here, because being in a giant ant nest probably would really suck.) We shall fight them with our shitty vehicles, and we shall never surrender! EDF! EDF! EDF!

In fairness, the ant nests could be sweet as Hell with the right turrets.

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Suikoden V is a awesome Japanese Role Playing Game(JRPG) From KONAMI Released in February 2006 in Japan and March 2006 in the US.

Suikoden V takes place in the Queendom of Falena, portraying the events of that region of the Suikoden world eight years before the events in Suikoden and 142 years after the events in Suikoden IV (~IS 449). The Queendom of Falena is a relatively rich land sustained by the Feitas River, which connects its disparate parts and enables trade and communication. It is ruled by Queen Arshtat and her husband Ferid, who have been a balancing and steady force since the demise of her somewhat rash mother. However, the tensions of the past have not been entirely settled. Arshtat's mother and aunt had been engaged in a covert struggle for power over the succession. Falena's government also has powerful nobles who maintain their own separate forces, loyal to them. Arshtat's hand in marriage was seen as key to gaining power in the future by the nobles; a civil war was narrowly averted when Ferid, a neutral outsider, won the Sacred Games and thus the right to marry Arshtat.

Two years after Lordlake was razed by her Sun Rune, Queen Arshtat dispatches her son the Prince, her sister Sialeeds, and their royal bodyguards Lyon and Georg Prime to inspect the state of the ruined town. The player as the Prince sees the grim state of the dried-up town and report on it, but Arshtat scorns this; she declares that Lordlake's citizens deserve their desolation for stealing the Dawn Rune. Arshtat's husband Ferid pulls her back to her senses, and she dismisses the inspection party with a whisper.

The next issue of contention is the Sacred Games for Princess Lymsleia's hand in marriage, being held somewhat early for the ten-year old Lymsleia. The two main contestants, both representing themselves with a champion, hail from rival noble houses: The foppish Euram Barows, and Sialeeds' former fiance, the charismatic Gizel Godwin. The royal family, however, favors the mysterious outsider Belcoot, as a neutral option less likely to cause strife; the Prince attempts to aid Belcoot quietly with Ferid's approval. However, Gizel successfully rigs the Games to his advantage, and his champion Childerich defeats a drugged Belcoot while the Barow's champion is disqualified.

However, Lord Marscal Godwin, Gizel's father, is less than impressed with Gizel's activities, thinking that he has made an enemy of the Prince and the royal family as a whole with his plotting. Additionally, the royal family took Zegai, the Barows champion, into their own personal custody, who could perhaps help reveal the Godwins cheating and offer an excuse to annul the engagement. Thus, the Godwins launch a preemptive attack at the engagement ceremony in Sol-Falena, Falena's capital. Arshtat and Ferid had anticipated and prepared for the attack, but not the involvement of the elite Nether Gate assassins, who overwhelm the palace's defenses. The struggle culminates in Arshtat and Ferid's deaths, while Lymsleia finds herself a captive. The Prince Lyon, Georg, and Sialeeds are forced to flee.

The Cast of Chracters is Awesome is always the fun meeting up with all 108 Stars of Destiny to get a awesome bonus. and
Lyon and Miakis are so Kawaii^_^

Suikoden V Musica Score is awesome reminsint of Suikoden II.

I love the Suikoden Series and Suikoden  is my favorite in the seires and is a Game that all Japanese Role Playing Game fans have to play it is that Awesome. and I hope that KONAMI make Suikoden VI.

Suikoden V Intro

Japanese Pop Culture Otaku

11. Burnout Paradise (PS3)

I wasn't really a fan of the older Burnouts and after I played the demo of Paradise I found it weird that you had to find the track yourself. So I didn't buy it until its' price dropped to 20 euro. Then I couldn't stop playing it, it was just too much fun. Even driving through Paradise City without taking part in race events was just incredibly awesome. It's my favourite racing game so far.

2012 - Top 3 [so far]

                                                                             #1                                       #2                                      #3


11. Super Mario Bros

The most iconic video game of all time? Maybe so, but it doesn't make my top ten, narrowly missing out in 11th place. If you're reading this and you don't know what this game is about, then I'd suggest you reanalyse whether or not gaming is for you...

It remains as playable and as enjoyable as it did 25 years ago, and for that reason alone, it's well worth a place in this list.


11. Dead Rising (X360)

This is the game that made me bite the bullet and "jump in". The original Xbox had the most uncompelling library of any viable system I'd ever seen, so the 360 wasn't something I was even considering until I saw this bad boy. A zombie-filled sandbox game? By Capcom, no less? Sign me up! I was properly hyped, and my expectations were through the roof. I'm happy to say that Dead Rising not only met them, but shattered them all. I mean, I'd never even thought the game might let me level up by taking erotic photos of zombies, but thank god Capcom did!

The premise of the game is that you're trapped in a shopping mall a la Dawn of the Dead, and with hundreds if not thousands of absurd ways to dispatch the aforementioned zombies, the gameplay is just so ridiculously fun. It's matched by a cheesy as hell storyline starring Frank West. Frank possesses a sort of pugnacious everyman charm (he's covered wars) and is pretty hunky in a Jersey-Shore-if-it-weren't-populated-by-orange-people kind of way. Basically, he's the greatest protagonist ever, and it's up to him to unravel some nonsensical conspiracy involved the U.S. government and South American terrorists. Along the way, he'll rescue survivors, try to avoid being devoured by the hordes of the undead, and maybe squeeze in a little crossdressing. It's really up to you, and since events happen according to the time of day and it's impossible to do everything in any one playthrough, you're encouraged to experiment and explore.

No game is perfect, and truly, Dead Rising is no exception. It's plagued by a horribly clunky save system and Otis, the worst character ever, ever. This cocksucker will ring you up on your cellphone nonfuckingstop, and when you're interrupted by a zombie trying to nom on you, he'll call you back to tell you how rude you are for hanging up on him! The nerve of this fuck is really something to behold. Even so, I love this game more than words can say. It's got such a terrific sense of humor. Much like with Earth Defense Force, it feels like you're playing through a B-movie. Dead Rising is a terrific counterpoint to Capcom's other zombie franchise, and I vastly prefer its candy-colored zombie apocalypse to Resident Evil's darker depiction. Bring on Dead Rising 3, 4, and 5!

Khuutra said:

In fairness, the ant nests could be sweet as Hell with the right turrets.

My biggest gripe is that there's one in particular, I forget which but it might be the last one, that's really labyrinthine. I always get lost and I can't find the ants but I can hear them but I can't see them and it's very frustrating and then I start sobbing and finally I DO find the ants and life is good again. There's really no excuse for them to ever make you stop shooting at things in EDF.