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Forums - General Discussion - Ed Milliband is the new leader of the UK Labour Party

Frankly, Kantor's views on politics, society and what a normal person is, are quite terrifying.

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Well , there had been a Tory government for 16 years at the time and we were just recovering from yet another recession. Not too easy to find work, PhD or not.

Scruff7 said:

Frankly, Kantor's views on politics, society and what a normal person is, are quite terrifying.

You forgot 'profoundly ignorant' there.

Scruff7 said:

Frankly, Kantor's views on politics, society and what a normal person is, are quite terrifying.

I am a normal person. I have two arms, two legs, a head, two eyes, a nose, two ears and a mouth.

Which isn't to say that anyone lacking any of those things is a normal person, but you get the idea.

I've attacked the left wing, I've attacked the right wing. What more do you want of me? Honestly, you're demonising me as if I'm some crazed maniac who's going to vote BNP and then set fire to a school when they lose (I would be far more likely to set fire to Nick Griffin).

I really hope you don't have this opinion of all 12 million people who voted Conservative.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

Foamer said:
Scruff7 said:

Frankly, Kantor's views on politics, society and what a normal person is, are quite terrifying.

You forgot 'profoundly ignorant' there.

I may admit to being profoundly ignorant, but to say I'm abnormal for being a Labour-hating Thatcherite is sort of ridiculous when you consider that Labour-hating Thatcherites outnumber Labour-loving Thatcher haters.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

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Kantor said:

Oh, stop. I'm not calling Ed Miliband a Commie. I'm saying he does represent a lurch left for the Labour party, even if he says he doesn't.

True, what you actually said was-

"He embodies everything that is bad and disgusting about left-wing politics and socialism, where Attlee embodied everything that was good and fair."

Which you've singularly failed to justify, as well as how he actually does represent a 'lurch to the left'. He may or may not be more left-leaning than his immediate predecessors, but a) it's too soon to tell as he hasn't even named his shadow cabinet yet, never mind come up with any concrete policies and b) even if what he was elected upon became policy, it's hardly a 'lurch', more a refinement if anything.

I'll leave the rest of your reply, as it's student debating level bollocks and silly strawmen for the most part and has pretty much bugger all to do with discussing Ed Milliband.

jonop said:

I thought you didn't have to pay back the student loan until you were earning a certain amount per year?

Yes, but they want to tax graduates for the rest of their lives. Given I am just starting uni, I really hope that doesn't apply to me...

Kantor said:

I may admit to being profoundly ignorant, but to say I'm abnormal for being a Labour-hating Thatcherite is sort of ridiculous when you consider that Labour-hating Thatcherites outnumber Labour-loving Thatcher haters.

To be honest, I wouldn't put you in the Thatcherite bracket, you're far too weird and really, really badly informed in general; in particular, that sentence above is the most bizarre I've read in a long time.

Foamer said:
Kantor said:

I may admit to being profoundly ignorant, but to say I'm abnormal for being a Labour-hating Thatcherite is sort of ridiculous when you consider that Labour-hating Thatcherites outnumber Labour-loving Thatcher haters.

To be honest, I wouldn't put you in the Thatcherite bracket, you're far too weird and really, really badly informed in general; in particular, that sentence above is the most bizarre I've read in a long time.

Of course I'm badly informed. I only read The Sun and News of the World and only watch Fox, remember? >_>

Jesus, when did we get this influx of Labour supporters?

I'm centre right. That doesn't make me some cannibalistic monster. I do have a pulse.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

Munkeh111 said:

Yes, but they want to tax graduates for the rest of their lives. Given I am just starting uni, I really hope that doesn't apply to me...

Who's 'they'? The coalition? Cable tried to get support for it, but was pretty much shot down. You'll be out of Uni by the time of the next election, so even if there were a change of government, you wouldn't get retrospectively taxed and I'm pretty sure the tax wouldn't apply for ever, even if it came in.