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Kantor said:

Oh, stop. I'm not calling Ed Miliband a Commie. I'm saying he does represent a lurch left for the Labour party, even if he says he doesn't.

True, what you actually said was-

"He embodies everything that is bad and disgusting about left-wing politics and socialism, where Attlee embodied everything that was good and fair."

Which you've singularly failed to justify, as well as how he actually does represent a 'lurch to the left'. He may or may not be more left-leaning than his immediate predecessors, but a) it's too soon to tell as he hasn't even named his shadow cabinet yet, never mind come up with any concrete policies and b) even if what he was elected upon became policy, it's hardly a 'lurch', more a refinement if anything.

I'll leave the rest of your reply, as it's student debating level bollocks and silly strawmen for the most part and has pretty much bugger all to do with discussing Ed Milliband.