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Forums - General Discussion - Angela Merkel = Hitler II?

numonex said:
scottie said:

> Some German politician says exactly what 90% of Australians, say, think, and act upon every single day

> Said politician gets called Hitler II

> In that case Australia must contain Hitler III - 18 or so million


Regardless, Hitler would not have said 'the Jews must come to accept German values'. This person bears no resemblance to Hitler other than their ancestry. Whoever wrote the text in the OP is actually more racist than the person being discussed.


Surprise surprise, it's Yahoo "news" (for lack of a better term for the drivel they put out)

I am pretty certain you mean Austria. Austria is Germany's smaller neighbour. Australia is not in Europe. 

The Muslims are the Jews of the modern age. There is always a group of people in the world who are being discriminated against. There is over 1 billion Muslims in the world and outwardly discriminating against them is a political minefield.

Extreme ultra nationalist xenophobic views promoted by Rupert Murdoch and his media empire has corrupted a lot of people in the world into thinking exactly like Murdoch. More people are just parroting lines from Murdoch's racist xenophobia media. 


Austria also doesn't have a population of size such that 90% of it contains 18 million people. Australia is also the country I live in, so I am very aware of which country I refer to. We don't have to be next to Germany to hate Muslims down under, we're managing quite well chilling next to new Zealand and hating.


To be honest I'm not entirely sure what the point of the next two paragraphs you posted once. I agree that discrimination against Muslims is a horrid thing, there is no possible way I could agree more. However, despite that unconditional agreement, I am still able to recognise two, very important things.

Thing number 1 - The degree of racism in this case pales into near insignificance when compared to what was done in NAZI Germany. In this case we have someone saying that people should act in a certain way, or be deported/not allowed in in the first place. On the other hand we have someone brutally murdering people for being different. I think the comparison drawn in the OP is very innacurate.


Thing number 2- treating racist Germans differently than you would treat racist people of a different race, is racist.

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The problem isn't immigration... its the need to have one common identity. The world needs to accept that we are movign towards a single global community where we are all in the same boat as clear individuals. In this we must learn to accept our differences and respect as well as cherish diversity.

superchunk said:

The problem isn't immigration... its the need to have one common identity. The world needs to accept that we are movign towards a single global community where we are all in the same boat as clear individuals. In this we must learn to accept our differences and respect as well as cherish diversity.

so do you accept and respect people who dont accept and respect you?  should we cherish their inability to do that?

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MrBubbles said:
superchunk said:

The problem isn't immigration... its the need to have one common identity. The world needs to accept that we are moving towards a single global community where we are all in the same boat as clear individuals. In this we must learn to accept our differences and respect as well as cherish diversity.

so do you accept and respect people who dont accept and respect you?  should we cherish their inability to do that?

I may not be their friends and hang out with them, but I respect their differences from my beliefs and cultural actions. Diversity is a good thing as opposing views has the tendency to get the best outcome through honest discussion. However, its far too often that people won't accept another point of view and simply fight.

sapphi_snake said:
rocketpig said:

See, I think those rights are inherent even if the opinions are ignorant and despicable. I look at Europe and Canada and question the government's right to censor unpopular speech, as once that bridge is crossed, it's hard to stop the government from infringing upon unpopular but necessary debate.

Debate is too slow, and only works with a certain type of public.

That's exactly it: who is the one that gets to decide what is "too slow" and who is the "certain type of public"? At the end of the day, someone has to make those decisions and there's a chance that person may not have the good of the people as their primary concern.

There are risks and benefits to each side of this argument but when it comes to (nearly) unbridled freedom of speech, at least the people are erring on the side of caution. When it comes to any kind of freedom, I'm always an advocate of restricting the government's control over letting them get more control over the individual.

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sapphi_snake said:
rocketpig said:

See, I think those rights are inherent even if the opinions are ignorant and despicable. I look at Europe and Canada and question the government's right to censor unpopular speech, as once that bridge is crossed, it's hard to stop the government from infringing upon unpopular but necessary debate.

Debate is too slow, and only works with a certain type of public.

You know who agreed with that statement?

sapphi_snake said:
Killiana1a said:


Just because a national leader does not share your political and world views does not mean she is the second coming of Adolf Hitler.

As for Christian vs. Secular values, man does one need to study up on history. The Christianity one loves to demonize occurred during the Middle Ages. Since then, we have had the Renaissance and the subsequent rise of secularism in the 20th century.

Thusforth, Christian values are the foundation for which secular values could take root and grow. Without them, we may be living in some polytheistic tribal culture where if you offend one God, his followers will stone you to death. So please, consider the alternatives and history going all the way back to Socrates on through St. Augustine to Nietzsche.

Rome was a polytheistic tribal culture where if you offended one God his followers woul stone you to death? And what are these Christian values which were original, and actually invented by Christianity?

Not Christian per se in the fundamentalist sense, but preserved by Christian monks and Muslims during the Dark Ages. Without these Christian monks and Muslims preserving the works of Socrates and others, we would have a far different set of values than we have today.

As for inventions of values, it was more or less a preservation of history that flowered into a growth in humanism during the Renaissance onto what we in the West have today. Both the monks and Muslims (Great Library of Alexandria) are equally responsible in preserving Greek philosophy and math.

All values stem from a philosophical underpinning and are interpreted to fit within a particular religious viewpoint. For example, St. Augustine who is a classic theologian and philosopher had his randy youthful days, grew out of it, studied up on ancient history and re-interpreted that Greek philosophy in such a fundamentalist sense that is still alive in Catholicism today concerning premarital sex.

superchunk said:
MrBubbles said:
superchunk said:

The problem isn't immigration... its the need to have one common identity. The world needs to accept that we are moving towards a single global community where we are all in the same boat as clear individuals. In this we must learn to accept our differences and respect as well as cherish diversity.

so do you accept and respect people who dont accept and respect you?  should we cherish their inability to do that?

I may not be their friends and hang out with them, but I respect their differences from my beliefs and cultural actions. Diversity is a good thing as opposing views has the tendency to get the best outcome through honest discussion. However, its far too often that people won't accept another point of view and simply fight.

Simply fight? If their was diversity people would already be happy...but their is only one thing going on now...adept to the minorty...Swedish girls changing their haircolour for the minority as an example


Killiana1a said:
sapphi_snake said:
Killiana1a said:


Just because a national leader does not share your political and world views does not mean she is the second coming of Adolf Hitler.

As for Christian vs. Secular values, man does one need to study up on history. The Christianity one loves to demonize occurred during the Middle Ages. Since then, we have had the Renaissance and the subsequent rise of secularism in the 20th century.

Thusforth, Christian values are the foundation for which secular values could take root and grow. Without them, we may be living in some polytheistic tribal culture where if you offend one God, his followers will stone you to death. So please, consider the alternatives and history going all the way back to Socrates on through St. Augustine to Nietzsche.

Rome was a polytheistic tribal culture where if you offended one God his followers woul stone you to death? And what are these Christian values which were original, and actually invented by Christianity?

Not Christian per se in the fundamentalist sense, but preserved by Christian monks and Muslims during the Dark Ages. Without these Christian monks and Muslims preserving the works of Socrates and others, we would have a far different set of values than we have today.

As for inventions of values, it was more or less a preservation of history that flowered into a growth in humanism during the Renaissance onto what we in the West have today. (1)Both the monks and Muslims (Great Library of Alexandria) are equally responsible in preserving Greek philosophy and math.

(2) All values stem from a philosophical underpinning and are interpreted to fit within a particular religious viewpoint. For example, St. Augustine who is a classic theologian and philosopher had his randy youthful days, grew out of it, studied up on ancient history and re-interpreted that Greek philosophy in such a fundamentalist sense that is still alive in Catholicism today concerning premarital sex.

(1) Christians (and muslims) are responsable for the destruction of many texts from the Library.

(2) I don't see why the "values" that you mentioned are in anyway usefull to the human race. I'd say quite the opposite. I don't think that individual's work has any value.

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merkel = hitler 2?

more like muslims in germany = nazis 2

i live in munich, i know how it is here, and multikulti failed miserably, it was clear years ago but since "thilo sarrazin" more and more politicians admit that this is the case

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