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Forums - General Discussion - Angela Merkel = Hitler II?

sapphi_snake said:
in both Islam and Chrisitanity women are considered to be "equal" to men

good try but that's absolutly not true: following the qu'ran, a women isn't equal to a men

sapphi_snake said:
One of the biggest problems in Western nations is forcing people to become Christian

no western nations is forcing people to become christian but all day we see muslims all over the world forcing people from other believs to convert to islam or they get killed (beheaded, burned alive, stoned etc) as they get ordered to do so from theyr 'holy' book the qu'ran.

sapphi_snake said:
she's a right wind religious nut

you are wrong again: she is considered as far left minded by her political party & a lot of people in germany.

sapphi_snake said:
Forcing someone to subscribe to the values of a certain religion is no different than forcing them to convert to said religion. Religion is something personal, so individuals can choose to follow the values of a certain religion, however society at large musn't adhere to the moral teachings of any religion, if religious freedom is something that society strives for of course.

sure it's different. it isn't not different because you don't see or know the difference. read some replies of this thread so you will see & probably understand were the difference is. the western countries adhere to religious freedom, the same thing can't be said about muslims as they see themself as believers of the one & only true religion. everybody else has to be converted to it or killed.

sapphi_snake said:
Here comments are insulting to all non-Christians in Germany, and from what I know Germany isn't a very religious country, so I doubt many Germans appreciate the "we feel tied to Christian values" part of her speach.

since thilo sarrazin wrote a book about how the situation in germany is degenerating, a lot of polls have been made & guess what the results were: mostly well over 75% (sometimes even over 90%) the population in germany see themself as a christian nation & are tired of the behaviours of the non-integrated immegrants. it's a fact germany has a big problem with immigrants from muslim nations. on the other hand immigrants from non-muslim countries aren't creating such problems. but germany isn't alone in europe with that because the same problem is also very present in the UK, france, belgium, sweden, austria, switzerland, spain.

sapphi_snake said:
Read some books on the subject and see who's living in his own reality.

if the only book you readed is the qu'ran, i understand why you seem to be the one in an own reality.

sapphi_snake said:
Truth be told, it's pretty hard for multiculturalism to work. For example immigrants coming from a country where the culture is sexist will probably have a hard time making their traditional culture survive in their new home country where equality between sexes is the norm.

multiculturalism can work, as i already partly mentioned before there are no big problems with immigrants from non-muslim counties.

sapphi_snake said:
The Christian and Jewish influences areat best minimal today (despite what many people think).

true, but only in non christian or jewish countries

sapphi_snake said:
Well, Merkel is German. Hitler seemed more appropriate than Stalin.

do i really need to write something on that bs?

sapphi_snake said:
Western morality developed in a certain way, and that's a fact

at least the western morality has evolved during the last 2000 years, the muslim doesn't.

Around the Network

> Some German politician says exactly what 90% of Australians, say, think, and act upon every single day

> Said politician gets called Hitler II

> In that case Australia must contain Hitler III - 18 or so million


Regardless, Hitler would not have said 'the Jews must come to accept German values'. This person bears no resemblance to Hitler other than their ancestry. Whoever wrote the text in the OP is actually more racist than the person being discussed.


Surprise surprise, it's Yahoo "news" (for lack of a better term for the drivel they put out)

DukeOfLuxembourg said:
sapphi_snake said:
in both Islam and Chrisitanity women are considered to be "equal" to men

good try but that's absolutly not true: following the qu'ran, a women isn't equal to a men

sapphi_snake said:
One of the biggest problems in Western nations is forcing people to become Christian

no western nations is forcing people to become christian but all day we see muslims all over the world forcing people from other believs to convert to islam or they get killed (beheaded, burned alive, stoned etc) as they get ordered to do so from theyr 'holy' book the qu'ran.

sapphi_snake said:
she's a right wind religious nut

you are wrong again: she is considered as far left minded by her political party & a lot of people in germany.

sapphi_snake said:
Forcing someone to subscribe to the values of a certain religion is no different than forcing them to convert to said religion. Religion is something personal, so individuals can choose to follow the values of a certain religion, however society at large musn't adhere to the moral teachings of any religion, if religious freedom is something that society strives for of course.

sure it's different. it isn't not different because you don't see or know the difference. read some replies of this thread so you will see & probably understand were the difference is. the western countries adhere to religious freedom, the same thing can't be said about muslims as they see themself as believers of the one & only true religion. everybody else has to be converted to it or killed.

sapphi_snake said:
Here comments are insulting to all non-Christians in Germany, and from what I know Germany isn't a very religious country, so I doubt many Germans appreciate the "we feel tied to Christian values" part of her speach.

since thilo sarrazin wrote a book about how the situation in germany is degenerating, a lot of polls have been made & guess what the results were: mostly well over 75% (sometimes even over 90%) the population in germany see themself as a christian nation & are tired of the behaviours of the non-integrated immegrants. it's a fact germany has a big problem with immigrants from muslim nations. on the other hand immigrants from non-muslim countries aren't creating such problems. but germany isn't alone in europe with that because the same problem is also very present in the UK, france, belgium, sweden, austria, switzerland, spain.

sapphi_snake said:
Read some books on the subject and see who's living in his own reality.

if the only book you readed is the qu'ran, i understand why you seem to be the one in an own reality.

sapphi_snake said:
Truth be told, it's pretty hard for multiculturalism to work. For example immigrants coming from a country where the culture is sexist will probably have a hard time making their traditional culture survive in their new home country where equality between sexes is the norm.

multiculturalism can work, as i already partly mentioned before there are no big problems with immigrants from non-muslim counties.

sapphi_snake said:
The Christian and Jewish influences areat best minimal today (despite what many people think).

true, but only in non christian or jewish countries

sapphi_snake said:
Well, Merkel is German. Hitler seemed more appropriate than Stalin.

do i really need to write something on that bs?

sapphi_snake said:
Western morality developed in a certain way, and that's a fact

at least the western morality has evolved during the last 2000 years, the muslim doesn't.

so in other words...its all the fault of Muslims.Ironic how you rant about how extremist Muslims are,and yet your an extremist Christian yourself.

"They will know heghan belongs to the helghast"

"England expects that everyman will do his duty"

"we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender"


Genocide and ethnic cleansing. Concentration camps are coming back!!! Auschwitz 2.0. 

sapphi_snake said:
HappySqurriel said:

Right ... Giving an honest assessment of a problem that is emerging in many western nations is the equivalent of being one of the worst mass murderers in history.

Honest? One of the biggest problems in Western nations is forcing people to become Christian?

No, forcing people to integrate. (i am german, but not a christian.)

i mean, i really hate Merkel, but i think she should NEVER be compared to hitler, since she is (it hurts to say^^) actually a good Person, maybe not made to be the head of a Nation, but she isnt bad at all.

but well, immigration, or missing integration, is a huge problem in some parts over here.

i mean, in my very own Hometown, some people are screaming Nazi over the streets, when i, or any other white skinned person walks along the streets. And the even bigger problem are the 'older' immigrants, that came over here 20-30 years ago. They just HATE German's, and they let you know about that.

And since i was working at a hospital in my past, i often did see people from other Countries, who lived here for the past 10 years, and couldnt tell the Doctors what their problem was, or where they had pain, because they were just able to say 'Hello' in german, and as i said, things like that are happening day in, day out. (luckilly, this hosptial has many Nurses from other Countries, but translating for the Doc day in day out just is a no go, and it really is annoying for them.)

So if she speaks offensively about the fail of integration over here, she sure has a point.

I'm a Foreigner, and as such, i am grateful for everyone pointing out any mistakes in my english posted above - only this way i'll be able to improve. thank you!

Around the Network
sapphi_snake said:
Kasz216 said:

I will say though, I work in a store in Nevada currently, and I can't help like one third of the people because they don't speak english or not well enough to articulate what they need.

Being able to speak the language of the government of the country you live in is simply a must.  Just to properly exist in society... I could only imagine the problems that would happen if I were a cop or fireman or medical offical or even a government official, rather then some guy at a store.

As for the rest....

We don't really have that big a problem with a multicultural lifestyle in the US, but Germany and the UK in general isn't the US, so I can't say why that is.

Perhaps because of the lesser amounts of free speech and expression.

Here, people gerenally free say a lot of stupid and racist things... and are generally ostracized for it pretty early on and it opens up debate.

In other countries perhaps it does nothing but breed an underground issue that builds until it bursts, and by then so many people agree there isn't anything you can do.

Ostarcised by whom? All the ignorant Americans (and by this I mean Americans who are ignorant/racist etc., I am not calling all Americans ignorant FTR) I've met get all worked up if you ostracise them for their stupid racist etc. opinions. They actually feel that you infringe their freedom of speech if you ostracise them (again, my experience).

I think you Americans have taken freedom of speech way too far.

These are our freedoms, that freedom of speach was part this countries Bill of Rights. The freedom to speak up your values, your opinion and clearly state that it is such is not protected it is the right of every American.

The point is it took far greater minds to comprise the Bill of Rights than someone who believes ignorant people shouldn't talk.

Look at it this way, if they can't share their opinion then why should anyone else be allowed to share their opinion?

The minds that wrote the original document knew that ignorant and niche views of today could be genius and mainstream tommorow. Any American know this even those your calling ignorant.

I'm Unamerica and you can too.

The Official Huge Monster Hunter Thread: 

The Hunt Begins 4/20/2010 =D

scottie said:

> Some German politician says exactly what 90% of Australians, say, think, and act upon every single day

> Said politician gets called Hitler II

> In that case Australia must contain Hitler III - 18 or so million


Regardless, Hitler would not have said 'the Jews must come to accept German values'. This person bears no resemblance to Hitler other than their ancestry. Whoever wrote the text in the OP is actually more racist than the person being discussed.


Surprise surprise, it's Yahoo "news" (for lack of a better term for the drivel they put out)

I am pretty certain you mean Austria. Austria is Germany's smaller neighbour. Australia is not in Europe. 

The Muslims are the Jews of the modern age. There is always a group of people in the world who are being discriminated against. There is over 1 billion Muslims in the world and outwardly discriminating against them is a political minefield.

Extreme ultra nationalist xenophobic views promoted by Rupert Murdoch and his media empire has corrupted a lot of people in the world into thinking exactly like Murdoch. More people are just parroting lines from Murdoch's racist xenophobia media. 

erhm, i just read the entire article in german (on another, more trustworthy site), and the turksish prime minister is actually agreeing with merkel, not entirely, but partly. And in addition, the turkish president also said, that the Muslims over here should at least learn the language of Country they want to live in, since that is a major problem over here.

I'm a Foreigner, and as such, i am grateful for everyone pointing out any mistakes in my english posted above - only this way i'll be able to improve. thank you!


Just because a national leader does not share your political and world views does not mean she is the second coming of Adolf Hitler.

As for Christian vs. Secular values, man does one need to study up on history. The Christianity one loves to demonize occurred during the Middle Ages. Since then, we have had the Renaissance and the subsequent rise of secularism in the 20th century.

Thusforth, Christian values are the foundation for which secular values could take root and grow. Without them, we may be living in some polytheistic tribal culture where if you offend one God, his followers will stone you to death. So please, consider the alternatives and history going all the way back to Socrates on through St. Augustine to Nietzsche.

NKAJ said:

so in other words...its all the fault of Muslims.Ironic how you rant about how extremist Muslims are,and yet your an extremist Christian yourself.

LMAO i didn't rant about them, i only said how the reality looks like. btw i'm in no way an extremist christian for telling the truth. sooner or later you & the other people all over europe will wake up from the tale the left winded & socialist medias are telling us all days, but let's hope it wouldn't be to late then.