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15. Bushido Blade (PS1)

What is best in life? To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women? Wrong, Cimmerian dude. It's to cripple your friend and keep running to the other side the battlefield while he crawls around until he throws his controller and ragequits. Well, Bushido Blade lets you do just that! It's common to hear people longing for a new Chrono game, but I cringe at the thought of Square-Enix even trying. At this point, I really don't think they're capable of doing anything but making us sad we had ever wished for such a thing. But I totally think they could handle making a realistic fighting game like Bushido Blade. If they don't feel comfortable making anything cool internally - Lord knows it's been a while - I'm sure they could even get Light Weight (last seen making some awful Sky Diving game for Sony) to handle it again. That they haven't done so already is both a great sadness and a testament to the company's current worthlessness. Wada, you dog! Face me in the bamboo field! It's naginatas at dawn, bitch!

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Final Fantasy IX is an an awesome Role Playing Game from SQURESOFT(SQUARE-ENIX) released in July 2000 in Japan and NOVEMBER 2000 in the US.

Final Fantasy IX takes place primarily on the four continents of a world named Gaia (homonymous with Final Fantasy VII's Gaia, but not the same world). Most of Gaia's population reside on the Mist Continent, named so because the entire continent is blanketed in thick Mist. Lands outside the Mist Continent the Outer, Lost and Forgotten continents are uncharted territories not explored until midway through the game. Several locations on the parallel world of Terra and the dream land of Memoria round out the game's areas. The Mist Continent features four factions: Alexandria, Lindblum, Burmecia, and Cleyra. Each country is separated by mountain ranges; the isolated Cleyran civilization, nestled in a giant tree in the desert, is protected by a sandstorm summoned by the village elders.

Final Fantasy IX begins with Zidane and the Tantalus Theater Troupe kidnapping Princess Garnet during her sixteenth birthday celebration. The group learns that Garnet, who is concerned about Queen Brahne's increasingly erratic behavior, actually wanted to escape to Lindblum to meet with Regent Cid and had planned to stow away on the theater ship. The Troupe's airship, Prima Vista, is damaged during the escape; it crashes in the Evil Forest, prompting Zidane to continue the trek to Lindblum without the rest of Tantalus Zidane and Garnet are accompanied by Vivi and Steiner, who became entangled with Tantalus during their escape from Alexandria. During their journey, Garnet adopts the alias "Dagger" and struggles to mingle with the locals The group learns of a factory inside the village of Dali, that manufactures soulless black mage warriors for Alexandria's use. Brahne dispatches three powerful ones called Black Waltzes to retrieve Garnet by force, but their mission ends in failure.

Final Fantasy IX offers a new approach to town exploration with Active Time Events (ATE), which provide character development, special items, and prompts for key story-altering decisions points, the player may view events that are occurring simultaneously. ATE is occasionally used to simultaneously control two teams when the party is divided to solve puzzles and navigate mazes.

Active Time Battle system that has 4 characters in a battles returning.

The Cast of Caracters is cool my Favorites beeing Vivi, Garnet and Steiner

And moogles are so  Kawaii^_^

The Musical Score is beutafull and fitsthe Old School thme very well.

Final Fantasy IX Intro

Final Fantasy IX Melodies of Life

Japanese Pop Culture Otaku

16. Super Mario Galaxy 2 - Wii

Yet another first-party Wii game? Don't worry, though. This is the last one on the list, for it is, flat out, the best game available on the Wii and the best 3D Mario adventure ever.

What else needs to be said about Super Mario Galaxy 2, really? The controls are as responsive as they can get, the soundtrack is *insert superlative here*, and it features some of the best level design I've ever come across. Hell, there's more creativity in some single stages in this game, than in entire other franchises.

Great game.

No. 17 Age of Empires II Conquerers Expansion (PC)

Sequel to the award winning Age of Empires and one of the greatest multiplayer RTS' ever created. The civs were well balanced, there was a whole range to choose from and each had their unique specialties (I both loved and cursed British longbowman!). Take your Civ from the Dark Ages, through to an era of castles and trebuchets, cavalry charges, infantry rushes, Korean war wagons and those blasted longbowman! A great RTS.

No. 16 Starcraft 2: Wings of Liberty (PC)

Two RTS games and two sequels. Sequel to the game that's a Korean national sport and has sold over 10 million copies worldwide, Starcraft 2 is just superb. Everyone knows its popular in multiplayer (although the Terrans were somewhat overpowered and the Zerg the opposite on release), but what I was suprised with was the excellent single player campaign. You can see a lot of care and effort went into building a good story and campaign mode. Bring on Heart of the Swarm!

No. 15 Dragon Age Origins (PC, also on PS3 & 360)

Spiritiual successor to Baldurs Gate, 5 years in the making and with a unique twist with the 6 different Origin stories. So far I've played through this game five times and I still haven't bought or played Awakening yet (still gotta be a Dwarven commoner!) The story is your basic modern fantasy fare; Tolkien-like but much darker. However, what it lacks in orginality it makes up for in old-school gameplay and a mix of interesting characters ranging from the sterotypical to the bizzare. The Origin stories were an especially interesting route with some rather unique twists for each one. A great RPG from Bioware.  

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17. Star Wars Rogue Squadron II Rogue Leader

I remember when I got this game on GC launch day here in the UK. I was so excited, I got home, set up the console, put the game in, and turned the console on... What came next blew me away. Suddenly I was taking part in famous events from the first 3 Star Wars movies (plus other missions), and the first level was the assault on the Death Star from the first movie. There I was, flying down the trench... It was a truly spectacular feeling.


16. The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (Wii)

Anyone remember the brief Zelda demo from Spaceworld 2000 that was used to advertise the potential of the GC? This is the game that Nintendo should have made after showing that footage. That's nothing against Wind Waker, which is a great game in its own right (although it doesn't make my top 50), but when an expectation is put in your head and it isn't delivered upon, there is a slight disappointment no matter what comes in its place. Fast forward a few years, and we come to E3 2004. And this happened...

So, then this game was finally released after its own delay, due partly to becoming a Wii launch game, and it's fair to say I'd been waiting a long time by then. But it was totally worth the wait. I love everything about this game. I could quite happily write an essay about it, but I think there are far more eloquent users here who will do the game greater justice than I if I'm right in assuming that the game will be on their lists also.

My personal highlight was the Cave of Ordeals. That thing was tough, but I came out the other side...


15. Grand Theft Auto: Vice City (PS2)

GTA Vice City, or as I like to sometimes call it, GTA: 80's, is up next. From the similarities to Scarface to the brilliant soundtrack, this is my 2nd favourite PS2 game. Again, I could go into greater detail, but I'm sure everybody knows the idea behind a GTA game by now. You start out at the bottom of the ladder, you complete missions to get more powerful, and you ultimately face off against someone who has wronged you in some way, etc, etc. But that familiar formula doesn't hinder this game in any way whatsoever.


17. Mass Effect

Mass Effect was my very first WRPG.  It has a great leading character, engaging storyline, and battles that don't get too dull.  It'll forver be the measuring stick for any future WRPGs I play.

360 Games Now Playing   360 Games unopened:  Resonance of Fate  Last 360 Game I Beat: Resident Evil 5

DS Games Now Playing: Dragon Quest VI  DS Games unopened Knights in the Nightmare, Etrian Odyssey III, Okamiden, Dragon Quest IX Last DS Game I beat: Radiant Historia

Wii Games Now Playing  Super Mario Galaxy 2, Arc Rise Fantasia  Wii  Games unopened  Little King's Story, Sonic Colors, Silent Hill Shattered Memories Last Wii Game I beat: Sin & Punishment 2

15. Advance Wars (GBA)

This was pretty much the classic war-type board game brought into the video game world.  In other ways it was so much better.  The results of individual fights were usually pretty predictable so you could strategically plan multiple moves ahead without needing to have too many contingency plans.  The gameplay is fairly simplistic, build, move, attack, capture and there's often multiple ways to win.  Add in a campaign which  ramps the difficulty almost perfectly and its hard to get too discouraged playing this game.  The CO powers give you an advantage for a short time so you have to be careful when you use them and your COs base specialty actually has an impact on what units you build.  Fog of war and varying victory conditions added almost as much extra gameplay as the large set of maps already built into the campaign and war room.  Overall this game shines because it really feels like you can do well no matter who your CO is and the balance of the individual units on top of that works nicely.

Primarily an RPG player but have interest in any game that will make me think.