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Forums - Sales Discussion - Gran Turismo 5 will fail to sell...


Gran Turismo 5 will fail to sell...

Best Selling Gran Turismo 939 37.95%
2nd Best Selling Gran Turismo 494 19.97%
3rd Best Selling Gran Turismo 389 15.72%
4th Best Selling Gran Turismo 116 4.69%
The Worst Selling Gran Turismo 536 21.67%
Killiana1a said:

It will only reach the 10 million mark if Sony bundles it with every PS3 until the end of this generation coupled with it selling like hotcakes these holidays. Too much time has lapsed between GT4 and GT5 leaving other games such as God of War, Uncharted, Metal Gear Solid and others to define the "Playstation experience" absent Gran Turismo.

I have predicted 425,000 in it's opening week and 4 million lifetime (I assume it will be bundled to give it the legs it otherwise would not have standalone retail).

As of the latest preorder charts, GT5 is at 260,000 total. No way it breaks the 1 million mark it's first weekend unless it magically adds another 100,000-200,000 preorder between now and Black Friday.

Are you talking about NA only ? Cause if you add in the pre - orders from the Japan Preview, GT5 is over the 425,000 mark. And this is without EMEAA. And 4 Million lifetime ?! GT5 releases on BF week. So the game's first week could be in the 2.5 - 3 Million mark. And then it still has December and the holidays to sell. It will pass the 4 Million mark before the year is up !  

Who's the best Pac, Nas, and Big. Just leave it to that.

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CGI-Quality said:
phenom08 said:

Thats how the past GTs performed on extremely high selling consoles(something the ps3 is not). GT3 made it that far thanks to the highest selling console in history and heavy bundles and the PS3 selling power has already proven 10 million is  a pretty tall task for it, im certain one of the call of dutys will remain the highest selling on the ps3. 10 million is what im predicting and im being pretty optimistic. 10 million is closer to 6 million than 15 million.

PS2 wasn't the highest selling console when GT3 released though, in fact far from it.

GT3 had an insane amount of legs thanks to the PS2's insane amount of legs, it was massively bundled you know. GT4 which also released on the PS2 sold an significant amount less in the Americas for a reason. My point is GT is really not that massive of a franchise as GT fans make it out to be (15 million is not likely or happening).

CGI-Quality said:
phenom08 said:
CGI-Quality said:
phenom08 said:

Thats how the past GTs performed on extremely high selling consoles(something the ps3 is not). GT3 made it that far thanks to the highest selling console in history and heavy bundles and the PS3 selling power has already proven 10 million is  a pretty tall task for it, im certain one of the call of dutys will remain the highest selling on the ps3. 10 million is what im predicting and im being pretty optimistic. 10 million is closer to 6 million than 15 million.

PS2 wasn't the highest selling console when GT3 released though, in fact far from it.

GT3 had an insane amount of legs thanks to the PS2's insane amount of legs, it was massively bundled you know. GT4 which also released on the PS2 sold an significant amount less in the Americas for a reason. My point is GT is really not that massive of a franchise as GT fans make it out to be (15 million is not likely or happening).

It was bundled big in NA, I'm aware of that, but most people don't expect it to sell 15 million. So why are you so stuck on the few that do?

I was debating with someone else until you butted in with your pointless two cents.

CGI-Quality said:

phenom08 said:

GT3 had an insane amount of legs thanks to the PS2's insane amount of legs, it was massively bundled you know. GT4 which also released on the PS2 sold an significant amount less in the Americas for a reason. My point is GT is really not that massive of a franchise as GT fans make it out to be (15 million is not likely or happening).

It was bundled big in NA, I'm aware of that, but most people don't expect it to sell 15 million. So why are you so stuck on the few that do?

I was debating with someone else until you butted in with your pointless two cents.

It wasn't pointless, because you have to understand the position PS2 was in when GT3 launched. If GT5 were to be bundled like that, it could probably reach similar numbers.

The problem with your approach is you refuse to debate with anyone who's prediction is reasonable.

I only entered a debate with the guy i origianally debated with because he kept saying how 15 million isn't as ludacris as 6 million and i said to him 15 million is just as unlikely, if not more likely or will most likely be closer to 6 million. There's nothing for us to really debate, i think 11 million max with heavy bundles, 9 million is where i think its going to fall. 

CGI-Quality said:
phenom08 said:
CGI-Quality said:

phenom08 said:

GT3 had an insane amount of legs thanks to the PS2's insane amount of legs, it was massively bundled you know. GT4 which also released on the PS2 sold an significant amount less in the Americas for a reason. My point is GT is really not that massive of a franchise as GT fans make it out to be (15 million is not likely or happening).

It was bundled big in NA, I'm aware of that, but most people don't expect it to sell 15 million. So why are you so stuck on the few that do?

I was debating with someone else until you butted in with your pointless two cents.

It wasn't pointless, because you have to understand the position PS2 was in when GT3 launched. If GT5 were to be bundled like that, it could probably reach similar numbers.

The problem with your approach is you refuse to debate with anyone who's prediction is reasonable.

I only entered a debate with the guy i origianally debated with because he kept saying how 15 million isn't as ludacris as 6 million and i said to him 15 million is just as unlikely, if not more likely or will most likely be closer to 6 million. There's nothing for us to really debate, i think 11 million max with heavy bundles, 9 million is where i think its going to fall. 

Alright, fair enough. 6 million is low, but I agree 15 million is too high. I say it'll fair between 9 & 11 million.

I completely agree, I have to say I enjoy debating with you even though we have different views, atleast you reply alot quicker than others.

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Wow, this has been going on for ages!
And the closer to launch, the more it grows!

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phenom08 said:
CGI-Quality said:

phenom08 said:

GT3 had an insane amount of legs thanks to the PS2's insane amount of legs, it was massively bundled you know. GT4 which also released on the PS2 sold an significant amount less in the Americas for a reason. My point is GT is really not that massive of a franchise as GT fans make it out to be (15 million is not likely or happening).

It was bundled big in NA, I'm aware of that, but most people don't expect it to sell 15 million. So why are you so stuck on the few that do?

I was debating with someone else until you butted in with your pointless two cents.

It wasn't pointless, because you have to understand the position PS2 was in when GT3 launched. If GT5 were to be bundled like that, it could probably reach similar numbers.

The problem with your approach is you refuse to debate with anyone who's prediction is reasonable.

I only entered a debate with the guy i origianally debated with because he kept saying how 15 million isn't as ludacris as 6 million and i said to him 15 million is just as unlikely, if not more likely or will most likely be closer to 6 million. There's nothing for us to really debate, i think 11 million max with heavy bundles, 9 million is where i think its going to fall. 

I can pretty much agree with this, I've been thinking around 9 million myself for the longest time. A lot of circumstances have to be perfect for it to move past 10 million imo. I'm glad that at least some people can be civil about it.

Mummelmann said:

I can pretty much agree with this, I've been thinking around 9 million myself for the longest time. A lot of circumstances have to be perfect for it to move past 10 million imo. I'm glad that at least some people can be civil about it.

Did GT5p have anything perfect going for it yet it did 5 million.  So just what the hell is perfect for you ?

Releasing before Balck Friday in the US and finally a GT game gets a holiday release in Europe, nope bad circumstances.

Its the first full GT of the gen.

First GT with damage and Online (NA fans have whined and cried about it for ages)

First time the first GT of the gen has 1000 cars, no need for the second one to get your fav car.

Oh yahh GT lacks strong brand partners, Halo had Mountain Due GT5 only has Nascar WRC RedBull F1 champ Vettel JeffGorden Ferari Toyota Citroen yahh.  Ohh and forgot this slightly known thing called Top Gear.  

GT5 first year sales will come when PS3 will do what 15m in hardware sales ? (whats the projected sales/shipments)

Sony delayed all their other games and cleared the Holidays for an all out GT5 blitz.

41m quiclkly growing user base.

Damn the circumstances are so tough for GT5, sales will be hard to come by. 

Lol wow! I thought this thread died. I see it hasn't changed much, though. I like Happy endings (yes the other type too), good job CGI and phenom08.

Someone may have brought this up, but don't you think Ginyu is Freiza? I mean an 18 post history, largly in this thread, and appearing only after Freiza is banned?

Lets just hope that, like the show, Ginyu doesn't die (in this case get banned).

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CGI-Quality said:

Alright, fair enough. 6 million is low, but I agree 15 million is too high. I say it'll fair between 9 & 11 million.

I don't think 8 and 12 million are that ridiculous either.

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