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25.Super Mario World (snes)

In a of 1997, I remember asking to get a nintendo for my lump holiday/birthday gift when I was 5 going on 6. When I played Super Mario 64 at my neighbors house I just thought it was called a nintendo, but did I learned the surprising way. My mom saw the the 64 at Costco though my moms boyfriend at the time didn't know she bought it so he got me a snes. During the holiday season I got them both at the same time and My mom thought it would be best if I took it to my grandparents house so I could play it when I went over there. It came with two games, Link to the Past a game that will be noted later on this list and Super Mario World. I don't think I can express how much greatness is in this game cartridge. Even the box art can't contain this games awesomeness. The first time I beat one of the Koopa kids and saw their castle crumble I emdiatly wanted to go and kill the next one just to watch that castle fall. The level design, power-ups, Yoshi, and map world all made this game what I think is one the many gems from the snes and should be higher but is still right at the halfway mark on this list. :P

don't waste time

3DS FC 4914-3563-4510

NNID : turtuls

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26. Final Fantasy X (PS2)

This was, in my opinion, the last great Final Fantasy. That is, it's the most recent great Final Fantasy, but it does look increasingly likely that it's also the last time this legendary series will manage to reach the level of the sublime, something it used to achieve with a clockwork regularity. I initially had my doubts about FFX, however. As someone who found FFVII to be off-putting and even somewhat traumatizing, I was rather nervous about the introduction of full 3D graphics and voice acting, but Square pulled off the transition to the PS2 with rare aplomb (with a few exceptions... see the above video). Along with the massive upgrade in production value, lots of new gameplay elements made this Final Fantasy seem very modern, particularly the sphere grid leveling system, which afforded more character customization than ever before, and the choice to give players full control of summons in battles, another series first. (Also, blitzball! Best minigame ever in a Final Fantasy! Fuck the haters!) Still, the story and characters hewed pretty close to Final Fantasy tradition while still managing to feel fresh and engaging. Sure, Yuna comes off as a tad wooden and Tidus precariously straddles the line between plucky Zidane alike and sullen Cloud/Squall wannabe, but their flaky behavior is more than offset by the gruff undead samurai badass that is Auron. And, truly, the cast is well balanced. The story, meanwhile, is suitably epic, twisting and turning its way towards a beautifully sad conclusion that seems somewhat fitting given the the fact that Hironobu Sakaguchi and Nobuo Uematsu were both about to depart from the series with which their names had become synonymous. Of course, Square then went and ruined it with an execrable sequel that would pretty much set the tone for the years to come.

27. Super Mario Bros.

I never really liked this game.  Maybe because I sucked at it.  It took me like four years to beat it.  What made it worse was that my older sister could beat it in less than 10 minutes flat just to prove how much better she was at than I.  Why is it on my list?  Great memories for starters.  Secondly, it kick started my habit of finishing games and never wanting to touch them ever again.  Ever. 

360 Games Now Playing   360 Games unopened:  Resonance of Fate  Last 360 Game I Beat: Resident Evil 5

DS Games Now Playing: Dragon Quest VI  DS Games unopened Knights in the Nightmare, Etrian Odyssey III, Okamiden, Dragon Quest IX Last DS Game I beat: Radiant Historia

Wii Games Now Playing  Super Mario Galaxy 2, Arc Rise Fantasia  Wii  Games unopened  Little King's Story, Sonic Colors, Silent Hill Shattered Memories Last Wii Game I beat: Sin & Punishment 2

badgenome said:

26. Final Fantasy X (PS2)


This was, in my opinion, the last great Final Fantasy. That is, it's the most recent great Final Fantasy, but it does look increasingly likely that it's also the last time this legendary series will manage to reach the level of the sublime, something it used to achieve with a clockwork regularity. I initially had my doubts about FFX, however. As someone who found FFVII to be off-putting and even somewhat traumatizing, I was rather nervous about the introduction of full 3D graphics and voice acting, but Square pulled off the transition to the PS2 with rare aplomb (with a few exceptions... see the above video). Along with the massive upgrade in production value, lots of new gameplay elements made this Final Fantasy seem very modern, particularly the sphere grid leveling system, which afforded more character customization than ever before, and the choice to give players full control of summons in battles, another series first. (Also, blitzball! Best minigame ever in a Final Fantasy! Fuck the haters!) Still, the story and characters hewed pretty close to Final Fantasy tradition while still managing to feel fresh and engaging. Sure, Yuna comes off as a tad wooden and Tidus precariously straddles the line between plucky Zidane alike and sullen Cloud/Squall wannabe, but their flaky behavior is more than offset by the gruff undead samurai badass that is Auron. And, truly, the cast is well balanced. The story, meanwhile, is suitably epic, twisting and turning its way towards a beautifully sad conclusion that seems somewhat fitting given the the fact that Hironobu Sakaguchi and Nobuo Uematsu were both about to depart from the series with which their names had become synonymous. Of course, Square then went and ruined it with an execrable sequel that would pretty much set the tone for the years to come.

I don't know if you know where I placed this... I'm sure you know of the my fondness to the sequal.
I always thought you didn't like this haha XD

25. Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII (PSP)

Surely a great game and I actually liked it more than FFVII itsself. Everything from its' story to gameplay were great and I honestly have to say, that it has one of the saddest endings ever in videogames.

2012 - Top 3 [so far]

                                                                             #1                                       #2                                      #3


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snfr said:

25. Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII (PSP)

Surely a great game and I actually liked it more than FFVII itsself. Everything from its' story to gameplay were great and I honestly have to say, that it has one of the saddest endings ever in videogames.

I have to say, at times I thought that too. The story for sure. However the amount of fun crap to do in FF7 has FF7 ahead for me. And plus it didn't have as memorable yuffie scenes :(.

snfr said:

25. Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII (PSP)

Surely a great game and I actually liked it more than FFVII itsself. Everything from its' story to gameplay were great and I honestly have to say, that it has one of the saddest endings ever in videogames.

I love This Game I would loved to have seen SE port it to Home Console and the ending actually made me cry and I am not afraid to admit that since it is at the end of my synopsis of this game that is at my No.41.  

Japanese Pop Culture Otaku

Khuutra said:

Number 27

Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition

For some reason, I falsely remembered, that remakes weren't allowed. Probably confused em' with collections. =/

Great game, though.

#27 Silent Hill 2
The atmosphere in this game I don't think has been surpassed for me. With an awesome story. Great Graphics for the time. A completely memorbale experience. However the combat sucks. This does add to immersion and helpless ness, but hurts it in it being a game.


#26 Zone of The Enders: 2nd Runner
Until Peace Walker, Directed by the Shuya Murata. (The person who directed the gameplay in MGS4 not the :P jk hehe) it was my favorite game to come out of Kojima Productions since Metal Gear Solid 2. The game had awesome graphics fast mecha combat and lots of pretty explosions. Emulate it on PC and it's a feast on the Eyes. With Great Sound Design and great story. A sequal to the game that came with the metal gear solid demo turned out to be quite a game.
It is however a bit short. However this might be to its benefit. I want a sequal for this, more than MGS5. :D

ishiki said:

#29 Silent Hill 2
The atmosphere in this game I don't think has been surpassed for me. With an awesome story. Great Graphics for the time. A completely memorbale experience. However the combat sucks. This does add to immersion and helpless ness, but hurts it in it being a game.

ishiki said:

#29 Silent Hill 2
The atmosphere in this game I don't think has been surpassed for me. With an awesome story. Great Graphics for the time. A completely memorbale experience. However the combat sucks. This does add to immersion and helpless ness, but hurts it in it being a game.


#28 Zone of The Enders: 2nd Runner
Until Peace Walker, it was my favorite game to come out of Kojima Productions since Metal Gear Solid 2. The game had awesome graphics fast mecha combat and lots of pretty explosions. Emulate it on PC and it's a feast on the Eyes. With Great Sound Design and great story. A sequal to the game that came with the metal gear solid demo turned out to be quite a game.
It is however a bit short. However this might be to its benefit. I want a sequal for this. More than MGS5. :D

 SH2 and ZOE 2nd Runner to awesome I actually have payed ZOE 2nd Runner in both the English and Japanese Versions because it is just that awesome and The Japanese voice overs are 100X better the the English Voice overs.   

Japanese Pop Culture Otaku