25.Super Mario World (snes)
In a of 1997, I remember asking to get a nintendo for my lump holiday/birthday gift when I was 5 going on 6. When I played Super Mario 64 at my neighbors house I just thought it was called a nintendo, but did I learned the surprising way. My mom saw the the 64 at Costco though my moms boyfriend at the time didn't know she bought it so he got me a snes. During the holiday season I got them both at the same time and My mom thought it would be best if I took it to my grandparents house so I could play it when I went over there. It came with two games, Link to the Past a game that will be noted later on this list and Super Mario World. I don't think I can express how much greatness is in this game cartridge. Even the box art can't contain this games awesomeness. The first time I beat one of the Koopa kids and saw their castle crumble I emdiatly wanted to go and kill the next one just to watch that castle fall. The level design, power-ups, Yoshi, and map world all made this game what I think is one the many gems from the snes and should be higher but is still right at the halfway mark on this list. :P
don't waste time
3DS FC 4914-3563-4510
NNID : turtuls