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I read the entire article. I currently don't own fable 3 so i don't know if many of the points he makes are actually problems. I am going to buy fable 3 next week hoping for a different experience from fable 2 (i did not like it). What do you guys think? Is the writer correct?

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I think you should get the award for flame poster of the week... Why do you care if you don't own the game?

Fable 3 most certainly does not fail.  Anyone who says that has clearly never played it before.

IGN fails.

Atto Suggests...:

Book - Malazan Book of the Fallen series 

Game - Metro Last Light

TV - Deadwood

Music - Forest Swords 

whatever makes you happy.

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disolitude said:

I think you should get the award for flame poster of the week... Why do you care if you don't own the game?

well i am planning on purchasing the game. I just want some thoughts on people who already own this game.

the game is fine. There are some issues I can go on about, like how the weapons system has you grind a bit to get new augments for your arsenal and how the Vortex/Blades combo is utterly broken, but overall it's one of the 360's best titles and has various improvements over its predecessor. The article is a joke, not really getting much of the point of the game.

SpartenOmega117 said:
disolitude said:

I think you should get the award for flame poster of the week... Why do you care if you don't own the game?

well i am planning on purchasing the game. I just want some thoughts on people who already own this game.

Do you seriously expect us to believe that when there's a thread titled "Don't pay attention to reviews! (Regarding fable 3)" in this forum (along with others) that were made before yours? 

disolitude said:

I think you should get the award for flame poster of the week... Why do you care if you don't own the game?

Why would somebody care about the opinions of a game they don't own? Maybe so they know if they should in fact buy it or what to expect when they do? Kinda the whole point of reviewers and such existing.

You know... I can tell you a bunch of things I hate about Fable 1 and 2 but I love them regardless.

I expect the same from Fable 3.

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