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CGI-Quality said:

phenom08 said:

GT3 had an insane amount of legs thanks to the PS2's insane amount of legs, it was massively bundled you know. GT4 which also released on the PS2 sold an significant amount less in the Americas for a reason. My point is GT is really not that massive of a franchise as GT fans make it out to be (15 million is not likely or happening).

It was bundled big in NA, I'm aware of that, but most people don't expect it to sell 15 million. So why are you so stuck on the few that do?

I was debating with someone else until you butted in with your pointless two cents.

It wasn't pointless, because you have to understand the position PS2 was in when GT3 launched. If GT5 were to be bundled like that, it could probably reach similar numbers.

The problem with your approach is you refuse to debate with anyone who's prediction is reasonable.

I only entered a debate with the guy i origianally debated with because he kept saying how 15 million isn't as ludacris as 6 million and i said to him 15 million is just as unlikely, if not more likely or will most likely be closer to 6 million. There's nothing for us to really debate, i think 11 million max with heavy bundles, 9 million is where i think its going to fall.