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PS3 vs N64

N64 292 46.65%
PS3 332 53.04%

I've got to say I voted N64, but if I thought about it a little more I think I would have picket the PS3 because I overlooked the complete lack of JRPGS on the N64. Still think Mario 64 and Pilotwings are the best games ever though, but the complete lack of Jrpgs is a bit much.

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N64 hands down.

For Goldeneye and Mario Kart alone.

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I pick PS3, but only because I only played Mario Kart 64 and Pokemon Stadium

Which were absolutely great

Though it was a very tough to decide, N64 raises as my favourite console as it had the games I liked better than those of PS3 today. You might be right... nostalgia boosted N64. I don't think that's bad as long as I enjoy what this generation has to offer.

The N64 is my favourite ever console, so this is an easy decision for me. Mario 64, OoT, MM, Banjo, Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, Conkers Bad Fur Day, MK64, etc, etc... I could quite happily play them all today, and I'd enjoy them just as much as I did back then.

I'm enjoying my PS3 now. Will the games stand the test of time? We don't know yet.


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Wow, this was a really tough call. I didn't have an N64 myself but I used to play my mate's one and had loadsa fun on 4 player splitscreen.

I went with PS3, although it's a small margin, I think it has more games that I'm interested in.

Clearly anyone saying PS3 wan't actually around in the N64 days! The N64 was revolutionary, the PS3 is evolutionary. There are several N64 games which not only rewrote the rules on gaming and defined whole new genres, but are still just as playable today as they were back then.

The PS3 may have some good games, but none of them have done for gaming what the likes of Mario 64, Zelda OOT and Goldeneye have.

I know this is a comparison about games but I think the similarities between the two systems are more interesting.  For example:

  • Both systems can arguably be considered more powerful than any of their competition.
  • Both systems were noted as being notoriously hard to program for
  • Both systems marked a substantial decline in userbase marking their creator's fall from being the most popular console (despite having what some consider the best games of their time)
  • Both were their creator's third console 
  • Both consoles were released a year later than their closest competitor

d21lewis said:

I know this is a comparison about games but I think the similarities between the two systems are more interesting.  For example:

  • Both systems can arguably be considered more powerful than any of their competition.
  • Both systems were noted as being notoriously hard to program for
  • Both systems marked a substantial decline in userbase marking their creator's fall from being the most popular console (despite having what some consider the best games of their time)
  • Both were their creator's third console 
  • Both consoles were released a year later than their closest competitor

lol. true. thats some interresting information.


as for the comparsion itself: i think not a single Game on PS3 flashed me like Zelda did back then.. but otherwise, Zelda didnt hit me like the PS1 Games did.. strange.


i'd say its a tie, if it is about the game that has impressed me the most (when PS1 doesnt count) it is N64, but when we go for the overall quality, it is PS3.

I'm a Foreigner, and as such, i am grateful for everyone pointing out any mistakes in my english posted above - only this way i'll be able to improve. thank you!

I'll go for the PS3.I dont have it, but it seem its library of games is more diverse, and most of its games has good/great reviews.