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Ninpanda said:

25. God of War III - PS3


And so ends Kratos' delightfully disturbing story, and boy, what a conclusion it is!

Near-perfect combat. One of the most epic scores in the history of gaming. Unrivaled graphics. And the bosses... Oh, the bosses... There's no adjective grand enough to describe them.

If you haven't played God of War, you need to play this game. If you have played God of War, you need to play this game. If you don't... Well, don't come crying to me, when you break a hip by kicking yourself when you're 80, for never experiencing this greatness.

I second that, the whole post.

It's an awesome game and of course it's on my list as well. But it will take a while till I post it

2012 - Top 3 [so far]

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26. Golden Sun The Lost Age (GBA)

I never played the first Golden Sun.  I picked this one up on a whim and it turned out to be one of my favorite RPGs of all time.  The Psynergy and Djinn system is among my favorite RPG skill systems.  It has a great story to go along with lovable characters.  One of these days I'll play the first game, along with the newly released Golden Sun.

360 Games Now Playing   360 Games unopened:  Resonance of Fate  Last 360 Game I Beat: Resident Evil 5

DS Games Now Playing: Dragon Quest VI  DS Games unopened Knights in the Nightmare, Etrian Odyssey III, Okamiden, Dragon Quest IX Last DS Game I beat: Radiant Historia

Wii Games Now Playing  Super Mario Galaxy 2, Arc Rise Fantasia  Wii  Games unopened  Little King's Story, Sonic Colors, Silent Hill Shattered Memories Last Wii Game I beat: Sin & Punishment 2

23. Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes (GCN)

Sadly, I have never played the original MGS, but Twin Snakes was awesome. Everything from its' bosses to its' presentation and gameplay was great. It's my favourite GameCube game.

2012 - Top 3 [so far]

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snfr said:

23. Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes (GCN)

Sadly, I have never played the original MGS, but Twin Snakes was awesome. Everything from its' bosses to its' presentation and gameplay was great. It's my favourite GameCube game.

MGS The Twin Snakes is an awesome remake of MGS but there some elements of the Original PS1 MGS that I prefer.   

Japanese Pop Culture Otaku

23. Mass Effect (X360)

Having proved their mastery of the RPG with Baldur's Gate, and of the space opera with Knights of the Old Republic, Bioware decided to make a... crummy shooter? What the hell is this shit? I shot that guy in the head, but it only did a little damage. Okay, I CLEARLY shot that guy but it missed anyway! FUUUUUUUUUUUUU...! Yeah, the shooting mechanics leave a lot to be desired here. And yes, the Mako wouldn't even have made the cut for an Earth Defense Force game, and it's a violation of international anti-torture laws to force someone to drive it across one of Mass Effect's many barren, copypasta planets. This game also marks the genesis of Bioware's insistence that every game of theirs shall include a laughable and weirdly robotic sex scene because it's "mature and emotional". In fact, I can't even remember what I like about this game... oh yeah. I guess it was the fact that it fucking rules in spite of all that! It's just a massive, epic (tragically overused word, but it sure fits) space opera in video game form, with music that is second only to that of Halo's in the genre. The pacing is fairly impressive as Bioware introduces you to its newest world (galaxy, whatever) reasonably quickly, and then off you go to try to save it from the evil Saren but really from evil spaceships! Along the way you'll meet some truly memorable characters, and the choices you make will determine their fates, some in truly profound ways. In this, Mass Effect does an outstanding job of conveying the weight of leadership. You really do feel like there's something at stake as the plot builds to its incredible crescendo. The final hour or two of the game was unforgettably intense, one of the finest moments I've had this console generation, and I really felt by the end of the game that I'd been through something of a war... but also suspiciously like that war was only just beginning. (Sequel time!)

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23. Super Smash Bros Brawl

This is the one SB game that I've owned, the original passed me by, but Melee was owned by a friend of mine, and so he's to thank for introducing me to the series. The concept is simple enough, it's Nintendo characters (plus Snake and Sonic) fighting against each other, so it allows fantasy scenarios like 'who would win in a fight, Link or Bowser?' or any other combination of characters. The Subspace Emissary mode was... interesting, if not a little out of place. But I suppose it was useful for honing skills with each character ahead of battling against friends. As for the question of who my main is that would no doubt be incoming, I tend to flit between Lucas, Lucario (something about the Luca's) and Pit.


hikaruchan said:
snfr said:

23. Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes (GCN)


Sadly, I have never played the original MGS, but Twin Snakes was awesome. Everything from its' bosses to its' presentation and gameplay was great. It's my favourite GameCube game.

MGS The Twin Snakes is an awesome remake of MGS but there some elements of the Original PS1 MGS that I prefer.   

Yeah, I have seen many people who preferred the original. But I guess it's the same with every remake, most people who played the original will probably prefer the original.

2012 - Top 3 [so far]

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Number 24

The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past

Here's the thing about me and Zelda games: I love them to pieces. Some would argue that I love them too much. If I were to include all of them in this list they would dominate the landscape of it. In order to make the list more interesting, I've opted to limit the number of Zelda games, and Link to the Past is the first I've listed. It's not my least favorite Zelda game; far from it.

Link to the Past is a grandstanding tour de force of game design, art, and music, full of insane innovations like an in-game map and indicators about where one should be going next. It's hard, as Zelda games go, and features some of the roughest and most memorable boss fights in the series. And is there any track in gaming as sweet and heart-rending as this game's credits theme?

There's not a lot I can say about Link to the Past that hasn't already been said. This is probably the lowest it will appear on anyone's list, because this game is superlative. Just.... fantastic.

23. Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island (SNES/GBA)

If there was a game that could ever make me jealous of the Super Nintendo Entertainment System, it was Yoshi's Island. I actually first encountered this game at one of those kiddy fun centers you go to for birthdays (think it was called Planet Fun or something, but anyways...) and I thought I was in a dream. What was this game? Why did it look so incredible? Why was that baby crying so much (and why could he turn into a wall running superhero)? Well, I figured out that it was a game called Yoshi's Island and that it was for my ultimate gaming rival: The SNES. Bah! Time went on, my console alligence changed hands to Nintendo (sorry Sega!) and I owned the Game Boy Advance. So when Yoshi's Island was announced for the system, I was overjoyed! I was able to resume the adventures I started at a fun center years ago. And when I played the game, it was even better than I remembered. What a wonderful artstyle. What great music. What an incredible level design. What HUGE bosses! Took me forever to beat Baby Bowser, but when I did, it was just the perfect ending to a magical game. For an adventure years in the making, this was totally worth it.

LOL I'm back! I'm still at 42!! ;..;

I had such a busy time at school but it's done now!