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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Ready at Dawn: "The Wii Novelty is wearing off"

flagstaad said:
oni-link said:

I've had it with ungrateful 3rd parties on the Wii!!!  The Wii essentially funded most of Ubi, Capcom, EA, and Sega's HD games until they became a viable platform (well more on PS3 than 360 as the latter became viable after a year).  Third Parties are still doing this like in the case of Sonic Colours which will get a port to HD systems depending on how successful the Wii version of the game does!!! 

I think the worst "use Wii to fund HD projects" offenders are Ubisoft and Capcom.

Sega usually is a good player, they gave us The Conduit, Madworld, House of the Dead: Overkill, and are bringing Conduit 2 and Sonic Colors to us. Some games sold pretty good (Mario & Sonic) some others didn't but they keep releasing decent to good games for the console with effort behind them.

EA doesn't know what to do, they bet on the wrong horse, and the usual Nintendo player doesn't buy a lot of simulation sport games, they made some tries but not with the kind of games that people were expecting and the "release another version every year" didn't worked either, cause the Wii user only want one boom blox to play with their friends, or one Fifa edition to use when some friends come by, or one complete version of Tiger Woods. They never really tried, and could not "use Wii to fund HD projects".

EA is reporting limited income from Wii and almost none from DS. It went from trying things that sometimes worked to falling back on its tried-and-true sports approach, which won't work.

Also, another to add to the finance list is Take 2. After all, Carnival Games helped it remain alive until Rockstar's GTA IV was ready to go.

Mike from Morgantown


I am Mario.

I like to jump around, and would lead a fairly serene and aimless existence if it weren't for my friends always getting into trouble. I love to help out, even when it puts me at risk. I seem to make friends with people who just can't stay out of trouble.

Wii Friend Code: 1624 6601 1126 1492


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BMaker11 said:
Soriku said:

Back to that old collecting dust myth?

It's funny because so many different people have said the *exact* same thing. It can't be a total myth...

Except that the actual play numbers generally tell a different story.

I think there is a whole group of people who enjoy their Wii consoles who never darken an Internet message board. And we don't hear from that group except when they come out to buy 2-3-4 games per year.


Mike from Morgantown


I am Mario.

I like to jump around, and would lead a fairly serene and aimless existence if it weren't for my friends always getting into trouble. I love to help out, even when it puts me at risk. I seem to make friends with people who just can't stay out of trouble.

Wii Friend Code: 1624 6601 1126 1492


oniyide said:

@tomSons  never mind these guys I feel you on "the child's toy aspect" i mean when I walk into a store and see Dora the explorer, family fun night, carnival games, barbie, hanah montana, bratz, imaginz whatever, then I go home turn on WiiWare and see Caterpillar ABCs any logical human mind is going to think "the Wii is mostly for the kiddies" Its not about being manly, it is what it is. I dont know why Wii fans think family friendly is a bad thing and I dont know why they have blinders on and try to act like those games I listed dont exist!!! There out there, if you like to play those do, if not dont. But lets not pretend that people are just making stuff up

And you act as they don't exist on the PS3 or Xbox too (more notable with the Move and Kinect)

Above: still the best game of the year.

And I'm still wating my super awesome dungeon crawler game for the Wii. Zelda might do it, but I don't have many hopes. Where is the effort on this?

Above: still the best game of the year.

mike_intellivision said:
BMaker11 said:
Soriku said:

Back to that old collecting dust myth?

It's funny because so many different people have said the *exact* same thing. It can't be a total myth...

Except that the actual play numbers generally tell a different story.

I think there is a whole group of people who enjoy their Wii consoles who never darken an Internet message board. And we don't hear from that group except when they come out to buy 2-3-4 games per year.


Mike from Morgantown

Plus there is a phenomenon of a bunch of people collectively telling lies about things they don't like. Take politics.

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs

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oniyide said:

@metallicube  while I agree that if you dont like whatever you should get rid of it, by why take it so personally??? its just games, some people think Wii sucks thats there opinion, you might think PS3 sucks and has "no games" but im not gonna fly off the handle, or "RROD" I havent seen alot xbox fans fly off the handle for that. You can bring up software sales all you want that doesnt account for everyone's taste and what they play and if you take into account there are more top selling HD games than their are Wii ones I think they might even themselves out.

I imagine the difference is because the people who say it about the Wii are usually in the industry and basically expressing "sour grapes" because they cannot figure out how to "crack the code" and "break the bank" on the Wii.

So instead of making a general statement like, "We prefer to go in a different direction because it is a better fit with our strengths and talents," these developers have to add in a dig at the console because they don't understand its popularity or how to program for it.


Mike from Morgantown


I am Mario.

I like to jump around, and would lead a fairly serene and aimless existence if it weren't for my friends always getting into trouble. I love to help out, even when it puts me at risk. I seem to make friends with people who just can't stay out of trouble.

Wii Friend Code: 1624 6601 1126 1492


mike_intellivision said:
oniyide said:

@metallicube  while I agree that if you dont like whatever you should get rid of it, by why take it so personally??? its just games, some people think Wii sucks thats there opinion, you might think PS3 sucks and has "no games" but im not gonna fly off the handle, or "RROD" I havent seen alot xbox fans fly off the handle for that. You can bring up software sales all you want that doesnt account for everyone's taste and what they play and if you take into account there are more top selling HD games than their are Wii ones I think they might even themselves out.

I imagine the difference is because the people who say it about the Wii are usually in the industry and basically expressing "sour grapes" because they cannot figure out how to "crack the code" and "break the bank" on the Wii.

So instead of making a general statement like, "We prefer to go in a different direction because it is a better fit with our strengths and talents," these developers have to add in a dig at the console because they don't understand its popularity or how to program for it.


Mike from Morgantown

Some have, and we accepted it.

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs

mike_intellivision said:
oniyide said:

@metallicube  while I agree that if you dont like whatever you should get rid of it, by why take it so personally??? its just games, some people think Wii sucks thats there opinion, you might think PS3 sucks and has "no games" but im not gonna fly off the handle, or "RROD" I havent seen alot xbox fans fly off the handle for that. You can bring up software sales all you want that doesnt account for everyone's taste and what they play and if you take into account there are more top selling HD games than their are Wii ones I think they might even themselves out.

I imagine the difference is because the people who say it about the Wii are usually in the industry and basically expressing "sour grapes" because they cannot figure out how to "crack the code" and "break the bank" on the Wii.

So instead of making a general statement like, "We prefer to go in a different direction because it is a better fit with our strengths and talents," these developers have to add in a dig at the console because they don't understand its popularity or how to program for it.


Mike from Morgantown

I don't think it is this at all.  Nintendo has a problem with third party software.  Period.   The Wii, The Gamecube, The n64.  This isn't a new trend.  This isn't all on the publishers.  There is a good amount of burden to blame on Nintendo.  Nintendo consoles end up being limited to the 'Nintendo only' games usually (Mario, Zelda, Metroid, DK,etc). Whether they don't provide enough help to third parties, or help in someway.  Or they don't provide them with the best tools / support.   Nintendo needs to bare some of that burden.

People's gripes may be very much validated.  Wii might have a good portion of it's ownership who think it's the best thing in the world and Mom / Dad / Grandma / Grandpa / Brothers / Sisters / etc all play.  Their play time or the combined play time may very well amount to a lot of made up play time.    The Wii might also have a good portion of it's owners who think it's the absolute biggest waste of a console on the planet and essentially haven't touched it since 2007. 

The touchy-ness of this issue with members of the Nintendo fanbase absolutely astounds me though.  So what if people say their Wii collects dust?  People said the PS3 has no gamez for a long time.  People made fun of RROD forever. 

On cue the usual defenders flare up and get up in arms and start listing numbers and charts and a whole host of other things trying to disprove this. Even going as far as to claim it's a "myth".  The sentiment (That is heard so often) obviously isn't a myth.  There obviously is a semi-large sect out there that is genuinely disappointed with their Wii for a myriad of reasons.  

No one knows the precise play-time numbers.  No one knows the exact details.   None of this exists in an isolated environment.   If the 360/PS3 were $300 would this generation play out differently or the same?  Who knows?  The one certainty we know out of this is  that some developers and gamers alike feel like the Wii's time to shine has passed.  They may be right?  They may be wrong.   It doesn't matter as the experience is very much a person to person type of experience. 

Personally,  I feel the Wii is very comparable to the Gamecube (Maybe a bit worse) in a lot of ways.  That's just how I feel.  I recently  sold it because I don't enjoy it and haven't in many years. That won't be the case for everybody, however.

There is something that tells me that 90% of the people that says their Wii is collecting dust has never actually owned one

Beuli2 said:

And I'm still wating my super awesome dungeon crawler game for the Wii. Zelda might do it, but I don't have many hopes. Where is the effort on this?

Haven't played it myself (too many games, no time ), but did you try Shiren the Wanderer?

Currently Playing: Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor Overclocked, Professor Layton and the Curious Village

Anticipating: Xenoblade, The Last Story, Mario Kart 7, Rayman Origins, Zelda SS, Crush3D, Tales of the Abyss 3DS, MGS:Snake Eater 3DS, RE:Revelations, Time Travellers, Professor Layton vs. Ace Attorney, Luigi's Mansion 2, MH TriG, DQ Monsters, Heroes of Ruin