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No. 16 Starcraft 2: Wings of Liberty (PC)

Two RTS games and two sequels. Sequel to the game that's a Korean national sport and has sold over 10 million copies worldwide, Starcraft 2 is just superb. Everyone knows its popular in multiplayer (although the Terrans were somewhat overpowered and the Zerg the opposite on release), but what I was suprised with was the excellent single player campaign. You can see a lot of care and effort went into building a good story and campaign mode. Bring on Heart of the Swarm!

No. 15 Dragon Age Origins (PC, also on PS3 & 360)

Spiritiual successor to Baldurs Gate, 5 years in the making and with a unique twist with the 6 different Origin stories. So far I've played through this game five times and I still haven't bought or played Awakening yet (still gotta be a Dwarven commoner!) The story is your basic modern fantasy fare; Tolkien-like but much darker. However, what it lacks in orginality it makes up for in old-school gameplay and a mix of interesting characters ranging from the sterotypical to the bizzare. The Origin stories were an especially interesting route with some rather unique twists for each one. A great RPG from Bioware.