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Forums - PC Discussion - The Semi Official VGChartz Minecraft Thread

Start of my castle proper in Waterworld. You can see the entire outline of what it's going to be, where all the entrances will be, and the front staircase.


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waterworld is up to 1.6.2. Nibiru 1.5.2, and is waiting on a bukkit update to either 1.6.1 or 1.6.2

come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog

Nice, probably going to start grabbing supplies and finding a far away place to establish another base.

Anybody else use flying with 1.6.2? Sound doesn't seem to want to work with it.

Yeah, Nilat is having issues with the way 1.6+ is coded and he's in the process of rebuilding the entire mod from its basics so it'll work again.


Cool, actually saw a few of your posts in the thread.

One thing I do like about the new launcher is that you can make different versions. I have a 1.6.2 profile for vanilla and one for TMI and Zombe

Around the Network

I plan on moving nibiru to a dev build of bukkit on thursday with new plugins barring an update to a bukkit beta in which case we will go with beta, its been about two weeks since 1.6.2 i had hoped for a beta build by this time. i am also working on getting the auto promote back in service this thurs/fri ... so may see some down time but not much. i would like to see both servers a bit more active after the changes i may try to promote them a bit more.. long run plan is to fold water world into nibiru if i can seperate out the rights managment enough so that no cmds or creative mode can be enabled on waterworld.



cannot seem to reach the bukkit DL servers right now for download so i guess next week sometime 

come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog

I don't know if Zombe's has been updated again, but if your sound isn't working like mine isn't when it, what seemed to work when I tried it was downloading a texture resource pack and switching from the default to the new pack and back to the default.

nibiru has been updated to 1.6.2 please let me know if it seems off... we are using a alpha of the bukkit plugin


all but 2 plugins updated 

multiverse - seems we are on the last version made 

vault - is disabled pending update for 1.6.x



be sure to check the online map full  new plugins lets us see more stuff. plus new full render


configs still have issues let me know what problems you have 

come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog

have been looking for horses on waterworld in new plains map for about a month still have not found any... hop on nibiru to check up updates/patches, warp to oldworld the oldest of our maps pre dates me playing minecraft was a joe map before i hosted it. what do i find when im on there for like 30 sec ten horses, then another group of horses ... DSM

come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog

so while looking for horses found a witches house. a massive plain of floating sand. pretty neat map areas … tons of swap… and just as i was about to stop donkeys … and after saddling 2 of them and penning one to come back for over the next hill horses. I have penned those as well, saddled what i could (i had 5 saddles) i will be taking them back to my main base, and breed them there after i have about 6 or so i will be willing to give/trade the unsaddled ones

come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog