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23. Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island (SNES/GBA)

If there was a game that could ever make me jealous of the Super Nintendo Entertainment System, it was Yoshi's Island. I actually first encountered this game at one of those kiddy fun centers you go to for birthdays (think it was called Planet Fun or something, but anyways...) and I thought I was in a dream. What was this game? Why did it look so incredible? Why was that baby crying so much (and why could he turn into a wall running superhero)? Well, I figured out that it was a game called Yoshi's Island and that it was for my ultimate gaming rival: The SNES. Bah! Time went on, my console alligence changed hands to Nintendo (sorry Sega!) and I owned the Game Boy Advance. So when Yoshi's Island was announced for the system, I was overjoyed! I was able to resume the adventures I started at a fun center years ago. And when I played the game, it was even better than I remembered. What a wonderful artstyle. What great music. What an incredible level design. What HUGE bosses! Took me forever to beat Baby Bowser, but when I did, it was just the perfect ending to a magical game. For an adventure years in the making, this was totally worth it.