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Forums - General Discussion - Belief in God produces Hell on Earth

NKAJ said:
VXIII said:

Through out history all of the wars have been fought because of people themselves, they could just use any excuse to do it .

The religion is just a mean to do it . well , I have a gun , when I put a bullet in someone's head you can blame the gun all you want , after all if there wasn't a gun no one would have been killed .

Imagin ... a world without weapons :D

Good point,but I think it is dangerous that religious leaders have such a captive audience and can then influence them so easily.

But, religious leaders cannot have such an influence if people have the knowledge and the intellectual power to judge and awser-back these leaders, if you look at christanity, it happened with the schism from catholicism to protestantism. The main problems we should battle against are not religions but are illiteracy and poverty.

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Now why can't videogames deal with topics like this? That would be a story worth following and a cutscene I wouldn't skip...

disolitude said:

Now why can't videogames deal with topics like this? That would be a story worth following and a cutscene I wouldn't skip...

It would be pretty hard to make a "fun" game with such a plot, and religious fanatic parents would go crazy (as they think games are toys).

"I don't understand how someone could like Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky, but not like Twilight!!!"

"Last book I read was Brokeback Mountain, I just don't have the patience for them unless it's softcore porn."

                                                                               (The Voice of a Generation and Seece)

"If you cant stand the sound of your own voice than dont become a singer !!!!!"


darthdevidem01 said:

What about the console wars?


Above: still the best game of the year.

Beuli2 said:
darthdevidem01 said:

What about the console wars?


Playstation is my life, I'd take a bullet forPlaystation!

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

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numonex said:
darthdevidem01 said:

What about the console wars?

I do not believe people have been killed over supporting a console system. Yes there is rivalry between fans of different systems but it is not a matter of life or death. 

Console sales wars over which system sells the most is just market competition. It is definitely not a blood bath. 

People were shot at the launch of the PS3. Just sayin

mrstickball said:

So what about Stalin, Mao, and Pol Pot?

Ideologies which have large power bases are the problem, not religions per-se. Look at those that were not religious that held great sway in politics - Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, and many others did some dastardly things, none of which were in the name of any god, but in the name of their political ideologies. I'd venture to say that those four combined killed more men and women than any person has in the name of religion.

One could list many of the beliefs of secularists over the past century or two, and come to the conclusion there is a lot of evil in any ideology if it is used to undermine those that they believe are societal ills.

On the other end, I could cite all the great things Christians have done for humanity. It has been a major force for hospitals, food banks, poverty relief, and humanitarian aid over the centuries.

In the end, power breeds corruption and abuse. The more power an ideology has over free thinking people, the more damage it can cause, as it will hurt the minorities that do not adhere to the majority view. This is expecially true when the ideology devalues the life of humans, which has been the case with some ideologies.

This pretty much sums up how I feel.  Religion on its own is not bad.  It is actually a very good thing, teaching people morals and to treat one another with respect and dignity.  It's people that can be corrupted and can use bits and pieces of an ideology to help fuel an agenda.  

Not saying that religious persecution doesn't happen, because it does.  Myself being a Mormon I'm well aware that religions are persecuted by people of other religions.  However, I don't really blame other religions for the persecution, I blame the people that do it.  

BMaker11 said:
numonex said:
darthdevidem01 said:

What about the console wars?

I do not believe people have been killed over supporting a console system. Yes there is rivalry between fans of different systems but it is not a matter of life or death. 

Console sales wars over which system sells the most is just market competition. It is definitely not a blood bath. 

People were shot at the launch of the PS3. Just sayin

that was because they were robbing the people in line though, not because they were buying a ps3.  

darthdevidem01 said:
Beuli2 said:
darthdevidem01 said:

What about the console wars?


Playstation is my life, I'd take a bullet forPlaystation!

Even for the PSPGo?

Above: still the best game of the year.

Hitler, Stallin, Mao, etc., people always bring them up to favor religion, but those people were religious leaders, religion is not exclusive to the ancient writings and old beliefs of things people like me call myths, religion covers all beliefs used to control people, even the modern ones, Hitler was a God to a lot of germans, so was Stallin to soviets and Kim-Jong-il to north koreans, once i heard that there was a belief among many north koreans that Kim has the power to control the weather based on his mood, if that's not religious belief, i don't know what is...

Religion was invented by men, the ancient and modern books, the temples, churches, mosques, propagandas, celebrity centers, all by men. And men sometimes have a good agenda, and sometimes they don't, (hell, sometimes they have mixed agendas) the problem is to follow blindly everything the religious leaders say without thinking rationally about it ...